Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Q39. Which of your OCs get into the most (physical) fights?

Fighting is kind of Lausac's job, but even outside of that he gets into a lot of fights. He just really likes fighting, whether he's getting into them because he wants to punch smug jerks in the face or because he's in a friendly spar for fun and exercise. He was raised in a culture that praised combat skills, and even though he's trying to unlearn a lot of unhealthy things that were ingrained in him he still bases a lot of his self-worth on how good he is at fighting. Losing makes him more antsy and eager to throw down, while winning boosts his ego... and makes him more eager to throw down. He's just a ball of (ง •̀ゝ•́)ง ᶠᶦᵗᵉ ᵐᵉ

Kameila also gets into a lot of fights due to her hot-blooded, rambunctious, and aggressive personality. To be fair, though, a lot of those are Pokemon fights... but let's be real, she probably wrestled all of her Pokemon into submission to catch them.


Q39. Which of your OCs get into the most (physical) fights?

Collin, defiantly. He's hotheaded and moody, and while small compared to most boys his age he packs a lot of punch. He's fairly well worked out and can do well in fights, he probably is in shape because of how often he picks fights. He doesn't think before throwing fists, and any argument will end with him winning with a punch to the jaw or gut. Collin might get a sort of thrill out of fighting and he knows his strength which can dominate people if he uses it right. What he lacks for in brains he makes up with brawn.


Q39. Which of your OCs get into the most (physical) fights?

Yager for sure... plenty of my characters fight but he's a fight monger HAHA. He's also a bounty hunter, so his job revolves around fighting and capturing people who really don't wanna be caught.

However, Sasha's also no slouch when it comes to picking fights... He'll kick their ass, he'll kick your ass, he'll kick his own ass, so on. Both of them are just really aggressive small men, oops. At least Yager gets paid for it?? But Sasha just does it because he can.


I am supposed to be working on my CV, but I had too much questions to catch up :D

Q23. Which of your OCs is the tallest?
My deities can have whatever size they want then they would easily be the tallest, but they usually stick around 2 metters. Samael, the Flygon of Wes, is 2 metters tall as well, but I do not really consider him an OC. If I had to only consider my humans, the tallest is Arthur. He is only 178cm tall, but most of my humans are actually rather small.

Q24. How do you decide what to use for your characters' avatars?
Many of my characters does not really have art then I just use what I made for them with Rinmaru's avatar maker.... Others just have one single piece of art then I took this one. For the few that are several pieces, I usually use the one that is the more accurate to my character's appearance, or the one that looks like an icon the most.... There is actually no general rule, it is pretty random.

Q25. Which of your OCs likes the rain the most? Who likes it the least?
I never thought of this question, so let's see for all of them. Alastyn does not really care about rain, he neither like or dislike it. Alnitak and Amadeus does not like rain and cold. Arthur, Kaoru and Eden does not care much as long as they have something to cover their head. Elijah does not like to be wet but he knows his tribe needs water to live (not only to drink, but also to keep plants and animals alive). Wes comes from the desert the he does not experience rain often...when it does rain, it makes him uncomfortable because he is not used to it, but he actually likes seeing water. I guess the one who likes it the most is Malédice, because he loves to jump on puddles and splash around, or to roll in the mud. The one who like it the least may be Alnitak.

Q26. Which of your OCs is the jumpiest?
I am not sure what "jumpy" means, honestly. Eden and Kaoru often are really anxious, but they still act calm... If "jumpy" means something like "turbulent", it would be Malédice. This dog is always full of energy, restless and agitated, always running, playing, barking...

Q27. Which of your OCs likes sketching/drawing/painting/etc. the most?
Actually, none of my character is an artist. But Amadeus still likes to draw and paint, even if he knows he is not talented at all.

Q28. Which OC of yours plays video games the most?
Both Arthur and Eden likes video games. They are not true gamers, they are more the casual kind of gamers that plays sometimes but not that often, but they still enjoy to play, alone or together, when they have enough free time to feel bored. Arthur mostly enjoy to play videogames where there are several players around, he does not enjoy much playing alone, while Eden is most the lonely kind of player.

Q29. Which OC of yours is the least punctual?
Most of my humans give a great importance to punctuality, considering it a matter of respect. Mostly, Amadeus, Arthur, Eden and Kaoru are really ponctual. Maeda and Shiro does not have much hours or appointments but I think they would do their best to be punctual. However, I am sure Maeda would be so stressed by an appointment he would end up either late or too early. Wes, however, does not care much about hours and punctuality, and is quite often late because he just does not care.

Q30. Which OC of yours is the most responsible?
Arthur. He is the one who acts the most childlish and immature, yet he is actually really responsible. Maybe because he is one of the older, or maybe because he already have lots of responsabilities from his job, while others are mostly students or jobless.

