Yep, a COVID-19 vent thread

Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Edited 4 years, 1 month ago) by Ganguro

Did your work/school/etc get closed?

124 Votes Yeah... and it blows.
92 Votes Yeah, and I’m cool with it.
37 Votes Nope, I wish it was.
8 Votes Nope, and I’m glad.
65 Votes I work/study from home already, woo!

I wanna vent and rant about it tbh, and the other thread says not to bring up vents so feel free to block me and/or this thread.

A few basic helpful bits:

  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Don’t touch your face.
  • Use alcohol hand sanitiser.
  • Use gloves + mask (n95 is best).
  • Disinfect phones, door handles, keyboards + mice daily.
  • Try to stay at least 6 feet from strangers. 
  • Always wash your hands before eating.
  • Check the CDC website for updates. 

Only rule: Don’t spread misinformation about the virus itself. That’s it, if you “read it somewhere” provide the source so others may conclude what they want from it. This threads supposed to be to vent about the stuff going on right now, not as a source of information.

Some topics to get y'all thinking:

  • How are y’all at home? 
  • Is your school closed? 
  • How are y’all managing your senior year and projects? 
  • What do the stores look like where you are? 
  • Have you tried anything new in quarantine? 
  • Playing games? Tell us about them!
  • Have you been drawing/writing? Share!
  • Got a movie to reccomend? 

Go nuts.


My school got closed but everything is going fine. I started watching My Hero Academia and am now obsessed lol. It is now killing me that I can’t go to hot topic lol


Quarantine officially extended for two weeks, but my college just announced that our next (and last) semester is delayed until 27th June...

Not that I mind it but oh man that's the longest break we had... I think I mentioned this before but other courses/majors (which happen to exclude mine) still have their finals hanging in the air and they have to wait another few months to take theirs. I really feel bad for them...

Edit: (Religious mention)

Don't want to double post but quarantine throughout the country is extended until 28th of April, most (if not all) Ramadhan Bazaars is canceled too. A lot are complaining but...if people weren't doing mass gatherings then maybe none of these would happen....? :/


Grocery store workers are now lining people up 6 feet apart in line and are now chanting “6 feet away, 6 feet away, we’re watching you” 

People be acting weird af bruh

I get that you wanna be safe but this is getting ridiculous man


Goodness I'm pretty stressed, I have a video I need to be done by Monday that I finished the script for a need to record, but I'm failing half (two) of my classes and one of them is something pretty goddamn important. I'm having slight anxiety about having to download a program that my potato can't run... Every time I open up my school profile my entire laptop lags so it's gonna be hard to work on assignments and still have some other things open. I mean I guess it'll help me focus but :/ This is probably gonna be the second-longest break off of school, next to summer break. If we even come back to school before summer break. I'm gonna end up having a few more mental breakdowns before this is all over.


Hardly think it's weird. I am immune compromised and already was so sick for over a month completely unable to get out of bed and with a fever + enough issue breathing that it was getting extremely dangerous. I'm only around 30.

Stay 6 feet apart. It's not ridiculous. If you care about your loved ones who are even a little bit older don't act like this is joke.

I think people who see the situation as silly don't consider that it's not just them this is about. I'm really sick of people talking about retail workers and people asking them nicely to do stuff the CDC is recommending as though they're just fear mongering or blowing stuff out of proportions. This has gotten so bad in the US because nobody is acting appropriately. It's not going to go away anytime soon because of this mentality (and the horrible healthcare system).


serious talk (with one f word) in spoiler

Some days i just feel like there's no hope and that we're all going to die soon, and i think i just want to find a way to freeze myself in time for a few years, to avoid dying from the virus. Most days, however I feel like there's hope that I can survive this. My mom survived it a couple weeks ago for fucks sake. Who says I can't survive staying inside for a whole year?

Serious talk aside, you hear about the person who built a real life bmo? he launched one to space last year and it's on the ISS now!

Plus Distant Lands is coming soon, and I'm excited for that!


I was supposed to be at Wondercon today. ):

Less significant than some of the other stuff people are going through but I'm still really bummed.


The thing stressing me out the most are the people who are still having mass gatherings or not self-isolating when they should. They're making this entire thing way worse for everyone else and potentially causing hundreds or thousands of extra deaths. In the UK it's not even like you're not allowed to ever go outside (it's for essential stuff and one set of exercise), I just REALLY wish these people wouldn't be so selfish. What really makes me sad is that because of people like that I probably won't be able to go on holiday the week after my birthday in July which I've been looking forward to for a really long time 


My school wants to open again next fucking week and act like nothing ever happened. My teachers are like, all over 50 years old, and some of my friends have asthma. Can´t help but think that this won´t end well for anyone.


I'm not getting a graduation ceremony but they are turning the fucking lights on for 20 minutes. I literally survived eons of bullying from students and teachers, wanting to die because of it and all they're giving me is a slip of paper and contributing to global warming. THANKS A FUCKING LOT ASSHOLES


I don't think my family have all been in the same house for as long as this before, and it's driving us all nuts. Just yesterday I was yelled at for ... something? I'm still not quite sure what I did wrong. My dad spends 2 hours sitting in the car and listening to old football games most nights. On the bright side, since he has time now, being a non-essential worker and all, I've convinced him to read Harry Potter. He's on the second book.

My sister's middle school had a confirmed case, but it's been a month and she's asymptomatic, so at least there's that..

I already had a hard time working at home (doing homework and stuff), now all my classwork is at home. The good news is I live in Michigan so by law I'm guaranteed to advance to the next grade... at least, if my grades were good enough. I'm too afraid to check. Just talking about this kind of stuff gives me anxiety...


im so stressed due to the virus. my school shut down and everything is online. i cant focus long enough on a computer, especially since im in AP Language arts and i have 3 essays and a Test due VERY soon.

id rather go to school and actually have more accessible help, and itd help me focus. And due to my Crappy eyes being on a computer to long hurts my eyes terribly-