Characters more well-liked than you expected?

Posted 6 years, 2 days ago (Edited 5 years, 6 months ago) by hedgemaze

@Judas-la-carotte's thread about underrated characters made me think about the opposite! I'm not going to use the word "overrated" because I certainly don't mean that any OCs deserve less love, but do you have any characters whom you're surprised get more attention than you expected they would, among your characters?

Maybe people pick them more often in forum games or art trades than other characters, they have more faves than you expected, or they're just the ones your friends have gravitated towards for whatever reason-- but maybe they aren't among your own favorites, or they're just not the OCs you expected would be popular.

And has that character's popularity inspired you to use or develop them more, or give them a bigger role in whatever story or project they may be in?

There are no particular rules for this thread; just be nice and don't try to make people feel bad about their taste or anything like that.

All my forum games and threads

[ Haunt ] MechanicalArtist

Recently Haunt's been getting a wee bit popular, and honestly, can't complain, love this guy!

Yun Fei madohomu

fei! i mean it makes sense considering she's the main character of my main story but i was afraid people were gonna think she is annoying or boring 🥲 so im really glad she's well liked

ghoul ; 🐑 wills-dad

I don't know why but after I added art to them they blew up?? 

Lusca LithiumRazor

Lusca gets the most attention of all my mains, and people tell me how they like that he glows A LOT. I guess go for glow lol

Scout fanitoon

He's gotten a lot of attention (though mainly when it comes to art) considering I just made him a little over a month ago lol

Vero Azure_inkfish

Literally everyone chose to draw him during artfight.

Trish Kloud9

same with @Azure_inkfish, this character got a ton of attacks every artfight. I honestly didn't expect her to get so many as she was just a random design I came up with one day

Dakota apodoforcas

i wouldn’t say she is the most popular character, but definitely one i didn’t think quite a few people would like enough to draw 

🌸 𝔪𝔦𝔞 🌸 meetmehalfway

because lesbian

Macy PainterFight

I guess she counts since she gets the most attacks on this year’s artfight.

Lefz Inked_Wing

Her! I didn't expect it but so many people praised me for her design! At the start of artfight, she got lots of art!