Ask the person above OOC about their character!

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago (Edited 6 months, 6 hours ago) by Luke (CHIEF) hedgemaze

There's a thread for asking IC questions to the character above, but I am a sucker for all dem sweet, sweet character development tidbits, so if you're like me and you've ever wondered what inspired someone to make their characters, here is the thread for you.

Post IC (but don't actually write IC) as the character you want the person below you to ask you a question about, or you can let them ask about any of your characters (or a certain group of characters)! Ask any question OOC to the above character's owner, like perhaps what inspired a certain design choice, what gave them the idea for the character in the first place, what aspect of their character they struggled most in writing, or if the character has changed significantly over time. Anything you want, really (it doesn't have to be a character development question: it can be any OOC question about the character, or a group of them). Claim first if you need time to look through their characters or read their profile(s). And after you've been asked a question, edit your post with your answer.


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  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your question! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your question in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • BE NICE!  

I'll start us off with this guy. Have fun!

Edit: my answer

So Luke and the other two terrorists were inspired by an incident when my friend and I were in high school, and running around the neighborhood like the teenage idiots we were, wearing all the Halloween costume items from my basement that we could manage: among them, a Christmas reindeer antler headband and a child's toy fireman helmet. A guy yelled out of the window of his pickup truck that terrorists like us are what America stands against... which was an insane thing to yell at teenagers in stupid costumes, but it made me think, what if I played that guy straight and he was right?

Interested in more games for character questions?

All my forum games and threads

Jung spacecadet

What are the limits of Tamae's shapeshifting, firstly? :oo You say simple, so like, you mean like adding ears to her appearance, changing her skin, like that kind of stuff? Also, is her presence herself just lucky, or does she have to choose to make someone luckier? Like if she's around an enemy, are they just going to get lucky because she's there?


Actually Jung was designed w my bestie to just make 'girl gang' OCs! She was never intended to be that bad until I started writing out her original bio 4 years ago and then i was like this girl is gonna be awful :^)) she's definitely not the worst person i can possibly imagine, there are worse people out there. she isn't totally heartless in the fact she can actually be really sweet to prudence, her girlfriend! she's very devoted to her + she'd never hurt an old person, that's just bc she has a soft spot for em.

Piperine reinapepiada

How close are the members of both Hedgemaze Expo and Persephone's Winter? If appliable, which band is more likely to fall apart in the long run, or if met with difficult circumstances? rip ninja'd... wait a sec

Did you make Jung with the intention of her to be like human garbage? Do you consider her to be the worst person you could imagine? If not, could you mention at least a couple traits you personally consider positive about her?


That actually started with Capsaicin and Gingerol! I was a bit obsessed with spicy food so I started researching on the Scoville scale, and I had designed what it seemed like the personification of these chemicals, but as someone who takes the concept of humanization way too seriously I wasn't sure if I wanted them to literally be the chemicals, yet I wanted them to have some range of control over them, as they could be great weapons. At first I didn't consider them witches, just weird magic users who were made up of chemicals, but as I developed them and made more characters, I ended up grouping them all as witches! 

It was an excuse to design characters based on the chemicals of spicy food, but now I'm love them all...


What inspired you to make her a chemical witch? It's a super interesting idea that I don't think I've seen soon before.

How did you decide to make Avery a character that used both magic and science?

It's a bit of a short answer but I found that one theme that you see popping up with mad scientist tropes is the idea of duality (think Jekyll and Hyde/Nature vs technology) and that was something I wanted to explore in another way


How did you decide to make Avery a character that used both magic and science?

Choose any of my mains! (save for Truss because I don't have a lot about him)


What inspired you to write Colgate's character and/or story? I found his name and design very memorable and now I'm curious to know what were your influences when creating him :D

Anyone from my Flying Popcorn folder is fine!

In Ethaniel's profile, her main interests are said to be ethanol and dying people. Why are these two things interesting to her?

Ethaniel is interested in ethanol because of her name. Yeah she's basically like "whoo my name is similar to some cool psychoactive substance it's my aesthetic now". She doesn't have a particular interest in chemistry, she just... likes the name lmao

Ooh and she's interested in dying people because "humans are so fascinating... death is so... mysterious" fgvhbtyhrg - if she comes across someone dying in a car accident or something, she will fixate them, mystified... Before remembering "ah yeah I'm an angel I'm supposed to help them, not watch and eat popcorn" lmao. Basically she looks like an innocent and cute angel but she's a weirdo with a sordid interest she can't explain, but being an angel she was another way to view death so I guess it's "forgivable" eh


In Ethaniel's profile, her main interests are said to be ethanol and dying people. Why are these two things interesting to her?

