[TWWM] Those Connected by Fate

5 years, 3 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
45 50108 6

Chapter 12
Published 5 years, 1 month ago

TWWM - Origin Prompts for Sauvi, Kaito, Twyla and Viola!

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Author's Notes
Prompt 1. Original Form for KAITO

Show us who your esk was before they were transformed.
(Cosette = Sauvi)


Base Score: 69 AP (Writing: 3450 words)
+50 AP (Origin Prompt)
+5 AP (Personal Work Bonus)
+20 AP (Esk Interaction Bonus: 10 AP * 2)
+32 AP (Storyteller Bonus: 8 AP * 4)
Total AP per submission: 176

Base Score: 34.5 GP (Writing: 3450 words)
+10 GP (Origin Prompt)
+24 GP (Storyteller Bonus: 6 GP * 4)
Total GP per submission: 68.5

Kaito1 - Wealthy Aspirations

(note: actual word count may be off a bit, as I changed the era and status of Jiro to something more ambigious)

Location: Japan

Katashi Kaito had been born in the year 1830 to Katashi Jiro, a man of wealth and power, in Japan. A proud and strong family, they had ruled their area in Japan for centuries, leading it safely through all manner of historical perils. As Kaito grew, his father educated him in many things, molding him into the perfect successor, the next leader for their family. Culture, Language, History, Architecture, Civil matters, Mathematics, the Sciences, Martial Arts, and even more delicate crafts such as paper-folding and calligraphy. Kaito had hundreds of tutors over the years, each one a master, each one, hired to infuse more knowledge and culture into young Kaito. As he grew, he developed a thirst for knowledge, the tutors became his best of friends, and the endless expanse of things to learn became his whole world. He could often be found, books and scrolls piled around him in his favorite spot, a large zen garden within one of the palace courtyards. 

As his teenage years came and went, his father, Jiro, began to steer him in another direction, one that Kaito wasn't too fond of. "You should find a suitable wife soon my son, continue the legacy of this family, it is your destiny to rule Japan!" he would always smile and clap Kaito on the back, "There are hundreds of suitable women who are eager to rule beside you!" Kaito would laugh and brush it off. "Maybe someday Father, for now, my studies!"
"Ahhh, you can study when you're old," the man would say, stroking his pointed jet black beard. "Find a wife, start a family while you're young my son!"
Kaito would laugh and carry on with his studies, his only love was knowledge, and he dedicated every waking moment to learning everything he could.

Before long, his father became more serious about the need for Kaito to find a wife. He said that he wouldn't be around forever, and that Kaito would wish that he'd listened sooner, "When all my responsibilities falls on your shoulders, you will wish you had someone beside you my son."
He organized parties and banquets, inviting all suitable women from the nation. They traveled from far and wide, seeking to impress the reluctant prince, but to no avail. 

Jiro's love for his son, and desire for his happiness was all that kept him from forcing Kaito to marry. The summer Kaito turned 22, the he became very serious with him. "My son, I know you are planning a visit to our summer home in India, correct? Something about grapes?"
"Yes father, I'll be leaving next week, the class lasts three months, it should be a wealth of knowledge."
"Delightful, Yes...but Son. There's, I need you to..."
"Yes Father?" Kaito turned, giving him his full attention.
"Kaito my son... I am getting old, you are my only son. I know how much your studies mean to you, but please... Please select a wife soon. If i do not live to see the family legacy continue it would..."
Kaito shook his head, his shoulders slumping. "Father, its not only my studies, you know this. I cannot just 'select' a wife. How am I to spend my life with someone random I've just...selected?"
"Then find someone to love, find someone beautiful. I care not what you base it on, I just need to see your future, our family's future, secured... I cannot continue onward, marching every day towards my end, without seeing this."
"I don't even know anyone I'd consider, I have friends from my classes, but they're simply that, friends."
"Then find someone! Please, at least consider this. When you return from India, please at least try, for me."
Kaito's head hung low, it was his duty to honor his father, and to carry the legacy of their entire family on his shoulders. It was a burden he had never wished for, but one that he respected. He took a deep breath.
"Yes father," he said, bowing low. "I will try. I promise."

