Characters more well-liked than you expected?

Posted 6 years, 2 days ago (Edited 5 years, 6 months ago) by hedgemaze

@Judas-la-carotte's thread about underrated characters made me think about the opposite! I'm not going to use the word "overrated" because I certainly don't mean that any OCs deserve less love, but do you have any characters whom you're surprised get more attention than you expected they would, among your characters?

Maybe people pick them more often in forum games or art trades than other characters, they have more faves than you expected, or they're just the ones your friends have gravitated towards for whatever reason-- but maybe they aren't among your own favorites, or they're just not the OCs you expected would be popular.

And has that character's popularity inspired you to use or develop them more, or give them a bigger role in whatever story or project they may be in?

There are no particular rules for this thread; just be nice and don't try to make people feel bad about their taste or anything like that.

All my forum games and threads


Well when i post this guy here suddenly got a few favs really quick. I don't really understand why because his design r just simple and now he's the most favs character i got 🧍

Angelo rabbitclown

i whipped up his design in the middle of art fight last year and was surprised how popular he was? (at least as far as my ocs go)

also as far as th popularity goes (which again isnt much bc im not very sociable) there's also ps5...tho my friend swears people like him bc he has the qualities of a tumblr sexyman (im not sure how popular those types are on th these days tho) tho i give him a lot of attention myself so maybe that just contributes to other consoles (heck my other ocs) arent as popular as he is besides maybe dreamcast but that was bc of art fight....

Quilaxle Wavecrest corncob

quil now has... over 50 faves. thats about 50 more than i ever expected from one of my characters lmao. it's over twice as many as the next one down.

he frequently got picked in forum games as well (i havent been doing any recently but when i was more active, anyway), and people seem to like him on artfight.

i wouldn't say his popularity has pushed me to develop him further or make him more prominent - he's a d&d PC, so i can't exactly make him 'more prominent' or anything anyway; he is just part of whatever story he's in and if the DM chooses to focus on him, then the DM focuses on him. luckily, our DMs havent placed too much emphasis on him over other characters (that would honestly bother me).

if anything his popularity has actually made me try to encourage less interaction with him on artfight & in forum games. i am really glad people like quil, of course, but i would love for some of my other characters to get that kind of attention instead, at least for a while!

Customer Service Brutalist

This dude... His design is so simple and he was supposed to be a shitpost character

Dimitri DatBoiStrauss

I mean I can understand why, cuz he's cool as shit, but holy fuck

Asar Oxyhocin

Sometimes I get waves of faves on this guy (and only this guy) and it makes me so happy!! I made and uploaded him years ago when I was neck deep into Egyptology, and to see him recently get multiple favorites every now and then is just 


Algus FuuMiku

Algus got most of their faves under my ownership, and like, omg… I do not know what it is, like prob it’s that it’s a very original zora design…? But like I didn’t think Zelda fans on TH were that common and omg Algus is shamefully underdeveloped… Gbdgdgdg help. They’re frequently getting batches of favorites and has been featured in the random section at least like 2 times and waaa 

Maybe with Tears of Kingdom maybe I’ll find something interesting to do with them

carrie l3ftpale_

i haven’t drawn her in months and i have barely wrote anything down for yet she has 15 favorites? i guess it’s just her design 

Martell Mutonian

Him. he's a simple man on the surface. I've even had someone crush on him, though. It's nice of people.

Ray dazey-the-goat

honestly almost any character i have feels pretty unexpected when they're pretty well-liked haha [or atleast to me, but knowing others like them too makes me so happy so kdkkdd]

i would say ray was one of the more unexpected ones, while he doesn't have alot of favs in toyhouse, he was the highest attacked oc i had during art fight last year [beating my own sona lol] and i was so confused, i mean any other of my anthro characters would've made more sense but him? either way it was fun skjkjskjs

Herbert Yamroll

if you didnt see his story he would be just. some guy. and tbh he meant to be just some guy i was gonna use for artfight buuut i grew attached and other ppl seemed to grow attached too GAJGDHABDHS

my whole art class even recognises him and a few of em went wild when they saw him in one of my projects ahaha

Angel scorpiospires

angel gets a LOT more compliments than i expected, people seem to rlly like him