Ask a question to the above person's OC

Posted 7 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Amvira varkarrus

So it'll go like this: A person posts a question to the above user's OC. Then, after a new person posts a question, the first person edits their post to have an answer.


Something like

Person A: (posts a question to the above person)

Person B: Does (person A) like cupcakes?

then Person A edits their post so it's like

Person A: (posts a question to the above person)
I do like cupcakes!

Person B: Does (person A) like cupcakes?

Person C: Could (person B) defeat Goku in a fight?


Person A: (posts a question to the above person)
I do like cupcakes!

Person B: Does (person A) like cupcakes?
No, I absolutely could not take Goku on in a fight, have you seen that guy?

Person C: Could (person B) defeat Goku in a fight?


EDIT: Try and ask questions that lead to the development of characters!

EDIT2: Cant believe this needs to be said, but make your posts legible!!!!

EDIT3: Also. Read the person's profile before you ask a question!
Follow these rules or I'll implement a banlist!


I'll edit this post to include a response to the next person's question, once somebody posts!

(re: "Do you enjoy sitting in a garden to relax?")
"A garden? Pfeh! What kind of pansy-ass garbage is that? Lemme tell you how I relax! A warm, musty couch, some snacks, and video games! Hah!" ((But to be honest, she might enjoy just lounging around under a tree on a hot day))

Raina Aneira Alexis SnowyCheetah

"I get ostracized sometimes for the abilities I posses. It's a minor reason I live far from most other people. Does this kind of thing ever happen to you?"

Insanity Isaac Zilvas TheLadyAnatola

"So, you seem to have a lot of different abilities at your disposal. Is there anything in particular that you can't do but wish you could? It could be magical or non-magical skills, cuz I'm sure everyone has a few things they can't do yet but wouldn't mind learning if they could. You'd be surprised how many things I still haven't learned in my lifetime, but that's probably because I'm lazy."

"Well, Lord Dalia is the God of Life around here, so he's like an endless source of life force. He's too much of a nice guy to just shut that power off whenever, so I doubt we have to worry about him consciously doing that. So only external threats would be problematic to me staying alive and all, along with a handful of Lord Dalia's other personal creations, like my dad and such. I mean, a false Goddess of Death got pretty close to killing him in the First War, or at least got to his doorstep. But I wasn't created until after that war... 

Now this second war that just recently concluded... yikes. That was a bit too close. And cutting off that life connection wouldn't just stop my immortality, it would just straight up shut me off like you yanked the power cord. Lord Dalia was so close to dying that time my dad consciously gave his own life force back to him to keep him hanging on... I'd say I was pretty close to having to do the same thing. Of course, it doesn't really matter if creations like us 'die.' All Lord Dalia has to do is funnel more life force into us and we'd be back online as usual."

Isaac shrugs, a bit conflicted with his next remark. "I mean, we're not really like the other denizens of the Eternity with their own lives. My dad and I just have different blueprints from normal people. It was designed before this 'independent immortality' thing was perfected. You gotta start somewhere, I guess. I dunno why I was made on these old blueprints though, since by the time I was created Lord Dalia had already figured out how to 'immortal' properly." Isaac pauses. "Hard to say if being an independent being with the possibility of permanent death would be better or worse than just being permanently power-dependent yet never having to worry about dying for real..."

Frederick Waltz PicklePantry

"Is there anything that could cause this Lord Dalia to sever their connection to you and thus stop your immortality?"

"No. I don't wish to try. I also do not believe I have the body type to convince anyone I am a woman, Nightingale or not. Whatever situation called for that, a sniper rifle easily fixed."

Lalita Reese docmyers

"I have to ask, have you ever had to disguise yourself as a woman?"

Menthol reinapepiada

(OOC) How much of a person do you eat at a time to feel satisfied?


She shakes her head slowly. "From what we know, magic differs from common energy as it can create things out of thin air, there is no transformation of energy to mass, it's a different system." it used to be fascinating to her, and she knows a lot about it, but hasn't researched in a while. She hopes this information is up to date. "In theory, anyone can use magic, but their bodies need to be appropriate for the amount of magical energy that will travel through them with each action. So, the more your body is used to magic, such as- the body of a witch, the easier it is to use. There are some rules to this... " she's not very good at summarizing, but is doing her best. "Rules established to limit the amount of magic an individual can employ. Usually magic users who are not very experienced do need a clutch- like saying the spell, and others who use wands usually start off that way and get used to it."