Location: India

India was a beautiful country, but nothing new for Kaito. He had visited their country home many times over the years. It was built to mimic the Japanese style, and stood out among the other homes that lined the hilltops surrounding the vineyards. Some of Kaito's favorite wines came from this place, he'd always loved visiting here. He stepped off the boat and nodded to the row of servants who greeted him. At his motion they rushed aboard, gathering up his packages and belongings and whisking them towards the palace in carts. He rode in one as well, the scenery whipping past in a blur. When they arrived, he strode across the familiar bridge and entered. It was always pristine, staff was kept even when they weren't using the home. He instructed the servants to carry his belongings to his wing, and selected a few books to read through this evening. He strolled to the garden, a Japanese-style zen garden. It was one of his favorite places in all the world, like the garden at home in Japan, but mini. It had a small koi pond, a trickling fountain, some benches and a beautiful sakura tree that overhung the entire garden. Its shade leaving dappled patterns across the garden.

He sat and began reading, he kept getting uncharacteristically distracted however, and found himself daydreaming. He'd heard that the Vintner's class was becoming quite popular, apparently students from all over the world had traveled to attend this year. He pulled his attention back to the book, but his eyes didn't even want to focus, he found himself trailing off again. He wondered what customs they might know, what countries they were from, how many students? This could be an incredible opportunity to interview them, get some firsthand information from across the world perhaps. He shook his head, "Tomorrow, I'll ask them tomorrow." he tried diving back into the book once more, but again, it could not be helped.

"Fine then!" he stood up, jokingly scolding the book. "I'll go on a walk then."
Laughing at himself, he set out for the town, strolling comfortably down the cobblestone streets. He'd played here every summer as a child, it felt like home. He walked along the rows of houses and into the marketplace. It was busy tonight, a lot of people had arrived on ships today, aside from him. 'They must be buying supplies.' he thought to himself as he perused the marketplace stalls. The hum of the crowd seemed soothing for some reason, it distracted him from his mind, usually racing with data and information, he sighed, glad to relax for a moment. He gazed up, looking at the stars between the rows of buildings. It was such a calm... OOF!

Suddenly he felt an impact from the side, something had bumped into him hard enough to make him stumble. He leapt back, and saw that a young woman had stumbled into him. She was tilted sideways, as if someone had bumped her even before, and she was desperately trying to regain her balance. She stepped awkwardly to the side, her heel catching between two cobblestones, she would surely fall now. In an instant he found himself at her side, catching her. He heard a stomach-churning crunch and winced hard. Cracking one eye open, he observed her face, she seemed ... alright?
"Wh...Wh...Wasn't that your ankle?" he gasped, eyes wide.
The girl blushed, covering her mouth with a hand. "Oh Monsieur, merci! Thank you for catching me! That crunch was only my shoe's heel I believe."
"Oh! Thank goodness. The thought that it was bone nearly turned my stomach. I'm so glad you're alright Ma'am."
She smiled at him before blushing even deeper red as she realized her face was being clutched to a strange man's chest. "Oh, um, Could I..." she wiggled her feet a bit, motioning to be let go.
It was Kaito's turn to blush now as he realized how long he'd held her. "Oh! I'm so sorry! Forgive me! I...I don't..." he helped her up and stepped back, bowing deeply. "I'm glad your alright!" As he looked up, she was curtsying at the same time, and they met at eye level. Time seemed to slow down for a moment, the crowds of people swam around them in a whirl of lights and colors.
Kaito broke the silence, carefully reaching out towards the girl. "I...My name is Kaito. Its very nice to meet you."
The girl cautiously accepted his hand, shaking it gently, "I am Cosette. Thank you for saving me from falling. I shouldn't of worn heels, the cobblestone is impossible in them." She took a wobbly step forward and lifted a foot. "Oh goodness, its broken completely. I should go back to the dorm and change them." she nodded at him, afraid to curtsy again with a broken shoe. As she turned to go though he tightened his grip on her hand slightly. He wasn't even sure why, but he did. "Wait!" he'd confused himself now, why was he so flustered, who was this girl? "Let me walk you home, you could fall again with that shoe."
She hesitated for a moment, she wasn't the type to just trust any man who happened to offer her help, her father's words echoed in her mind. "Be safe my love." She looked at the man, he looked to be Japanese perhaps, he was tall, with jet black hair. She was afraid to trust a stranger, but as she met his gaze again she felt a pull, the whisper of fate seemed to tug at her heart. Something seemed to say that she could trust him. His journey had met up with hers perhaps. She shyly accepted his arm and directed him back to the building she was staying at. 