The way you deliver Thomas and Craven's story in the summary is so nice, but it makes me wonder if your intentions for them were genuinely based off of a teen high school novel, or if that's just a joke? 

It's an inside joke (with myself, heh). Around the time I was planning their story, I was reading a lot of teen high school novels (the library near me has a looott of them). Some of them were pretty silly and I really liked that! So I think that reflected into how I wrote their story.

I also wanna know if the bullies have a bigger part in the story, or if it's just one plot device so they can go ghost hunting :O 

Terence, Thomas' ex-friend, is one of the bullies, so that comes into play during the story. Though I haven't really planned out exactly what his role is yet aside from wanting him to eventually join Thomas and Craven. 

Aaand also what makes Craven stick around if every other malevolent spirit is loose?

He's real weak from being stuck in a book for ages. So it's a smart move for him to stick around Thomas and manipulate him into doing what he wants. (Also, if he didn't stick around, I'd have nothing to write orz)


The way you deliver Thomas and Craven's story in the summary is so nice, but it makes me wonder if your intentions for them were genuinely based off of a teen high school novel, or if that's just a joke? I also wanna know if the bullies have a bigger part in the story, or if it's just one plot device so they can go ghost hunting :O Aaand also what makes Craven stick around if every other malevolent spirit is loose?


Please ask me anything about the characters on this folder! It can be about all of them, just one, the setting, etc


I didn't plan on it HAHAHA in fact, I often have designs on backstage until I have an use for them, and for them especially I first thought they could be magical guards of something for an RP group. I discarded that idea however and gave them their own storyline because they were cute and the RP group went another route :P But since I already had them, I just developed them cuz I really liked them!

I couldn't help myself when designing new characters... It's like... Every 3 months or so I need a new character... and I design one. This time it was Menthol! Her design came to me really easily after reading on her chemicals, and I liked that even if it was originally about spicy chemicals. I don't have a very strong resistance of mint flavors, so I still consider that they could be strong as a magic weapon. Then Piperine came because I kept reading on chemicals and I found that there were two types of pepper; black pepper and long pepper. My immediate thought after reading that was 'I'm gonna make a character with long, disproportionate limbs' and that opened a big chance of having a fun and unique character design, I loved it!

In universe, she's long like that because of a curse she put on herself to unlock her full magic potential. That's a normal procedure in this magic world, but she had to do it because her previous curse was broken and she was desperate.

I made a full one shot about these characters and I made the last two, Caffeine and Weslia. Caffeine's design was a thing since a long while ago because I was sure she existed in this universe and was very well liked and kind of obnoxious to Capsaicin haha. Weslia was the most unplanned one tbh but I've found her a place :D

Haruka spacecadet

I see that all of the chemical witches weren't made at the same time- did you intend to have 6 of them from the start, or did it start as a sort of independent thing then blossom into the full sort of team of 6 as you had more ideas for them? I'm just blindly assuming that Ginger and Capsaicin are the two originals.... Also I'm interested in knowing why all 5 of them have rather 'normal' bodies and then Piperine has a very lanky, long armed figure! Why is that?


ahh so the princess doesn't really have that many duties in peacetime and since she doesn't live there full time by any means, when she's back she will visit with citizens, ensure everyone is happy basically, and leave. the dog kingdom has mixed feelings (some of them shun her for neglecting her home country) but some of them are also quite proud of her for going out and making a name for herself instead of just taking the one given to her. she has a good relationship with her parents (king + queen) as well! they miss her but as long as she returns yearly they know she's ok. she does miss them a ton but she's a pretty independent doggo. in the dog kingdom, her siblings live independently (royal puppies who aren't chosen to be the heir live outside of the castle) so she doesn't really know them at all. she is the heir, yes! once her parents pass away she will have to figure out a way to return back to the dog kingdom. i was planning on writing out a thing on it set far into the future once she's like 30-40 but im really bad at writing older characters x')


Could you say more about Haruka's relationship to the Dog Kingdom? Is she close with her siblings and parents? How do they feel about her absence and career? Does she miss them? (Also, is she the heir? I wasn't really sure from the way you worded it.)

