Show me your OCs with unusual names!

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by aimlessPlayer

Show me your ocs with unusual names! Things like numbers, abbreviations, nouns, etc. Just things that aren't usually used as names! I love these types of characters.

Super obscure/odd sounding but real names may qualify too.


Johnathan and Amos's true names (Anzaxox and Myeasheayaxl) were really just a result of me mashing random letters together until I got something that looked vaguely like a name

 Gun SeriouslySilly

I got this gal, but none is sure if its her real name not even me I havent decided yet

Polybivs vit

This is his actual name. His name revolves around the fictitious 1981 arcade game that originated from an urban legend created in 2000. You can read more about it here.

Higgy Nardin bulgariansumo

This is Higgy, which is already kind of a strange name, but that's actually just his nickname. His real name, Higashiyama, is a surname, and he probably got made fun of for that as a kid. His last name is also kind of obscure too. 

Makkel Vinter Akari-Yuu

His name stemmed from wanting to have Maka as his nickname, and since he's Norwegian, I picked to closest name, which was Mikkel. Also, he's the only Makkel on Toyhouse, which is cool ^^

 Azelia🍄 iouquie

Have you seen another Azelia before ?

Xerenity SnowSpirit

literally her, as she's an alien

 Timebomb atempause



Here's Bozard. Certainly not as strange as other names here, but it's uncommon for sure. His name is a portmanteau of bozo and lizard.

Sir Hottie McHottie is also an unusual name...I couldn't tell you how I came up with it. All I can say is the name came first, then I made a character based around the name and gave him his own universe. Strange how things happen, huh?

Janet TheBrightestEyes

This is Janet! She's a totally human suburban mom! It's pronounced Jane-et, so I'd say that's pretty weird. :P

Her totally human kids are named Bobson and Dwigt! ...And Sleve, but we don't talk about Sleve.

GC CollieCalamari

ayy here's GC!
That's not their real name but since nobody really knows their real name, they just go by GC hahaha

Fun fact: GC's name IS short for something, but since I changed it to GC and changed em' a lot, I kinda just forgot what it stood for XD 

Axis CrowTeethh

:) Axis is an uncommon name :D