Yep, a COVID-19 vent thread

Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Edited 4 years, 1 month ago) by Ganguro

Did your work/school/etc get closed?

124 Votes Yeah... and it blows.
92 Votes Yeah, and I’m cool with it.
37 Votes Nope, I wish it was.
8 Votes Nope, and I’m glad.
65 Votes I work/study from home already, woo!

I wanna vent and rant about it tbh, and the other thread says not to bring up vents so feel free to block me and/or this thread.

A few basic helpful bits:

  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Don’t touch your face.
  • Use alcohol hand sanitiser.
  • Use gloves + mask (n95 is best).
  • Disinfect phones, door handles, keyboards + mice daily.
  • Try to stay at least 6 feet from strangers. 
  • Always wash your hands before eating.
  • Check the CDC website for updates. 

Only rule: Don’t spread misinformation about the virus itself. That’s it, if you “read it somewhere” provide the source so others may conclude what they want from it. This threads supposed to be to vent about the stuff going on right now, not as a source of information.

Some topics to get y'all thinking:

  • How are y’all at home? 
  • Is your school closed? 
  • How are y’all managing your senior year and projects? 
  • What do the stores look like where you are? 
  • Have you tried anything new in quarantine? 
  • Playing games? Tell us about them!
  • Have you been drawing/writing? Share!
  • Got a movie to reccomend? 

Go nuts.


I'm now hearing stories of people mugging NHS workers for their ID cards to get free shit and of people attacking carers because they think they have corona virus - this happened to one of mum's colleagues 2 days ago when she was trying to do a weekly shop. I find it sad and worrying it's com to this. Mum's a key worker (carer) and I would hate for anything to happen to her because some dumb Karen decided to project her fear onto the nearest key worker and take shit out on her.

I'm also hearing of burglaries going up in my local area which yeah is a rough area but it's still not a common thing and a friend who's been self-isolating for a while caught someone snooping in his garden for shit to steal so yeah that worries me too.

I was supposed to have an emergency tooth extraction for an abscessed tooth but my dental practice can't even do emergency dental surgery according to new government guidelines. Here's to hoping these antibiotics they gave me calms things down in the mean time because the last thing I want to deal with is sepsis (which is why the dentist wanted to take the tooth out ASAP and why I had that appointment for today) and be an additional strain on the NHS when they're already on warfooting.


My neighbor held a massive birthday party yesterday, and apparently got busted by the cops. You're not supposed to have groups of more than 4 over here, to prevent the spread of corona. This guy had his entire family, his friends, the other neighbors-totally breaking the rules. Meanwhile, he tries to get us in trouble for being a group of four in a car, to drop off my younger brother with his birth father, taking it down to three. 

We didn't report him to the cops for breaking the rules, but apparently he's talking to the neighbor right across us, literally pointing at our house. I'm pretty sure he blames us for being reported. Thing is though, we didn't. We were minding our own business the entire time.

This paranoia caused by the corona is getting to be ridiculous. 

Also you know it's bad when going through the drive through at taco hell is the highlight of the day. I can't wait for this entire mess to be over. 

This is like the mood for everything right now.

Edit: Hold on I'm adding one more   

So, half of the teeth in the lower left side of my jaw are all chipped, because my teeth are brittle. Apparently, a lot of work needs to be done, and apparently I'm supposed to take out my two front teeth too? I was supposed to have this already all done, but because of corona everything's been put on hold. 

I'm so glad I got the tooth with the cancer removed before this quarantine started. I would've been screwed otherwise. 

