Things You Liked Before They Were Cool

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by SymeSynth

Exactly what the title said. What popular and mainstream things were you (and still are) a fan of before they hit the mainstream and exploded into popularity?

I'm admittedly curious about what things you guys are the OGs of.


- Undertale before it even released

- Vivziepop, been following her stuff since 2012-13

- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, I read it before part 3 got animated, way before the fandom turned it into a complete joke. (not happy about it)

- Jerma985, been following him since 2014

I'm no hipster, I don't care when things get popular. but I like bragging about being OLD and DECREPIT, even if it makes me look like an entitled SENILE FREAK, I get to make fun of kids for being NEWBIES


Off the top of my head, FNAF. Pretty much there from the start.


Anime since 2000. Daft Punk since 2003. Celldweller since 2007. I am old LOL! XD


I was a really big fan of Legend of Zelda "ocarina of time" and "Majoras Mask" as a kid we had it on the Nintendo 64 (i still drag it out of the basement at times and play them) would play them a lot. 

We (me and my bros) only got to play 30 minutes per day and i recall a lot of Ocarina of time.


idk, i read the beastars manga before the anime was even announced if that counts?


from what i can remember:

-cookie run 

-idkbtfm (was there for the first songs released! glad they got more traction.)

-also beastars manga (ii found it on tvtropes a mere hairs notice before the anime was released)

-undertale (nnot super early but i was there before the fandome became infamous)

-mlp g4 (watched it on the hub when i was around 8-9, avoided it like the plague for a while bbut ii got back into it recently after realizing cringe culture is dead :oD)

bonus: nyan neko sugar girls! apparently. it seems to be getting traction on tiktok???

-mordetwi (this doesn't really count, ii just remember knowing about it back in 2016 and ii was confused because i thought everyone knew about it already)


Dana Terrace, she was my biggest art inspo starting from when I was 11 or 12! Tho technically she was already very popular on DA by the time I found her stuff, but it was still nowhere near where she is now obviously LMAO (If you know who Candycorn and Candycane are then you a real OG 👊😎)


literally th only thing i can say is gen 5 pokemon, as others on the thread have previously stated. ive been saying for YEARS that gen5 had the best games everyone was shitting on them until recently, because now theyre "nostalgic". fuck you if you're a fake gen5 fan /hj (maybe. possibly /srs)


That Handsome Devil

and Moomins I guess since I'm Finnish


PuffballsUnited (the guy who made Henry Stickmin and Among Us). I was really so excited when I saw the Airship map was being released for Among Us, because it brought back memories of playing Infiltrating the Airship on the school’s annex computers (I don’t even remember what they were supposed to be used for, I just played flash games on them while waiting for my parents to pick me up from drama club)

I might have been into Minecraft before it was cool; I guess it depends on if you consider Pocket Edition to be before or after it became popular. 


I also was a fan of Undertale, FNAF and Minecraft before they were cool

I basically knew of those things the year they came out.. FNAF in 2014, Undertale in 2015 and Minecraft.. well, I think I only started playing Minecraft 2013-ish? (Ik it existed before then)

Although I don't know how fond of FNAF I actually was at the time, I was horrified by it because I was 9 and the jumpscares unironically haunted my nightmares so idk if I actually LIKED it.. I also remember EVERYONE talking about it constantly at school at the time.. So maybe I actually did only like it AFTER it was "cool"? Ehh it's complicated. 


I honestly loved malinois dogs before they took the big spike in popularity after the movie ”Max.” There’s one named Daisy where I work at and she’s such a good girl, an old soul (13 years old) but so precious 🥺


Invader zim, and The Weather Channel. Not an og for the weather channel but I was alive for the best era of TWC.


Yu-Gi-Oh! 2000-

Pokemon 2000-

Animal Crossing 2002-

Coker franchise 2001-

Ratchet and Clank 2002-

Yeah i'm an OG in several fandoms