đź“‹ Front/browse/search feedback thread

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago (Edited 1 year, 6 months ago) by admin

Feedback thread for the Front/Browse/Search page updates — the corresponding announcement and changelist is here!

🎯 Goals —

  • Reduce congestion in the character trade listings and search pages that was previously caused by a bunch of ads/non-characters being submitted to the site
  • Improve visibility on the top page for characters that are currently being pushed off by non-characters
  • Make it easier to find what you’re looking for when searching for characters/codes/resources/services/etc

📋 Seeking feedback for —

  • I wasn’t sure whether people would prefer having each character type separated out into a separate listing rather than everything just being types of character?
    • I opted to just add an optional filter since this seems more flexible in terms of search and customization (people seem to just be creating everything as a “Character” profile currently anyway, and a lot of the features are going to be the same), but let me know if this doesn’t feel good, or if anyone has suggestions regarding how to better structure the listings.
    • My original idea for the front page was to allow people to add an arbitrary number of blocks (eg. if you want to add a Popular Characters, Popular HTML/CSS, Popular Resources blocks separately), but the UI for the control panel started getting very long and confusing so I just scrapped the idea. I’ll probably be fiddling with this to see if there’s a way to do this that isn’t overwhelming for the average user.
  • Character categories:
    • These are currently “Character”, “HTML/CSS”, “Resource”, “Service/Ad” based on what we most commonly receive reports for, but this can be expanded or updated if we feel that this is missing anything or is too broad.
  • General UI/UX feedback:
    • If there’s anything confusing or if you have suggestions for how to improve any areas of the front/browse/search pages.
  • Extra features:
    • Are you someone who regularly uses the trade listings or front pages and feel like there are changes or extra features that could be added to make life easier for you?? Have ideas for how to help make the listings less frustrating and more accessible?? Let me know!!
  • Performance issues:
    • Is the site super laggy for you now??? If not site-wide, please do point out the specific pages that you’re having issues with.
  • Anything else related!! If you have any feedback for an unrelated feature, it may be better to submit a HelpDesk ticket rather than replying to this specific thread.

If you’re uncomfortable leaving feedback in public, please don’t hesitate to open a ticket via the HelpDesk. 

Thanks as always!


Awesome update!

Maybe make the category types a dropdown, similar to the types of tabs? I'm already imagining a scenario where a fat finger on mobile could have you accidently convert your character to one of the other types if you don't catch it in time.


I just wanna say thank you SO much for adding this and finding a workaround that works for everyone that wasn’t happy with it and is happy with it!! This seriously is such a big thing to me and it makes me super happy!!

At the moment the mobile code is a tad wonky, and doesn’t really look the best BUT ITS FIXABLE I HOPE!! And the settings box does not currently scroll on mobile either! So I think that’s a good thing to get tackled as soon as y’all are able to!


Front page settings box also doesn't scroll for me, but I zoomed out to edit settings, though it's kinda inconvenient
It's gonna take a bit of getting used to but I'm all for this update, it's a lovely addition! 


(This is my first time replying to forum post so bare with me đź’€) The UI on mobile seen to cut off often, like when fixing the browsing settings i cant scroll to see the recent section. As well when uploading a character the words for the type of profile cuts off mid word, so it's difficult to tell what it is


+1 on changing character type settings to a dropdown menu, as someone on mobile who has big thumbs I can def see myself accidentally screwing something up with the current setup


idk how it could be separated, but would splitting ads and services in some way be possible? 

I'm spitballing here cause I don't mind commission/service listings, but most "ads" I see as someone who browses the sale listings almost daily are just purge/fave for fave listings and I dont care about those at all. Is there a way to filter just purge listings I'm not seeing if not possible/reasonable? 


First I'd like to thank you for your hard work. This is a huge and very interesting update- you put a lot of care and effort to listen to your members, and I think it worked out. The option to add other services other than characters and being able to sort them on the front page is just an amazing idea!

(Edit: I'm using the PC version on Chrome!)

  • Having listings for each type sounds good, but the front page would be too long and scrolling through all the tabs can be confusing... What about enabling this option when you Click in the Browse button, though? You can click on Feed/Recent and then filter which type of content you'd like to explore. Maybe you're seeking to see popular characters today and check the latest HTML resources tomorrow.
  • I personally think these character categories encompass most of the profile types usually used here. Ultimately, a Other option would work...? But I think I can safely say users use profiles for one of the 4 options 95% of the time.
  • For now, the site works great for me. I've tried some options and all of them work great for now... We'd have to wait until more people change their profile categories, but I'm sure it'll work smoothly!
  • About trade/sale listings... I'm not sure this happened to other people, but even though I search specific ranges of real currencies, the results provided do usually offer me characters with lower/higher $$ ranges. Other than that, I rarely use them, so I'd rather wait for other people to give you great advice...
Again, thank you so much. Take care and have a nice day! The update looks great so far!

what an excellent idea. it's hard to make choices that try and make everyone happy, but making a separate listing for resources, rather than removing them/keeping them, is a great solution! keep up the good work.


Would be cool to see an update more related to moderation, accessibility for nd/impaired people, or ease of uploading and sorting characters in bulk, but I do think the addition of diff buttons and sections is cool


I noticed that pages that were marked with "ad" still have a listing warning(as if it was a character itself). Will it be removed? since now you can list ads for trade/sale/etc?


I cant use tags anymore whyyy


The front page settings box doesn’t scroll on mobile, it just makes the front page scroll rather than the pop up box

i haven’t looked on desktop yet


Hello, thank you so much for the update!

But I noticed one bug:

  • When going to the "browse" -> "Search" and want to search for freebies the section to choose wether I am searching for humanoids or ferals etc isn't showing. Only if I am choosing the other ones.
    You can work around that by choosing trade for example, then check what you are searching for and uncheck trade again and then search. But I suppose this is not how it should work ^^

would love to see the new features be placed below "advansed" feature

becouse when you go edit, first thing that comes up is listing, and not stuff you mostly use/edit