Q31. Which of your OCs is the youngest?
Actually, all of my OCs are young... Like everyone's OC, I guess? I onced had an old lady as a roleplay character, she was like 77 years old, and she was really fun to play, but nobody wanted to roleplay with her because people are mostly looking for love interest when roleplaying, then had no interest for my poor granny... Then I did not keep her. Now, my oldest characters would obviously be my deities that are almost as old than humanity itself, but among my mortal characters, the oldest would be Wes. I used to play him as a 26 years old, but I feel like this age actually does not match him then I decided to age him up to 34 years old.
I aged some other of my characters, because some were created 8 years ago when I was more comfortable playing younger characters (because I was 14 myself), but now, I would not be comfortable anymore playing a teen, then I decided to make them young adults (18-20 years old). Actually, most of my characters age from year to year.
And now I re-read the question and realize you are asking about the youngest and not the oldest. Right. The youngest would be my new dog character. I have not worked on her yet but she is probably around 3 of 4 years old. But she is a dog. Dogs obviously are younger than most humans. Among my humans, the younger is Maeda, being 18 years old.

Q32. Do you use tags? If so, what do you tag? If not, why not?
Yes I do, and they are there for an easier search for someone that would be interested into a roleplay, then I categorized them within basic roleplay categories : "human", "anthro" and "animal" for the specie, and "realist", "semi-real", "fantasy" and "pokemon" for the universe.

Q33. Which of your OCs like to cause trouble the most?
What kind of trouble? Maledice is really playful but also dumb, then he may cause trouble without being aware of it. Wes is more for the intentional troubles, being a rude person that may easily enter in conflict with others. Also, because of his job, he sometimes has to destroy projects, firms or even persons...

Q34+35. If you could meet one of your OCs (in their universe, not ours), who would you pick?
Actually, I already did. It was really fun and instructive to meet them and observe their reaction toward me (I did not control them, I let them be free of their own reaction without me deciding anything about it). I first met Eden, and he actually was not that surprised to learn about me. He already heard about these theories saying we may all be living in a fictive universe from an computer simulation or from a book, then he quite easily accepted my existence (well, of course, I still had to prove my sayings and my identity). I visited him several times after this, I actually really enjoy discuting and sharing with him, he is a really interesting guy.
I also met Wes, but this one would not accept to believe me at all, even with me distorting his universe to prove my powers. He refuses it, probably because of his solid pride, he could not accept to be my creation. Now he really hates me, and this may be the proof he actually kind of believe me without accepting it.
I met Amadeus as well, and we had a really weird conversation. I can not tell about it in here, because it went really personnal....
Maybe I should try to meet some other of my characters. It is a really interesting thing to do.

Q36. If you had to be stuck in one of your stories/universes, which one would you pick? Which one would you least want to be stuck in? If you only have one, how would you feel about being stuck there?
I would choose to live to Sheim, it is actually a nice city! Most of my characters lives in a universe that looks a lot like ours, just like a parallel universe that would be the same but with different people living in it.... even though there are still some weird things in there (like, people with animal ears?) and sometimes a bit of magic. Then, here is where I would want to live, because, yes, I am too much of a coward to decide to go in a totally different universe.
The one I would want the less to live in is Verae, a prehistoric-like universe. Because I actually like living in a warm and comfortable house and having a fridge full of fresh food.

Q37. Which OC of yours is the worst with technology?
My animal OCs, I guess? Well, okay, if I do not consider the animals and the ones that lives in ancient times, it would be Alastyn. He does live at our modern times but never really had an experience with computers or similar things. He just has a simple phone.

Q38. Which of your OCs is the most gullible?
Amadeus can be really gullible and maleable. Poor guy.

Q39. Which of your OCs get into the most (physical) fights?
Wes gets into lots of fights, but he usually let his Pokemons fight for him.... He goes into the fight himself when he has to kill someone, because beside his Absol, none of his Pokemons accept to kill a human being.


Now I have a question for you, Isoprene : do you actually read our replies? xD


Big post because I haven't caught up lmao


Q34. If you could meet one of your OCs (in their universe, not ours), who would you pick?

The million dollar question, isn't it? Considering most of my characters are non-humans who don't particularly like humans I may be better off just leaving them be, but if I had to choose I'd probably pick one of the familiars. They're basically cats but cooler. If I had to choose one of the familiars, it'd have to be either King or Zeanu. Because I love me some oblivious animals. But if I really had to choose a humanoid character of mine, I'd more go for modern human Gar and A. In their universe they're used to the technology already and wouldn't get a culture shock from being transported to this universe's Belgium. Plus, a chance to meet them? Fuck yeah.


Q35. If you could meet one of your OCs, who would you pick? ...But this time, they know that you created them and you've put them through everything they've gone through (or at least allowed it and didn't retcon it), for better or worse. If your answer is the same as the last question still, how do you think your chosen OC(s) would react to the knowledge that you've been controlling their life to some extent?