Ask me about anyone from Catband! The tag is here if that's easier to look through.

Jill always had her great love for music, so I think to an extent it was always there, but she's also a very flighty, impulsive person, so it's not like she always had a Life Plan. She probably still would be drifting if the flyers for the band competition hadn't fallen into her lap, but now she's sure this is her purpose.


hedgemaze For Jill, was there a moment in her life where she realized music is her calling (like a certain moment or a situation where she just went like "damn THIS is what I'm passionate about), or was it always present in her life from the very beginning? 

Ask me about anyone from Sinfonia except Chris! 

Leon and Rick know each other through their mothers! They're friends with each other and so it was only natural the boys met each other at some point. Rick has grown up without siblings so when he saw Leon and how Cool(tm) he was he was instantly admiring him, and in turn Leon became very protective of Rick because Rick is a danger to himself over all the dumb shenanigans he gets himself into. Leon has some spoilery reasons too but basically it's because they have history of knowing each other, they're very similar and so because of their age difference the big brother - little brother kind of relationship was formed pretty fast! 

I also like to think Leon is very protective of other people despite being kind of irresponsible and a jackass, like he has this natural tendency to look after others even if he doesn't necessarily show it. I guess it just comes together with the whole leader aura and charisma, haha.  


I'm very curious about this, but I'm not sure if I can ask this since it could be spoilers, but how Richard and Leonhard met? Richard inmediately admired him for his leadership or did something happend that made him admire Leon so much?

Anyone from here, even Apollo, he has no info yet but I have his story/personality clear, just need to write it.


I love Aegis, but I do wonder, is there a reason why her temper is so bad? Does it just come naturally for her or is it linked to her past?

Ask me anything! Although keep it to characters who have properly filled out profile.

It's not something I have properly laid out yet, but basically the reason why Jazz is so insistent on her individuality is nothing especially unique.. Her father is rather conservative and he always wanted Jazz and Mini to fit what he viewed as the norm and to not stick out too much. Her mother was the opposite and would often encourage her individuality, but often to absolute extremes. This would often get her and Mini into trouble however, so she was kind of left with this dualistic and somewhat contradictory viewpoint. On one hand, she loves being her own person and expressing her own sense of style and such, even if it does fit into a certain niche, but on the other she thinks that going overboard is just asking for trouble, hence why she doesn't have a lot of tolerance for nonsense and people who take their individuality too far.

Which brings us onto Kimiko. She had initially heard a lot about Kimiko from her coworkers, but that really couldn't prepare her for a pink, cotton candy girl walking into the store, seemingly without a single care in the world. At first, Jazz really just, didn't like Kim. She thought she was too loud, too proud and just really the kind of epitome of the kind of exuberance she didn't particularly care for. She especially didn't understand why so many people just didn't seem to mind, it just didn't make sense to her! I wouldn't say that she hated her, but she just didn't want anything to do with her. But the fact that Mini ended up idolizing Kim meant that she had to interact with her a lot more than she really wanted to. Thankfully though, this is also what brings the two of them closer!

As for her job, she thinks it's a bit of a drag at times since retail work is retail work, but since the store is independent, she has a bit of fun working there. She gets along quite well with the people that work there and with most of the customers too. It's not a perfect job, but there are worse ways to make a living.

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now seth is a really interesting character i think, i wouldn't expect someone who looks like a regular dude to be as poweful as he is - it looks like a lot of thought has been put into him and i can't help but wonder: what was the inspiration  that u had for this character and what kind of world/universe is he developed around? those sound like such generic questions but i am rly rly curious ;w;


addison actually exists in the same universe as adrian, and since they're both ex-undertale OCs (the secret is out y'all) they do still live in a very monster-only setting w/ only monsters and fantasy creatures! but u have a good idea thinking modern australia considering that's usually where i subconsciously dump my OCs to begin w/ anyway - so i guess ur pretty spot on w/ that one! only difference is there are a lot of cooler areas (like where adrian lives, which is usually a very chilly and snowy place down south)
addie spends most of their time in dusty, dry places though they often travel to large cities for 'artistic inspiration' so there's a very large expanse of land for them to wander on there :0 

it's nothing exciting and pretty much is just australia w/o the sweltering heat haha - sorry i'm not too good at describing places bc while they all look a very specific way in my head it's sometimes hard to put into words, but i hope that was okay!

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