And my teeth that are chipped are still sore. 




ayee I was already depressed. now i'm kinda regretting not taking my doc advice on retaking my depression pills. (decided against it because i was already taking almost 10 pills a day for my RA) 

i dont have a job anymore and was supposed to move this month but now i cant. ??? so not sure how things are going to turn out for me. I wanted to go back to school for nursing but my family is against it due to my condition. And this covid19 pandemic is making me realize they might have a point which kinda hurts. I want to believe i can do anything with hard work but the truth is no matter how well i prepare for the next day sometimes my body just wont cooperate and since its an autoimmune condition i'm vulnerable and its probably not the best idea to be surrounded by sick patients. but i dont want to go back to the feeling of not knowing what to do. also my new meds that i take i order from a specialty pharmacy that has to ship them to my home and this covid19 has made it hard to acquire my meds. so i'm over it and wish this pandemic would go away as soon as possible  


Ya girl heres in Chicago (yes the city, wish i was in the burbs) and we have 6000 cases rn and tbh it sucks.
My work is open but I take steroids & an immunosuppresent injection for Crohn’s disease on top of lung damage so I was forces to start medical isolation like a MONTH ago and i’m... having a time : ))) wish I could be helping my coworkers rn ugh but I know they understand

smnthayng Also hey fellow autoimmune sufferer!! I’m sorry you are having such a rough time. I hate these illnesses, mine forced me to drop out of college and lose a full scholarship as well as many jobs so I get it a little. Hope things start looking up, even if you do think so just existing is a pretty amazing feat for people like us and even if things are not exactly what you want right now - i’m proud of you!  


bbydoll thank you qq! I hope your isolation is going well <3 


god i wish i was actually at school and could ask people for help instead of sitting around messaging my friends on discord who either don't know what to do either or aren't helpful, or just winging it, getting told my work is shitty by the teacher when i turn it in because i have severe social anxiety when i have to email / pm / dm someone individually about something, especially if its an issue, and especially theyre a higher authority then me, and getting too nervous to do anything! and we have a giant 2000 point test that we have to pass to stay in the school that idk how im even gona study for. im actually gonna fail out of my school because of this shit.


My math class has been moved to online lessons because they still don't know how they're going to grade the class despite initially saying they were going to do the results on that mock I've bitched about previously.  

Half the trouble with the online classes is I'm not getting invites for the meetings. I'm getting the circulars containing the lesson slides the tutor sends after the class but not the emails containing the link to the actual meeting. It's not being filtered off to spam or promotions (sometimes stuff from addresses does get filtered off to promotions despite me marking that address as important). I've raised this with him, he's sent me 2 test emails (none of which I got and said as much) but still went ahead with the class anyway. I only found out when I got a follow-up email the day after the class and when I realized what day it was the next day. 

I just hope this doesn't bite me in the ass later. It shouldn't because it's beyond my control and it's a known issue - apparently a few people haven't been getting the test links but I've been screwed over by stuff like this before so I'm very wary.

So ye it's bit of a clusterfuck at the moment and I don't know if I'm coming or going because they're being so damn indecisive about the whole thing and as someone who likes a plan/knowing exactly where they stand it's frustrating as heck.


Classes are online until May 22. FUCK


Yeah it just... really blows for me.  My anxiety's been up through the roof, and the timing couldn't be worse personally.

I'm a Canadian university student and this year was my last.  I'm set to graduate this year, and basically our diplomas are going to get mailed to us and we're doing a virtual graduation.  Granted, they are looking into in person ceremony options when they are safe (specifically in the vein of a traditional graduation ceremony), but we don't know 100% what's going to happen yet.  On top of that, a lot of the people that I hoped would be present (my friends who live in other provinces/countries) had to go home, so even if something is done after it blows over, the post-celebration will probably not go the way I was hoping.  Because of everything, it's been really hard to get any motivation to even work on my assignments - and even then, I'm generally awful with online learning formats.  I've been trying to combat this by working on a little each day, so hopefully that will offset my general exhaustion.

On top of that, I'm on the exec team of an A Cappella club, and I was a Props Designer for my musical theatre club's production of Chicago.

