Yep, a COVID-19 vent thread

Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Edited 4 years, 1 month ago) by Ganguro

Did your work/school/etc get closed?

124 Votes Yeah... and it blows.
92 Votes Yeah, and I’m cool with it.
37 Votes Nope, I wish it was.
8 Votes Nope, and I’m glad.
65 Votes I work/study from home already, woo!

I wanna vent and rant about it tbh, and the other thread says not to bring up vents so feel free to block me and/or this thread.

A few basic helpful bits:

  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Don’t touch your face.
  • Use alcohol hand sanitiser.
  • Use gloves + mask (n95 is best).
  • Disinfect phones, door handles, keyboards + mice daily.
  • Try to stay at least 6 feet from strangers. 
  • Always wash your hands before eating.
  • Check the CDC website for updates. 

Only rule: Don’t spread misinformation about the virus itself. That’s it, if you “read it somewhere” provide the source so others may conclude what they want from it. This threads supposed to be to vent about the stuff going on right now, not as a source of information.

Some topics to get y'all thinking:

  • How are y’all at home? 
  • Is your school closed? 
  • How are y’all managing your senior year and projects? 
  • What do the stores look like where you are? 
  • Have you tried anything new in quarantine? 
  • Playing games? Tell us about them!
  • Have you been drawing/writing? Share!
  • Got a movie to reccomend? 

Go nuts.


I'm another Indiana person,  The first case happened where I live.  Teachers are fearmongering the fuck out of the virus.  3 of my teachers are just like  "There is nothing to worry about if you are healthy.". Then the school gets closed for 3 weeks, maybe even more if we are that unlucky...  I threw my rant in a spoiler. but god  Fearmongering needs to be fucking smacked out of people.

I also don't follow the CDC Recomended guidelines well fuck.

I hate the media coverage about this shit and that's what's causing panicked "hellthy" people to legit to make Walmart barren to the bone. I legit want to cough in their faces.  I'm not to worried because my family is all spread out all over the place.  I'm not worried about being sick and stuff, but holy hell I legit want a taco bell right now but I will not be able to bc of the new policy they put in place. I can't go to my favorite craft store because of No more than 50 people in a store or some dumb shit. I have been legit not feeling myself for the last couple weeks and This may break my mental health since I really need to go outside and enjoy going to the mall and stuff.  At least this 3-week break will keep me from smacking the stupid people....


west virginian here
our state is turning away people from being tested unless they have recently traveled.
our news stations have been contacted and theyre running the stories....but they're taking the states side on things.
for some reason i can't find a source online about this - maybe im searching the wrong terms? will update if i find the sources. just felt the need to say: just bc they're saying WV has no confirmed cases doesn't mean it's not already been here.


the most annoying thing is how the grocery stores are wiped out. i dont want to stockpile 20 loaves of bread, i just want to get like... my normal groceries i buy weekly. our local wm is working on getting stock back in and i'll be fine but i make my dogs home made food & the canned vegetable aisle is EMPTY with the exception of canned corn and one little carboard box of diced carrots. its just annoying cuz i know Karen is not going to eat all them canned green beans :'| the frozen food aisle is decimated as well, i managed to find a giant ass bag of mixed frozen veggies and just pick out the ones i use in my dogs food. They also had no chicken, but I found some ground turkey so that'll do.
and of course i usually keep the worlds largest bag of rice at home, but right when im low on rice... there is no rice left in the stores rip


Floridian here...

I'm about to go heavy into some EXISTENTIAL DREAD here so if you'd rather not, please skip.

I'm not so much worried about the virus itself. Honestly, that's just me--it's not that I think little or a lot of it. My greater fear in all this are the long-term ramifications of this pandemic on the overall economy down to personal life. My mother's hours just got up and cut, all her additional methods of making money had to be put on hold.

Me, my job isn't the most secure. It's based entirely off of a hobby, and most of those engaged in this hobby are on the older side. It's one of those 'first things people cut' when they are tight on cash. It's not a necessity, it's a complete and total novelty. It wasn't doing so hot before the pandemic and I'm afraid it's going to do a lot worse very quickly because of it. People's priorities will quickly change from 'I can afford this membership/subscription' to 'I need to pay my hospital bills'. If they have to cut staff, I would be one of the last people they'd cut, but that doesn't mean I'm invulnerable. It scares the shit out of me because--

Nobody has my back. I take care of me. That's the way it is, that's the way it always has been. But that also means all my bills are mine, all my debt is mine, and all my responsibilities are mine. If I lose my job...I just...I have no idea what I'll do. And I don't think it'll be REMOTELY easy to get one during/after this pandemic because I won't be the only one who had to be cut off for the sake of a company's survival. And the bills will still be there. The debt? It'll still turn me upside down and shake the money out of my pockets. And if I catch this stupid virus on top of all that? Hello new medical bill--why don't you take a seat next to my student loans and rent---make yourself comfortable. I'm trying not to panic, for the sake of my mates, because I know they're scared too. But...basically the thing I'm most afraid of isn't the disease, it's the fallout.


German user here. First day of our lockdown and I am seriously fed up already.

I am super happy for all the students and workers who get some time off, I really am. I graduate in a few weeks and I still have my final exams and let me tell you, it blows a lot. Our last four weeks were supposed to be intense learning sessions for our exam subjects but this all got cancelled because of the virus. Understandable, health always comes first. I am super worried about my final exams because we still haven't finished our last topic that will be relevant for our finals and I still have to revise all topics from the last 3 years... the next 5 weeks will be a nightmare.

My heart goes out to everyone who's stuck in work/school and wants to get out. I wish I could swap with you guys. Also my favorite chips are sold out I'm angy T_T

vvvv same here. we only get out dumbs grad papers and that's it. no prom, no party, nothing. class of 2020 amirite...


At this point, I’m not even sure if I’m having a graduation anymore because they cancelled fucking everything else including prom 


Indonesia's still in denial. I wonder for how long?


I'm honestly SO glad they closed down where I work because it's a literal breeding ground for sickness to spread. I'm furious they exposed people like me with immune issues to so much potential sickness and not following safe precaution stuff beyond the usual hand washing. Up until our closure, they still were making us take people's used nasty cups to refill despite companies like Starbucks outright banning it. Because you know. Screw us. It really opens your eyes to how selfish humankind can really be. 

oh well 2 week animal crossing vacation for me im glad


well, gf's interview got rescheduled without proper notice bc of the stupid virus.
didnt find out until she biked all the way there. supposedly an email was supposed to go out, but she didnt get it in time.

at the very least, i got a response from a job, giving me instructions to further the application process. i really hope SOMEONE wants to hire me. ;;


LOL was told to come to work tomoro when the city is in lockdown LOOL


Australian here!
I find the panic buying kind of sad, because here you have citizens fighting each other over their fifth bag of toilet paper and then you have all these elderly and disabled people who are left unable to just buy basic groceries that they need. A friend told me the other day she saw an elderly lady just staring at the bare shelves were all the meat used to be.. Supermarkets here have recently designated a special opening hour in the early morning for only the elderly and disabled to come do their shopping, which is both great but also sad that it's come to this state. Older people, and indeed very sick people, already have to deal with being at greater risk of a serious infection and the anxiety that comes with it, so I can only imagine having to deal with people panic stripping supermarkets of basic household items mustn't be helping with their daily concerns.

Well wishes to everyone!


A little update...

Well shit i guess going outside is fucking banned. Thanks Governor For causing mass hysteria. If I go fucking crazy after sitting in my room for weeks.