She entered and returned a short time later with more simple shoes on.
"Ah! You're much shorter now!" he joked, reaching over her head.
"You're much taller as well!" she replied, giggling. "I was going to buy some breads and jam, but I'm not familiar with this place, or the language. When you caught me, I was about to give up and come back for the night."
His eyes lit up, "Oh! I'm glad you said something! I've known this place since my childhood, I can show you anything you'd need!"
"It seems our journeys did meet up for a reason!" she laughed. He paused for a moment, lost in thought. "You mean, like destiny?"
"Perhaps, but maybe less serious than that. She looped her arm through his again as they strode back towards town. "My father believes everyone has a journey, a path that they must follow through their life. Sometimes it is hard, sometimes it seems confusing, but he believed that its our duty to do our best and accept our journey. I just was joking, that perhaps your journey and mine crossed, thats how we met."
He fell silent for a while, leaving Cosette feeling a bit awkward.
"I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to assume that we were fated to meet or anything, I just meant..."
"No, no no, Its not that. I was just thinking. My father believes the same thing." he turned to her, smiling broadly. "Perhaps we were fated to meet! Without me, you'd have no breakfast tomorrow!" he joked.
She laughed, steadying herself against his arm as a loose stone rolled under her foot. He steadied her without flinching, his martial arts training had left him strong and steady.

As they explored the town that night, she spoke of her father and his vineyard, and they realized they'd be in the same class together. He told her of his father, and how he was the heir to a large mark of status back in Japan. She seemed daunted at first, humbled to have been treating him as a commoner, but he hushed those fears. "I'm only your friend, ignore my role, for here I am only a student." he assured her. He spoke of his studies, and the languages he knew. They chatted in French for a while, Cosette helping him with pronunciation on some things, before returning to English, where Kaito in turn critiqued her's. He also knew Hindi and several other languages, his expansive knowledge of so many things seemed daunting to her. She found herself feeling inadequate suddenly, and felt like excusing herself. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't speak so much about myself, tell me more of your beautiful vineyard, tell me about France!" he said.
"Are you sure? I'm only a simple commoner's daughter, I don't know much, I'm afraid I might bore you..."
He squinted at her, smiling. "Bore me? You're the most fascinating person I've spoken to in years. It is my honor to hear your stories. After all, our journeys have met here, yes?"
She smiled, his words were genuine and she felt incredibly lucky at this moment. An actual prince wanted to spend time with her, it seemed like a dream.
They walked the streets and talked for hours until they realized they should go rest for the classes tomorrow. Waving farewell, they parted ways. Kaito returning to his summer-home on the hill, to ponder the enchanting woman from france, and Cosette to the cozy little dorm, to think of what the chances were that she'd meet a real Prince of sorts her first day in another country. 

The next three weeks were a whirl. Cosette and Kaito attended the Vintner's class together, and became inseparable. They took notes and sketched the techniques in their books, along with writing notes to eachother. It seemed as if fate had given them both a glimpse of a future they never would of thought of.
In the evenings, Cosette would rush home to the dorm to write her father.

Dear Father,
Classes are going so well, they are teaching so many things I never would of thought of! They have incredible techniques for trimming back old growth, and even ways to start new vines by trimming the old one's! I've also met a friend, its a boy named Kaito. He is from Japan and is a very wealthy heir! I never thought it possible that I could befriend an actual Prince, but he took the class on a tour of the summer home they own here in India and its real! Its like an actual palace with servants and their own carriages and boats. Its fascinating. To be honest with you Papa, I feel like I may love him, I feel a special connection with him, but I'm only a commoner, from an entirely different country. I couldn't possibly tell him my feelings, it would only serve to ruin our friendship I'm afraid. Oh well,  I'm having so much fun here, but I can't wait to return home and see you Father, I pray you are feeling well. You haven't replied to my other letters, but I know how difficult writing is for you right now, so please don't write back if it will pain you. Forever yours, Cosette.