For the A Cappella club, a lot of people were graduating that year, and we had to cut the formal gala & concert due to the circumstances, which are events people really look forward to.  People were really understandably crushed, as they had been part of that club for years. I'm happy that everyone on the exec team tried to look for positive solutions and worked with each other (some of us have been hosting online socials), but the exec meeting for that was really crushing regardless, let alone telling people we would have to cancel it after weeks of rehearsals and solo auditions.  This was after a series of dilemmas on having to book a new venue for 250 individuals!   The other implication that arose from this was that the ICCAs got cancelled (which, if you didn't know, is the biggest collegiate A Cappella competition - think Pitch Perfect!).  We had a group that was sent there that was heartbroken as this was the first time they ended up #1 in the Quarterfinals, which meant they might have a shot into Finals.  Though everyone understood why it was cut short, I don't think I've ever walked into a situation like that in the entire history of all the performance groups I've been involved with where I saw people drying their tears because they were mourning the opportunity they had lost, after a year of practicing and creating suitable choreography.  Watching that was harrowing, to say the least, and my heart still goes out to them.

As for the musical theatre club, I've been part of it for the last four years, and it was my last show with the club, and a last chance to finish off with all of my friends (some of whom were also graduating).  We had also been the first group in our regional area ever that ended up securing the rights for Chicago, as nobody (not even professional theatre companies in the district!) had gotten them before.  We had people sewing costumes, making handmade props, spending extra time outside of two 5 hour rehearsals per week practicing choreography, others practicing their trumpet parts, and even people who commuted by car for an hour to work on sets or grab rental microphones, if that gives an idea to the sheer amount of work put in from everyone despite this being done entirely on a volunteer basis.  We were basically forced to cancel our show the week of tech week, which everyone understood, but was equally crushing.  The club is still looking into alternative performance ideas when it's safe to go out again for those in the production, but a lot of people (including me) are still grieving over what we lost.  Because of the size of the production (68 people - cast, crew, and band) - we need to have a large stage to incorporate everyone, and I'm not sure whether one can even be found, let alone considering people who might leave because of graduation, being on exchange, or other reasons.  On top of that, I don't know how much debt the club has accrued from paying to secure rights, a venue, and rentals for technical supplies, which are expensive, and then... being unable to recoup the cost with tickets.  To my understanding, a lot of performance-based arts groups are dealing with the same issue, at least in my area.

As a related tangent, though I understand people have different ways to cope and that's totally a-okay, I personally try to stay away from jokes about the virus because they don't really make me laugh; they just remind me of everything I poured my time and passion into in the entirety of my graduating year that ended up getting cancelled, and all the sadness that brought me and the others in my surroundings.  Not to mention all those that have passed because of the disease, or struggled with family members passing.  My saving grace is that I have a job and that my friends and family are all safe, but as an extrovert, it's still a really draining period of time considering all that's happened.   I've been trying to hold on to things that make me happy, like my D&D campaigns, playing Animal Crossing, and interacting with my friends through Discord servers, but that's basically where I'm at atm as a student set to graduate :/

EDIT:  I don't think I realized how much I needed to talk about this until I posted.  Sorry for the abysmally long post /)n(\


Classes and work from home suck. I miss seeing my classmates and coworkers.
Japan Post just suspended shipping to my country so I can't get the stuff I was looking forward to, and the one shipment that was already sent out is stuck in limbo now. If it makes it through after all this it'll be a fucking miracle.
At least we got our PS3 back form our parent's place just before the quarantine started, so that's nice.


under spoiler as a MAJOR mental health cw but

my mental health's deteriorating to the point I'm at risk again & the fact nothing's gotten better/keeps getting worse. It's really putting me on the edge. I just lost interest in everything, no drive for everything, im crammed up in a tiny ass apartment with my parents who are overbearing AF & scream at me If i breathe the wrong way around them. There really isnt any point in hoping for or getting excited for anything at this point (with quarrentine getting extended constantly/by the looks of it wouldn't be suprized if this goes into next year. Also stupid but I don't even have a switch to play Animal Crossing with friends or whatever)

I feel like I'm waiting to die at this point / I don't think i'll make it (or want to make it) past 18-19