Show me your OCs with unusual names!

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by aimlessPlayer

Show me your ocs with unusual names! Things like numbers, abbreviations, nouns, etc. Just things that aren't usually used as names! I love these types of characters.

Super obscure/odd sounding but real names may qualify too.

 Roswell arty

This guy is literally named after the UFO crash site..........He doesn't actually have anything to do with aliens, I just liked the sound of the word :')

Balloony Jutta

So I have many characters with weird names because I suck at naming

for example,  BoxesBulldozerCarcrashDisagreementKitchenMustardPancakeSassThingyThursdayWinkle, and Wumbo

And this is only half of my weirdly named characters 

Dream Voyage Chronicler

I just thought it'd be a cool-sounding name.

Within the lore, Dream Voyage's name is still strange. She's named after a flying boat. She's usually referred to as Voya for short.

 16 King Cassidy (old) HEAVENDELUXE

This guy has an odd one... Hes a synthetic human, and they have naming conventions that tell you about their "lineage" (main source of the genetics used to make them). Theyre descended from clones, which were another form of subhuman made from carefully mixed human genetics and used as psychic supercomputer-servants. So cassidy's prefix King links back to the last part of his clone root's name. The 16 bit references subsets of King descendents. Essentially theyre named similarly to racehorses. 

Mavere is a clone, so he also has an unusual name. Where synthetic humans usually have the clone prefix and then a more human name, clone names are never distinctly human. They're always a colour and a noun. Its meant to make it easier to see them as tools. Navy Mantra goes by a different name nowadays for this reason. Any of his descendents would have the Mantra prefix (so like, Mantra Cassidy would be Cassidy's name if he was descended from this clone). 

I hope that makes sense! 

 Crablegs chiliechii_inactive

Crablegs is an unusual name I'd say.There's also her best friend Fishcake and they're both familiars to my cat witch. Seeing as they're not actually pets, their names are pretty unusual (because pets can have rather 'strange' names). They kinda named themselves as they were pretty much nameless orphans when their witch found them and she just let them chose their own names lol. However Crablegs does go by Lea and Fishcake goes by Fifi!

Toon Toon-Killer

How unusual is Toon?


Townes here has a strange name I guess!


A cat named cat.

 Sin eviscerate

 Named after what he truly loves doing.

Insanity Isaac Zilvas TheLadyAnatola

He typically goes by Isaac, mostly because Insanity isn't really a normal name. Well, that's not true, he doesn't care if Insanity is normal sounding or not, he just think Isaac rolls off the tongue a little better. XP