And in turn, Kaito wrote to his father as well, for it seemed that the impossible had finally graced his heart.

My dear and honorable father, Katashi Jiro of Japan,
I am writing you to thank you once again for funding my trip, it is turning out to be even more wonderful than I could of dreamed. I cannot make any promises, as she is delicate and I am shy to ask her, but I have fallen in love. Against all odds, and my own reluctance, I've met an incredible woman. She is attending the same class as I, from France. Her name is Cosette and I love her more than I thought possible. I desperately want to tell her, but I am terrified that it may frighten her and that she may reject me. If I can muster the courage, I will try to tell her how I feel tomorrow. The distance between France and Japan is daunting, but if she accepts my love, I would do anything for her to be happy with me. Even if it means relocating her father, who is ill, to Japan. We may be able to help him as well.
Honorably yours, Prince Katashi Kaito

The two seemed tied to fate, writing their letters the same night, sending them off in different directions as time around them seemed to creep closer. Kaito could not sleep that night, he thought only of how he would tell her that he loved her as more than a friend. The thought that she might reject him tormented him, but he held onto hope. The morning couldn't come quick enough.

- - -

The next day, Kaito was all nerves. Sleep-deprived and desperate to know her answer, he rushed to class. Cosette sat at a table outside, a row of clipped grapevine leaves lie before her as she sketched gently in her book. He paused in his approach, taking a moment to admire her as she worked. Her soft brown hair seemed to shimmer with gold in the sunlight as she worked diligently, not seeing him until he was next to her. She looked up quickly, a smile bursting across her face as she saw him. "Oh Kaito! Good morning!" she said, turning so she could see his face against the glare of the sun. "Oh no! Whats wrong?"

"Wrong? Oh...What do you mean?" he said nervously, afraid his intentions had been discovered already.
"You look so tired! Couldn't you sleep? Is something bothering you?" she peppered him with questions, bustling about in a manner that he found quite cute.
"Oh no, nothing is wrong. I'm just..." He stared into her eyes for a moment, trying to decide how to broach the subject. "I..."
She quieted, her hands stopped fiddling with the leaf she'd held, and she found herself standing there, inches from him.
"Cosette... I..." he tried to get the words out, he reached down and clasped her hands in his. "I..."
The words never came, he leaned down and placed his lips gently on hers. He felt her hands tighten on his, and she pressed closer to him. They kissed, and then he stepped back, bowing awkwardly as he had the night they met. "Forgive me! I should of asked! I just..."
From his bent position, she came into view, having crouched down to meet his gaze once again. Tears welled in her eyes as she smiled at him. Words escaped her, they kissed again before standing.
He clutched her hands tightly. "Oh Cosette. I love you. I was terrified you'd reject me, I've wanted to tell you since... well I feel that I may have loved you from the moment we met..."
"Oh Kaito, I'm so glad you've told me." tears overflowed now, and she turned away, ashamed. "I... I've loved you as well. I'm only a commoner though. I could never be with a prince... I'm just..."
She felt his arms wrap around her, as he hugged her into his chest. It was warm and firm, she felt safe, her tears fading. "Oh Cosette. Our journeys may be different," he held her away, to gaze into her eyes. "But they have brought us both here. I believe it was fate after all. Oh Cosette! I love you!" he shouted, a silly grin on his face. She blushed, wiping her tears. "Oh Kaito thank you. You've made me so happy. I wish i'd waited to write my father, then I could of told him."
He laughed, "Writing my father was what gave me the courage to tell you!"
They laughed together. 

Over the next week, their love blossomed. They spent the days together as they had before, their friendship becoming a bond of true love. They discussed the future, and Kaito revealed that he would ask her hand, if she'd have him. This of course brought a whole new level of waterworks for the shy girl, and another series of plans for a potential move to Japan. They spoke about the vineyard, and her father's debts, and his health. Kaito assured her that all would be well. Cosette had never been so happy in all her life. Kaito felt such pride in his heart as he thought of his father now. He would have his studies still, and now a wife whom he actually loved dearly. The Katashi family could go on and his father would finally be at peace. Happiness welled within his heart as he drifted off to sleep. He couldn't wait to spend the next day with her as well, and every day after... for the rest of their lives.