Ask the person above OOC about their character!

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago (Edited 5 months, 17 days ago) by Luke (CHIEF) hedgemaze

There's a thread for asking IC questions to the character above, but I am a sucker for all dem sweet, sweet character development tidbits, so if you're like me and you've ever wondered what inspired someone to make their characters, here is the thread for you.

Post IC (but don't actually write IC) as the character you want the person below you to ask you a question about, or you can let them ask about any of your characters (or a certain group of characters)! Ask any question OOC to the above character's owner, like perhaps what inspired a certain design choice, what gave them the idea for the character in the first place, what aspect of their character they struggled most in writing, or if the character has changed significantly over time. Anything you want, really (it doesn't have to be a character development question: it can be any OOC question about the character, or a group of them). Claim first if you need time to look through their characters or read their profile(s). And after you've been asked a question, edit your post with your answer.


  • Please try to ask an interesting question!
  • Nothing too sensitive here, please. If you must post something sensitive, use a spoiler cut or make the text and highlight color the same. There is another thread for NSFW questions.
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your question! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your question in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • BE NICE!  

I'll start us off with this guy. Have fun!

Edit: my answer

So Luke and the other two terrorists were inspired by an incident when my friend and I were in high school, and running around the neighborhood like the teenage idiots we were, wearing all the Halloween costume items from my basement that we could manage: among them, a Christmas reindeer antler headband and a child's toy fireman helmet. A guy yelled out of the window of his pickup truck that terrorists like us are what America stands against... which was an insane thing to yell at teenagers in stupid costumes, but it made me think, what if I played that guy straight and he was right?

Interested in more games for character questions?

All my forum games and threads


Ooh tell me more about Haggis and Roadie's relationship! How did they met? Why exactly do they keep their relationship a secret? What do they like to do together the most ? ♡ Anyone from here please!

Thanks for the questions haha they'll be helpful they'll do Moroni's profile! (One day......)

Nono and Sezu both live at Manari's house, they're all aware of each other existence. Manari is pretty chill about this whole guardianship thing, since they keep her company and are interesting subjects to study. She finds Nono absolutely adorable, even though she sometimes wonder who is the actual "guardian"... And she finds Sezu nice and comforting as well, but sometimes he's a bit annoying and strict about her way of life lmao ("Junk food is bad for your health blablablah").
Norith and Sezunel both love Manari a whole lot, even though Nono sometimes see her more as a close friend, while Sezu is more traditional in his "guardian angel" relationship. They love how generous she is towards them (I mean she buys them POPCORN isn't she the best human ever), and they love learning stuff about humans thanks to her!
As stated in her profile, Norith is not hostile at all towards Sezunel, as she's pretty innocent and do not discriminate. She's just wants to be everyone's friend, Sezu included. Sezu, on the other hand, is aware of the fact that angels and demons usually don't get along well, and, on top of that, his whole "I want to be seen as a righteous hero, just like Prince Michel" thing just make him... purposefully cold toward Nono; he doesn't trust her at all, and he's persuaded that her kindness and innocence is just a disguise, and that's she'll try to hurt Manari in some way if he isn't around. Nono tries to prove him otherwise but she talks a lot about and tries to analyze of Sezu's emotions in the process, which makes Sezu uncomfortable as hell. So he hates her more. Rip Nono

Moroni mainly gives money to her sister to prove his material superiority over her, and because of the whole religious concept of charity, lmao. He also believes that, with enough help like this, Manari will become "normal" like him and integrated in society instead of being... a nerdy outcast... It's not that he really wants to hurt her, though... She's pretty much the odd man out in her family and he justs follows the trend, hoping that she will "wake up" and change.

Moroni isn't aware of Norith and Sezunel's presence at all, even though he believes in the existence of angels and demons. Nono and Sezu are invisible to him by choice, since don't want to have anything to do with their protégée's "first bully". They actually prefer to help Manari manage social interaction with him without him knowing. Moreover, Manari don't want to tell him anything either because she don't want to be seen as crazy... She basically lives alone in her apartment 24/7, she's aware how weird and delusional she would sound if she would tell her brother about her guardians lmao

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Haruka spacecadet

u... u know i love irina so much,,, why does she look so much like a vampire/have fangs? :oo also why can she conjure tiny bats if she isn't one?? like what gave her that ability?


honestly I do get uncomfortable when people make assumptions that are untrue about her whether they be sfw or nsfw x') im not really sure why i guess because i feel like it's people assuming things about me!! but i mean when it comes down to it, i know she's a chara and has a lot of parts in her story that really aren't me. I definitely do relate to her though, her personality is 100% mine as well as all of her likes/dislikes/habits.

RAW reinapepiada

As Haruka is based on you, how comfortable are you with the things people assume about her, or you yourself make her do? How much of her do you see as 'you' and how much of her do you see as her own character?


Yes, thank you very much!

Since RAW was supposed to be a sushi cake gijinka at first, I found that it would be appropriate to name them RAW like... raw fish in sushi? It sounds like a weird name for a person, but it suits RAW as they have always been in a weird place wrt being alive, ya know? They were always kinda uncanny so I've always felt that their name was appropriate

 Shirley [Jamie] Temple SOUNDBBABE

//aa sorry read it wrong again// 

How did you come up with the Idea of naming your character RAW? Does it symbolize anything?

//does this work???

Jamie got through high school just fine! They made some promising friends up until the majority of them moved away to find their dream homes. The used to go to the diversity club in their high school as well. I wanted them to just sorta have a normal high school experience since non of my characters seem to have that-

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Smiley PicklePantry

Which of those three came first, and what were the ideas that inspired them?