"I fall into the category of an experienced witch, but witches like me who lean strongly for a specific type of magic are not very good at other types- I wouldn't be able to use magic of other colors, except maybe blue magic but I hold no interest in it. Even though I enjoy gardening, I can't properly control plants because of this, too."

Beckett GalaxieAuLait

"How does your magic work? Does it take energy, or do you do rituals to do it, or what?"

"I've tried a few times, early on." Beckett began, his voice wistful. "Each time it never came out quite right, it would look like her, but I have no control over the personalities my creations take on, so they were never her." He added. He paused a moment, then began to speak once more. "There were three attempts before I realized it wouldn't work, the first one was too quiet and shy. I was in the height of my grief and so I folded her oddly which ended up affecting her personality and health as well. She..." he sighed before continuing. "She killed herself. She burned herself because that was the only way my creations can truly die aside from water, and I woudn't allow her near the shores. Anyway, after that I tried again, this time in a more stable condition, but she ended up a rebellious jerk who hated everyone and everything and she moved away. The third one I made took on a different name and changed her style, and became another friend of mine, Bianca. Though she wasn't Allison either." Beckett sighed again as he finished his story. "That's the problem with sentient things, they're impossible to control."

Aradaio PicklePantry

"You have the ability to breathe life into your paper works, correct? Have you ever considered making an origami version of your lost love and giving it life?"

"I don't quite see how that would lead to character development like the rules mentioned above, so I'm afraid I cannot give a sufficient answer."

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Alice Somnificus reinapepiada

(OOC) I know you're an unknown entity but do you know where you came from? Any vague idea at least?


At first he hesitates because he's not sure, he's never really sure. "Uh... Voices, I guess... I can tell voices apart, most of the time. I also look for key features on others, stuff that not everyone else has, like different hair color... And sometimes the way their thoughts are arranged give me the opportunity to recognize them. Otherwise... It's difficult to say..." he can't really even rely too much on colors- they're everchanging.

"It has been awkward at times, I can't remember height either and I've mistaken my girlfriend for other people with blue hair before..." that's embarrassing, he looks to the side without knowing how to deal with it. So then why did he mention it? "But I'm lucky that it hasn't been a problem lately... I think..."

Rose Caine

Given that you have a face blindness, do you have something specific you generally pay attention to & use to identify people you know? Does it ever make things awkward between you and other people?

I would, I absolutely would. I don't care about immortality and I don't care about looking young: I just want to live a normal human life I always prepared myself to, with all its struggles and woes as well. Right now I'm like stuck in time, and although I have learned how to keep my life somewhat enjoyable for me despite that, it always feels like nothing more but a plan B; something I do not because I want to, but because my situation forces me to.

I'm a little tired of all this. 

Maiko yudeph

If you were ever given the chance to become "normal" again, would you? Why or why not?

"Oh, I'm gonna show him some pictures I took in New York! It's a super fun city, and the only thing I don't like about it is the, um, naked people on the 4th of July...but still! You can buy literally everything there!

"And as, I don't like-like him! We're just friends, that's all! :3"

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Thane RobotOcelot

He pours two cups of Darjeeling and mixes a bit of honey into his own. Sitting up, he takes a small sip of it before gesturing politely to the one still sitting on the table. "What is it that motivates you nowadays?"


With a light tilt to his head, a bit of steam curls out of the vents on his face. "I suppose the best way to put it, is that I'm comparatively, ah... 'low tech' in comparison to most other modern robots. I'm steam-powered, so liquid intake is mandatory for me. The liquid goes into my tank and is heated to power my steam engine."

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 Valarielle SweetasSaccharine

Valarielle lifts her hand towards his face before hesitating, "May I?.. I'm curious as to what you look like."


"I developed Photophobia when I became a dream demon. Each of our species were originally angels you see."

"As for your other question.. I would have to say, the gardens of heaven. The beautiful colors.. The smells.. and the softness of the petals. I miss it dearly."