Write a headcanon about the OC above

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Azineli

So, yeah. The title says it all. I'm just saying, by the way, my character is undead.

Lun Misivik Skulltopus

Finding things smaller than her is incredible to her. Finding it amazing that people would or could make things so small they seem like it was made for her. Though if suggested she live in a toy house (oh snap), she finds that somewhat insulting but begrudgingly thinks it would be better than most environments.

Pamela Fraise Mashter-Potato

(A day and 6 hours has past)

Lun often carries small containers of water for whenever he needs to re-hydrate himself. Unfortunately, he some times accidentally splashes the water on people around him and he might not always realise it unless someone complains.

Sophia KittyKnight

She has a lot of unusual food combinations which involve strawberries and eats them quite frequently! Most people are generally disgusted by this, which does cause her to act defensively about it, often insisting that "You don't have to eat it, y'know!" She has to avoid this at work however, because her co-workers often complain that her combinations make them feel rather sick.

Fennas Ri'Teachtaire theHelmbeastie

Even if Sophia doesn't like maps, she is creating her own. It is not really geographically correct or the like, but if she finds something interesting on her expeditions, she is marking it on her map (to not forget it).

Talus Databuffer

Since leaving Airgidcrann, Fennas has begun trying trying to acclimate himself into outside ways of life. Wherever he is at the moment, he would attempt to live as they would live, in an attempt to cast away Eldae culture. Eating what they eat, wearing what they wear, doing what they do. Though it is more destructive, than enlightening, thanks to having been raised on the Life Codex.

Vossen Mashter-Potato

Although it's rare, Talus has been known to throw his helmet at people if he can't use magic and/or doesn't have an actual ranged weapon.

This post has been removed.
"Tiffany" varkarrus

Vossen doesn't really use weapons, of course, fighting "with tooth and claw"

However, when she DOES need to use a weapon, it's always a REALLY BIG HECKING LASER GUN. We're talking like, makes ominous deafining humming as it charges up for 4 whole seconds then annihilates everything in close range in front of her and carbonizes everything else.

EDIT: I've been ninjad but the post seems to be deleted


Yeah, Tiffany hates her job, but the food's great. There's only one good thing about her job, and that's the fact that she gets a discount off the food. Though she never eats inside the restraunt, she wants to spend as little time as she can within the restraunt.

Rune CaRune Lemonburgers

Jet is currently in the process of making the most elaborate prank for the entire city to witness. But the prank requires him to keep people on their toes and he somehow manages to disturb his apartment floor. However, he’s too busy with other shenanigans to fully commit, leading said floor to not have any sort of conclusion. They’re still waiting to this day for the prank to happen. Jet’s amused and is still ignoring it to this day. Or is he?

Rosetta Afton Mashter-Potato

If Rune feels like raiding somewhere large, like a warehouse, he will get some of his mercenaries to help him out, usually a team about 3 to 6 people.

Salvador Wapenburg fizzelston

Rosetta easily get crushes. A cute girl smiling at her? Shes in love now that cute girl on te beach, guess what she's in love now. A scoutgirl you guessed it, she's super in love now

Glade Langley YunaNoire

I imagine that Salvador has maybe absent mindedly pet dogs and cats on the head with his bare hands at times, just out of pure reflex, leading to many incidents where pups and kittens have grown to adulthood in the blink of an eye. As much as he likes dogs and cats and wishes he could keep one around with him, he just knows it'd be a recipe for heartbreak.

Marialena KittyKnight

Glade has gotten most of her friends outside of the monster hunter community to give the game a try! While most of them weren't as keen on it as she was, and generally respects that, she has managed to get a couple of people to purchase and play their own copy!

In fact, she adores watching other people play games, especially in real life. Whilst she tries to let them figure things out on their own and ask questions if needed, she can't resist giving her advice now and again.

Astrophel Argryis GalaxieAuLait

Marialena likes to occasionally hide along the edge of her team's ink and stalk/ambush the enemies if she can. It's quite risky and a little time-consuming so she doesn't do it often, but trying to stealthily take out an opponent is fun every now and then.