He does, yeah! He feels the whole range of emotions. It's just that the elixir he took amplifies what he feels, so if he's angry, he'll be absolutely scornful; if he's happy, he'll be obsessed. Usually his anger and desperation for happiness conflict with each other when he's "visiting" people, so they block out other emotions he'd normally feel.

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How does consuming hatred and love work? How is the target affected? You mention that Pan can manipulate the intensity of these emotions; could you elaborate? I find it really interesting.

Ask me about anyone from Catband!

Yes, it's a comic! (Oops, I probably should have linked the folder-- there's a little explanation of the character groups there.) It was a webcomic I did years ago that I'm planning to reboot, about a battle of the bands contest.  

Some characters were created for the story, but the majority already existed-- though mostly in extremely different forms than they ended up becoming. Many are characters I've had some version of since childhood or high school. So I think it's a little of both? I had a rough base of existing characters and a story and and when I had a place in the story that fit certain characters, I'd redesign them for it. For example, there's a freak show in the comic, and a number of characters I still need to redesign (and probably re-name) for it, but I knew that was the storyline where those characters would fit. There are at least four or so storylines that are intertwined (mainly sub-plots supporting the main plot-- I still need to add a lot of characters, haha). The main plot is the two most popular bands competing against each other to win the contest: Hedgemaze Expo and Persephone's Winter. Amber and Jill from Hedgemaze Expo are the main characters! The comic has always been their story.

Gauge reinapepiada

I'm not exactly sure what Catband is, is it a comic? But that's not my question lol what I wanna know is how you structured the story :O Like, did the story happen first, and then you made the characters for it, or did you tie all of the characters involved together in a single storyline? I'm assuming there are main characters, and in that case, why did you choose them as such?


haha thank you!! Well as for the design itself... Now that I think about it, I'm not quite sure! I mean, I know the form of their tail was sort of inspired by Elten in the sense that since they're in the same universe, it would make sense to have more than one character with the same 'format' of a tail (basically a long string with something at the end)

So Gauge's design was intended to aim for that violent cute aesthetic, and they're my first character to be like that despite how edgy I am! I wanted to make them cute, i gave them their outfit and ribbon, and decided that they should have a ribbon on their tail as well, like,, you know. but having it end like a pointy spade as the traditional demon wasn't good enough for me at the time, so that's why I glued two spades and gave them their current tail! The color came from their claws that I already had colored orange so it meant the demon was of an orange color, and the texture was just what I was feeling at the moment. After all of that, I was certainly like... well, that's a weapon if I've ever seen one. I imagine it's super filled with venom and both rough and squishy if you were to touch it, as well as super warm. Since it's what I've always imagined, I find it interesting that you can see it as a gemstone! It does look like it, but gemstones are so cold and stiff that it's a huge contrast to what I imagine haha

And that's how I built their tail! It wasn't meant to resemble a scorpion at the beginning but it totally does, and the demon totally has a scorpion aesthetic and influence, even if Gauge is more represented by a lizard.


What inspired Gauge's tail? Do you remember if there is any concepts/ media that sparked the design making process, and gave you the idea for it? I imagine scorpions, but the stinger looks like a gemstone and I can't help but find myself curious. Its really unique!!

Also, I'm on mobile so IC doesn't work, but I want questions about this guy 

Taly is a very expressive individual. Very emotional, loud, and expressive in dislog, and movement. Over the top really. Thats the easy to enterpret part. However with the lack of face, subtle expressions were very difficult. 

So around the second draft of his first design, I tried to experiment with different ways to convey emotion. What ended up sticking, were glowing eyes with exaggerated expressions. It still left him with the same armored knight aesthetic, along with the enigmatic aura masked characters have, all while allowing from better expression.

That, and I made the executive decision that his surface temperature rises when embarased, to allow blushing!!

As for why I changed his design... well, his third draft (first official design) was the 5th time overall that I had ever drawn armor. I didn't know how it worked well, and I was just genuinely upset with it as I became more practiced. Like... his helmet can only exist from two angles. Side, or back view made no sense...

So when it was time for new armor, I simplified him! Put him in a non traditional crusader helm, and smoothed over a lot of details that were difficult for me to draw previously. 

Colette ChickieDee

Okay, so with characters that have their faces covered or don't have traditional facial features, a lot of times it's hard to write/draw/generally convey emotion without the use a facial expressions. Are there any physical movements with Talus that you particularly focus on when drawing him or writing him? What influenced the change in armor for him as well?

Soliel jetsetspy

What made you decide to make Colette a living doll?

I enjoy writing about just how much difference there is between different aspects of his personality, and it always keeps it interesting trying to figure out how exactly he'd react to something, and how the same person loves everyone and laughs at himself onstage is the same person who goes home and worries about what people think of him.

 Colin Caine

In terms of like writing the character, what is the aspect you enjoy about Soliel the most?

Is Colin based off of anyone or anything in specific? His story is pretty sad for such a pretty boy so I'm curious what inspired you to write him that way?

I was going to say he isn't based on anything specific but that's actually a LIE because I did have something in mind for him! Basically friends and I were having this tea party (really big, like +30 people) and there was a witch theme where people had to dress up as witches, and so since I don't have a witchsona really and my resources are limited I thought I could make a character design based on the stuff I have at home, and so Colin's hair is directly inspired by a wig I have lmao. I ended up not cosplaying him though and went with a completely different getup (aside from the doll legs) but I liked the idea of a doll witch so much I wanted to make him a thing and develop him further. 

The rest just kind of... happened lol I just thought of why exactly he was a doll, and then I remembered Rose and how angsty I made his past and felt so bad I wanted to give him someone he could relate to, hence why Colin is also physically halted to look what he did when he was cursed.