feather's free HTML codes (2/23 - any homestucks?)

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago (Edited 4 years, 8 months ago) by _featherweather

Feather's Freebies

I'll be updating this so it looks nice at some point but today is not that day rip.

Here's codes i have so far, please take a look. rules are located here.



@Interzone awesome, hope you enjoy~


Oooo I really like the sticky tabs!!!   I may use it to set up commission info sometime!


Daisy-Todd enjoy!


Hello! The calendar is a little broken.



Arty-Social; thanks for the heads up! it's on the docket to get updated but i've been busy so i haven't looked through the code.

that said, the code isn't actually broken - it's just not made for use on bulletins! if you move the code to a character profile, it will probs render correctly.. To fix this, in the class labeled id="chooseMonths" add


to the end of the class tags and it will add more gutter space. please make sure you've got WYSIWYG turned off cause that will def mess with the code too.


AlluringMoonlight - this code uses bootstrap colors so it's dependent on your theme for toyhou.se

That said it isn't too hard to get a custom color button, just give me a bit and I'll @ you back with a fix (im currently on mobile which isn't conducive to writing code OTL)


Alrighty, thank you so much! :D


AlluringMoonlight change the code for that is originally

<li class="nav-item">

into the following:

<li class="nav-item" style="background-color:#YOURCOLORHERE">

this will change the color of the tab when it's NOT highlighted. when it's highlighted it will be whatever bootstrap color you have listed as "active". you can change this with CSS but i'm not sure if you can change it without having access sorry :(


_featherweather Thank you so so much!


AlluringMoonlight you're welcome! if i find a way to change the active pill without premium i'll let you know