đź“‹ Front/browse/search feedback thread

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago (Edited 1 year, 6 months ago) by admin

Feedback thread for the Front/Browse/Search page updates — the corresponding announcement and changelist is here!

🎯 Goals —

  • Reduce congestion in the character trade listings and search pages that was previously caused by a bunch of ads/non-characters being submitted to the site
  • Improve visibility on the top page for characters that are currently being pushed off by non-characters
  • Make it easier to find what you’re looking for when searching for characters/codes/resources/services/etc

📋 Seeking feedback for —

  • I wasn’t sure whether people would prefer having each character type separated out into a separate listing rather than everything just being types of character?
    • I opted to just add an optional filter since this seems more flexible in terms of search and customization (people seem to just be creating everything as a “Character” profile currently anyway, and a lot of the features are going to be the same), but let me know if this doesn’t feel good, or if anyone has suggestions regarding how to better structure the listings.
    • My original idea for the front page was to allow people to add an arbitrary number of blocks (eg. if you want to add a Popular Characters, Popular HTML/CSS, Popular Resources blocks separately), but the UI for the control panel started getting very long and confusing so I just scrapped the idea. I’ll probably be fiddling with this to see if there’s a way to do this that isn’t overwhelming for the average user.
  • Character categories:
    • These are currently “Character”, “HTML/CSS”, “Resource”, “Service/Ad” based on what we most commonly receive reports for, but this can be expanded or updated if we feel that this is missing anything or is too broad.
  • General UI/UX feedback:
    • If there’s anything confusing or if you have suggestions for how to improve any areas of the front/browse/search pages.
  • Extra features:
    • Are you someone who regularly uses the trade listings or front pages and feel like there are changes or extra features that could be added to make life easier for you?? Have ideas for how to help make the listings less frustrating and more accessible?? Let me know!!
  • Performance issues:
    • Is the site super laggy for you now??? If not site-wide, please do point out the specific pages that you’re having issues with.
  • Anything else related!! If you have any feedback for an unrelated feature, it may be better to submit a HelpDesk ticket rather than replying to this specific thread.

If you’re uncomfortable leaving feedback in public, please don’t hesitate to open a ticket via the HelpDesk. 

Thanks as always!


This is such a wonderful update! I have one suggestion though, can there please be an option to remove specifically raffles (and possible other listing types) from the popular section. There are so many, and I like having character listings show up, I just don't want to be have to scavenge through hundreds of "fte" raffles to find one character I can actually buy/offer on.


A search in your own toyhouse that allowed you to find characters by name would be awesome


What happened to tags?


Since this is a character storage site, could we have a rule to not add art examples/art galleries to non-characters?


I'm wondering if there should be another category added for miscellaneous uploads, since I took a quick browse through the HTML/CSS category and there are already people who are putting things in the tag that don't belong there - I'm assuming it's because these misc. things have coding in them and people are just slapping them into that category despite the fact that they are not actually HTML/CSS resources themselves.


UI Feedback for the new "Search" page. Using Google Chrome on MacOS.

• Previously, hitting enter after typing in any of the fields executed the search. I would like it to go back to this!

• I would personally prefer it if none of the character types were preselected when opening the new "Search" page. Having to unselect three instead of selecting one is less than ideal!

I have wanted the categories for so long that this is a gods-send and I am grateful without end 🙏 Thank you!!


could you guys move “FTE” “fav to enter” raffles  into game/contents instead of characters? they abuse the faving system to boost their way up to the top page of popular and often times abuse the faving system with their own characters by making people have to fav their characters to enter as well. So instead of seeing genuine new cool characters you see a bunch of characters being pumped and flooded all over the front page by one annoying dude who has a “FTE” raffle happening… those things have always flooded the popular page and they’re honestly just quite annoying, not sure how it would work to switch the character from “game/contest” to a “character” but hopefully something can be done!


Sounds neat!


Loving the options for uploads.

However browse is a little wonky. The least expensive, most expensive buttons are gone which helped me search characters for sale seeing as the MAX usd doesn't work. If any of those could be fixed/added back that would be extremely wonderful Q-Q


Thanks so much for letting resources stick around!


Ok so are we able to post purges now?? Im still getting the warning of getting in shit for posting a purge and I kinda want to keep squeaky clean ":D