[TWWM] Those Connected by Fate

5 years, 6 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago
45 50108 6

Chapter 38
Published 4 years, 7 months ago

TWWM - Origin Prompts for Sauvi, Kaito, Twyla and Viola!

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Author's Notes
3. Meeting the Esk
Show us their encounter with the esk that transformed them.

(showing Sauvi and what has brought her to this point)


Base Score: 20 AP (Writing: 1002 words)
+50 AP (Origin Prompt)
+10 AP (Elemental: 5 AP * 2)
+5 AP (Personal Work Bonus)
+40 AP (Esk Interaction Bonus: 10 AP * 4)
+8 AP (Storyteller Bonus: 8 AP * 1)
Total AP per submission: 133

Base Score: 10 GP (Writing: 1002 words)
+10 GP (Origin Prompt)
+6 GP (Storyteller Bonus: 6 GP * 1)
Total GP per submission: 26 for Viola/Twyla

Base Score: 10 GP (Writing: 1002 words)
+10 GP (Origin Prompt)
+5 GP (Elemental: 5 GP * 1)
+6 GP (Storyteller Bonus: 6 GP * 1)
Total GP per submission: 31 for Kai/Sau

Viola3- A connection

Location: France

Finding Twyla was surprisingly easy once Sauvi had put her mind to it. She traveled up and past the mansion where the masquerade party had been held. It was hard to explain, but she felt as if she could sense the little esk's spirit. She followed it towards town, through the little streets and past the quaint little shops. Kaito padded loyally beside her, his towering tree creating a comfortably cool shade that followed them everywhere. The aura led her towards a little coffee-shop that she'd visited once as a child. As they neared it, the spirit aura took shape, leading her like a trail of smoke. It felt familiar, yet different somehow. Nervous, she found herself coiling her vines more tightly around the precious keepsake tea-cup she'd found earlier. "I can do this." Padding alongside the shop, they scaled themselves down a bit and sidled down the alley into a gardened sitting area behind it. It was a cramped space, and they found themselves scaling downwards further, hovering around the size of large dogs. It felt strange to Sauvi to be small again, but she carefully wove through the tidy rows of tables that lined themselves along the cobblestone patio. 


She saw her.

Twyla had been resting in the sun, daydreaming, when she felt a strange yet familiar presence approaching. Hopping onto her feet, she scrambled towards the edge of the table, her multiple legs ticking with tiny sounds against the metal surface. "Could it be?"

Their eyes met, and the world seemed to fall away. Silence fell over the tiny courtyard, as neither knew quite what to say. Twyla, always writhe with energy, spoke first. "Is that...you?" She hopped closer, nearly toppling off the table's edge. Sauvi nervously stepped forward, and Kaito sat down, letting them have their moment. He seemed to meld gently into the shadows of the alley, tranquil pools of water poured down, swirling within the smooth marbled basin before trickling gently onto the cobblestone below. He nodded at Sauvi with encouragement. She rushed forward then, 

"You...changed!" Sauvi said, peering at the tiny esk. Before she had just been a cottonball on two legs, and now she looked like a soft insect...some sort of flower wreath surrounded her face.
"ME? Look at you!!" Twyla peeped excitedly, floating up towards Sauvi's face. "You're huge! And look at your hair! And so many tails!! And whats that!?" she said, pointing eagerly at the puddle that was growing under her tail.
Sauvi giggled, feeling more relaxed. "Ohh! Thats my elemental, Its wine!"
"Whoa! It smells good!"
"Aww haha, its all thanks to Kaito there...he rescued me from all my frustration and fear..." a serious tone crept into her voice and she stared into Twyla's eyes. "I came to apologize to you."
Anxious, she unconsciously shifted her vines, fidgeting with the cup.
"Ohhh... yes. That was...uncomfortable..." Twyla alighted on the table once more, her fanned peony tail fluffing itself softly. "I...I never meant to transform you, I'm so sorry."
"No its alright, I've been growing...and learning that, even things that can seem negative or scary can sort of...turn into a blessing in disguise." She tilted her head towards Kaito again. He nodded back, staying out of their business, but offering support.
"I don't think i'd change a thing at this point. I finally feel whole again, coming to find you was such an incredible journey, I..." something clattered to the ground, bouncing between the cobblestones. "Oh!"
"Whats that?"
Sauvi reached over and picked it up, rubbing a toe carefully along a new chipped edge. "Aww...I dropped it."
Twyla floated close again, she was tempted to climb inside the dish, but refrained. "Its a pretty old cup!"
"Yes, I found it at my old home, I used it back when I was a human!"
"Ohhhh!" Twyla's eyes grew wide, her little pointed nose twitched a bit. "That IS special."
"But never-mind that, I was saying, I'm very sorry. I treated you terribly, I was frightened and very upset that night and I never meant to..."
"Oh no no no." Twyla cut her off, fluttering her tail dramatically. "It was my fault too. I was so excited to have found you that I didn't even think about what you were going through... I didn't even stop to wonder why you were sobbing in the middle of a vineyard..."
Sauvi turned the cup absentmindedly in her paws. "Even so... I wanted to apologize...and get closure, and I was hoping you could forgive me..." she bowed her head low, feeling quite sorry.
Twyla's eyes welled up, glistening brightly in the sunlight. "Oh, oh my gosh please don't feel so bad, you're gonna make me cry!" She floated forward quickly, bumping into Sauvi's snout and staring into her eyes. "I forgive you completely!! Please forgive me for transforming you when you were so terribly upset!"
Sauvi's eyes squinted upwards, "I forgive you! Everything is okay!!"
Giggling, Twyla floated around for a moment, and finally decided to give into her desire to sit in the cup. Plopping into it softly, she fluffed her tail over the edge. Sauvi shook with joy, "Oh my gosh! Your so tiny you fit in a cup!?

Sensing the tense moments had passed, Kaito stood and padded towards them, laughing as well. "Oh goodness."
Twyla giggled, swishing around in the cup a bit. "Its such a pretty cup. It really is special isn't it?" she ran a tiny leg along the edge, letting it trail into the chips and broken edges. Sauvi turned it gently in her hands, watching the sunlight glint off the golden edge.

An idea crossed her mind. She lowered her voice to barely a whisper. "Twyla?"
"Yes?" She stopped squirming for a moment, and looked up at the large wine colored esk.
"Aside from me...abandoning you, when I left the party that night..." she looked down at the tiny esk, who had been so glinting and beautiful as well before, "Are you happy that you were transformed?"