Yep, a COVID-19 vent thread

Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Edited 4 years, 1 month ago) by Ganguro

Did your work/school/etc get closed?

124 Votes Yeah... and it blows.
92 Votes Yeah, and I’m cool with it.
37 Votes Nope, I wish it was.
8 Votes Nope, and I’m glad.
65 Votes I work/study from home already, woo!

I wanna vent and rant about it tbh, and the other thread says not to bring up vents so feel free to block me and/or this thread.

A few basic helpful bits:

  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Don’t touch your face.
  • Use alcohol hand sanitiser.
  • Use gloves + mask (n95 is best).
  • Disinfect phones, door handles, keyboards + mice daily.
  • Try to stay at least 6 feet from strangers. 
  • Always wash your hands before eating.
  • Check the CDC website for updates. 

Only rule: Don’t spread misinformation about the virus itself. That’s it, if you “read it somewhere” provide the source so others may conclude what they want from it. This threads supposed to be to vent about the stuff going on right now, not as a source of information.

Some topics to get y'all thinking:

  • How are y’all at home? 
  • Is your school closed? 
  • How are y’all managing your senior year and projects? 
  • What do the stores look like where you are? 
  • Have you tried anything new in quarantine? 
  • Playing games? Tell us about them!
  • Have you been drawing/writing? Share!
  • Got a movie to reccomend? 

Go nuts.


o<-< going back to work next week again after 2month of lockdown


I hate to complain but my state is reopening and I’m in one of the five counties that are being told that we still have to stay in quarantine. All of my friends are being freed but yet I’m still a prisoner alone with everyone else in town. When will this nightmare end? I’ve been in quarantine since March. I’ve been stuck like this for three months now, my siblings couldn’t celebrate their birthday because of this shit. I’ve missed so many events that I’d had plans for since last year because of this!

I hate being a prisoner. I hate it so much. The people who are being freed are so fucking lucky, they have no idea.  

Fuck newsom. I’ve never seen a more incompetent governor, the way he has handled the corona situation shows that he can’t take charge right when push comes to shove. I genuinely hope he loses the next election. 


My county applied for reopening today and was denied. Which honestly, as annoying as it is, is probably for the best. Even though we didn't reopen, everyone kinda went back to normal anyways, people are out walking around having parties like normal, which is funny to me, because everyone has made it very clear that a wave 2 will hit. Our maybe our governor hasn't. I honestly don't care all that much, I meant it's not very surprising, no one in the state really likes the governor. I just have to sit and stare out a window while this whole thing happens. And then go back to f---ing distance learning. So. Boring.   


My work reopened last week and it's been tough lol. Idk if I just forgot how hard my job is or if my suspicion is correct and now I'm expected to do the work of two people with added restrictions/procedures (which are necessary obviously but do make my job harder). I'm finally on my weekend and I came home and just passed out. Also, all of our vacation days got reset so now I have to work on my birthday (this sunday), which isn't the end of the world but annoying. 

I'm really thankful I still have a job though. This week is just rough! 


Sigh. Summer classes are about to start in the summer and ofc I am taking the one course which actually has to goon campus physically 😩. I have to go to physics lab for 3 hours every week. I'm immunocompromised and have not set foot outside where there is other people for the last 3 months. I've been extra careful so I'm scared of going to this class tbh.


^^ im taking a college summer psychology class for my highschool and blah blah. But like I don't know if we're doing it online or what... it's kinda nervewracking to be honest. I hope we go online tho..


i hate my stupid country even more because of all this crap


Update: They did cancel gradutation, did nothing but turn lights on, had to fight people to get my graduation stuff (which was a fucking towel btw) and now I'm all alone in a state with no friends and no way to meet new friends because college is only the classes you have and that's it


oh this? cool, i can vent

so I didnt get thanksgiving because my mom got COVID, and I can't go to school until December 14th because I haven't gotten a positive result yet. My brother got hit so hard that the doctors gave him an inhaler, and he's doing better (thankfully). My dad didn't get too bad of a case, but I've been stuck in my room for so long... ugh.

Yknow, I also am kind of happy my school district is allowing us to go back 5 days. I'm failing my classes because of this hybrid learning bullshit. I'm ready for normalcy, even if it requires a mask.