Same choice. The familiars would probably not mind it too much, I don't even think they'd be capable of understanding the extent of me controlling their lives. I gave King a cool friend he loves and Zeanu enjoys his life too so they wouldn't mind. Modern human Gar and A, being the moody teenagers they are, may blame all the bad of the world on me. They're still millenials lD


Q36. If you had to be stuck in one of your stories/universes, which one would you pick? Which one would you least want to be stuck in? If you only have one, how would you feel about being stuck there?

Not my main story. It's medieval and as a human I wouldn't stand a chance there. If I had to choose it'd be the Academy story. While I'm no magical human(oid), I have the biggest chance of surviving in that world, though I most likely wouldn't notice the presence of the Academy. 


Q37. Which OC of yours is the worst with technology? If none of your OCs live in a world with very advanced technology, who would probably be the worst with it if they did?

It's not really applicable in my main story, but in the Academy story I'm gonna have to say Quentin and Andreas. Both of them come from a place where no modern day technology is available and they only recently got integrated in the modern technology environment. Andreas does know what computers and phones are, so in that aspect he's better at it than Quentin, who refuses to come into contact with technology if he doesn't need to.

Speaking of millenials, modern human Gar is awful with technology in that he abuses it. Not his fault, but he's one of those kiddos who follows along with Tumblr's crazy shenanigans. He's one of those guys who fetishises non-whites, is a misandrist who claims misandry doesn't exist, is a white apologist (and quite the racist one), and probably claims to be demonkin, all because it's cool online to hate others and be cool trendy things. He'll grow out of it as he grows older though.


I'll do the remaining questions I have in another post later


Seiden I do! I really like reading everyone's responses and learning about all of their OCs and stories, it's a lot of fun! I don't usually respond to stuff thought unless someone directly asks me a question, though, mostly because I'm really lazy, especially at the time of day I ask questions. I'm pretty much always tired, but during the afternoon I'm practically a shambling corpse for some reason.

Also, someone who's jumpy is someone's who's easily startled, shocked, surprised, frightened, etc.!

Q40. Which OC of yours is the most argumentative?

too tired to really answer things right now but uhhh probably etoile?? i don't really have a lot of my more argumentative characters up here yet, everyone i have so far is pretty chill or agreeable or would just rather leave than get into a fight tbh


Well, thanks for your answer! :3
You are really curious for reading all of this ! 

I'll edit the "jumpy" thing later, as I really did not understood the word xD  thanks for explaining it to me. I will try to remember it. 


Q40. Which OC of yours is the most argumentative?

I have a lot of opinionated and argumentative characters... whoops. But if I had to pick one of them, it'd be Anatoliy. He's the one who gets into the most arguments, by far, but this is mostly because he uh calls out people on their thinking. A lot. It's practically his hobby to point out flaws in the way that people think and speak or offer his own unsolicited opinion on what he thinks of them and their personality and even how they react to things. He's extremely blunt and to-the-point as well and he'll call someone stupid right to their face and then back it up by pointing out things they just said and so on and so forth.

He has a ton of friends, though, who kinda like him despite this (or even for this). It's a mystery.


Isoprene While I'm not answering questions, can I ask how you obtain a link to your question comment? I can't find out how to link back to a reply c':


ElithianFox When you first post a comment, the URL in your address bar is the direct link to the post you just made! If you leave the page and it's not in your browser history/too far back into your history to bother, if you go to edit your post and submit it (you don't have to actually change anything), you'll get taken to that URL again and you can copy it there. I don't think there's any way to link to another person's post (unless they give you the URL) though, and linking to your own is pretty tedious. c'mon toyhouse give us some little direct link buttons or somethin'


Q41. Do you have any adopted OCs?

I do! The very first OC I ever adopted (well, for money anyway, I had at least two OCs before then who were at least partially made by friends) was Charity, who was the reason I made a PayPal in the first place. Her design was just so adorable and so incredibly cheap that I had to buy her, and ever since then I've been adopting OCs! Though I'm really picky about what designs I adopt... my rule of thumb is that if I can't really feel a backstory, personality, powers/abilities, etc for the design within 5 or 10 minutes then I won't allow myself to buy the design even if I really, really love it and it's really, really inexpensive. No point in taking a design someone else might love if I know I won't be doing anything with it any time soon!

Sometimes my adopts will end up in established universes of mine, usually in supporting roles. Otherwise, I have a whole universe specifically for my adopted characters! It's kind of interesting to work on because I'm not letting myself create any of my own designs for it; the story has to be entirely reliant on who I adopt! It encourages me to think of plots on a smaller-scale and think more about how to make a small group of OCs fit a wide variety of roles.

man looking at my adopted tag and the two adopts i still need to write bios for and upload, i sure do adopt a lot of green and purple designs... what's up with that