Show your hetero ocs!

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago by colorful

Heteros are being rare lately, so I wanna see some more!

A disclaimer that this is totally not homophobic and I have nothing against gay ships, I just wanna look for OCs that are hetero since you barely see them anymore ;o;


My boi Ruark !!

Piotr "Hijynx" Discordia

Yeah, guess I don't have too many hetero OC's After review of all my characters (some of which don't have a current set gender preference so I left those out) Looks like it's just this guy. He's taken though, he was actually created as a companion character before taking on a life of his own.

Alcata Trucata TheLadyAnatola

My mermaid Alcata and her reptilian hubbie Zul are both straight, and they had two kiddos together.

Caelus Quilkente TheLadyAnatola

Caelus and Rusalka are both straight, although their relationship has a lot of ups and downs. ^^;

Sunburst (Ghost Form (Outdated)) Tendo64

Because I'm straight, the majority of my characters are also straight. One in specific would be Sunny Boi Sunburst, my OC/Fursona.

Gucci Peppercorn

Him..yep he likes kitties..heh

Erin cosmicconundrum

bless her heart

Ruben Eloquia Sanctius II Kree-Kat

this guy here is, hes a bit of a dandy and concerned with his looks an appearance. He doesn't mind that he has a bit of a feminine side... but his heart will forever belong to the various crushes that hes had on the beautiful women he meets on his travels.