Relationship Seek

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago (Edited 1 year, 7 months ago) by mochibun_station

This thread is specifically for non-romantic relationships. If your mochibun is looking for love, try the ship thread instead!


  • Every character shared must have a form filled out.
    • They must be a mochibun.
  • Ads that don't follow the proper form will be deleted.
  • Responses to ads are not allowed on this forum to promote tidiness. Please DM the ad poster, responses to ads will be deleted.
  • If you are no longer looking for relationships, please edit your ad accordingly.
  • If it has been a week since you posted, you can repost your ad!
    • Ads reposted before 1 week will be deleted.
  • It is recommended to subscribe to this thread!

Status: (Open/Closed)
Commitment Level: (Do you want something more casual or something that will be heavy canon for your bun?)
NSFW: (Yes/No, mention your comfort level here!)
Preferred Method of Development: (RP, headcanons, art, etc.) 
Profile: (Link the mochibun here!)
About: (Say a bit about your mochinbun's personality/setting.)
Looking For: (Talk a bit about what kind of relationships you're looking for!)
Other: (Any other information.)