[TWWM] Those Connected by Fate

5 years, 6 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago
45 50108 6

Chapter 32
Published 5 years, 1 month ago

TWWM - Origin Prompts for Sauvi, Kaito, Twyla and Viola!

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Author's Notes
12. Changing Their Path
Show us the turning point that led them to become Abnormal.
Why did they want to be transformed again?


Base Score: 18 AP (Writing: 926 words)
+50 AP (Origin Prompt)
+5 AP (Personal Work Bonus)
+20 AP (Esk Interaction Bonus: 10 AP * 2)
+8 AP (Storyteller Bonus: 8 AP * 1)
Total AP per submission: 101

Base Score: 9 GP (Writing: 926 words)
+10 GP (Origin Prompt)
+6 GP (Storyteller Bonus: 6 GP * 1)
Total GP per submission: 25

Kaito12- Away too long

Location: India (Late Summer)

Deep within the forest, Kaito and Sauvi had thrived. They had successfully built a beautiful little zen garden of their own to call home. Kaito often longed for his biome, although he wished to only stay with Sauvi no matter what. He hid it well enough, but sometimes she would catch him staring into the distance, a tired and aching look etched into his pale face. He refused to return though. They were happy here, she belonged here, and he loved her too much, and he knew how difficult it was for her whenever they'd journey too far. Her vines would fade, the familiar weight of her grapes and shaded leaves would dwindle and she'd catch her breath, pretending it didn't bother her, but feeling very embarrassed and anxious to get them back.

As the weeks passed, they adventured more, they both loved to explore, and Sauvi had re-discovered her adventurous spirit after their garden was complete. Kaito felt the ache though, to return home. It gnawed at him, but he hid it from her. He had everything he needed and loved here. And so they carried on, happy for the most part. But as time went on, it became harder to ignore. It had been six months since they had visited his boundary, and he had become very weak. They stopped going on adventures together, Kaito requesting instead that they just rest.
"Could we stay again today? I know you want to see what is further east, but I'm just...I'm tired today. Could we just stay by the pool and rest?" he'd ask, feeling guilty.
"Of course, I just hope you're alright."
"Oh I am! Just tired is all." he'd assure her, although he wasn't sure of it himself.
He became weaker as time passed, the warmth of the summer sun streamed down through the evergreen branches. It warmed his fur, but not his spirit. He felt hollow.
"I love you Sauvi" he would say, quietly.
"I love you too Kaito." she'd reply, worried about him. Moments later, he would repeat himself, "I love you"
"I know dear, I love you too."
"I love you."
"Are you alright?"
"You keep repeating yourself, like you're caught in a loop."
"Oh... I'm sorry. I love you."
"I love you too...."

The shadows grew longer, and Sauvi urged him to make a trip to his boundary again. "Please, I know that visiting just a moment would help you feel better."
"I don't...I don't know anymore. I don't feel like I'm strong enough to go."
He hadn't moved in two days at this point, and Sauvi could feel his energy waning.
"I'm really worried Kai, please. For my sake, please go with me, I'll help you."
"I don't want to go there. I want this to be my home. I don't want to always be pulled to leave here."
"You want this...to be your home?"
"Yes." he sighed deeply, the sound of the tiny waterfall overtaking everything for a moment.

Sauvi sat quietly, watching his strength fade from him as snow melting away in the heat.  A tear streamed down her snout. She had to find a way to help him.

"Kaito?" she asked, almost afraid to say what she was thinking.
"Yes love?" he replied, his voice hollow and unlike him.

"You know how we were...before." she stammered, trying to get her thoughts together. "Human, but lost."
"Do you think... if we were lost again...could we..."
Kaito's eyes widened a bit, and he peered up at her. "You mean..."

Struggling against gravity that seemed so keen on holding him against the sand, he pushed himself up a bit and peered into her eyes.
"You think I'm lost."
"No! I mean..."
"No. I see what you mean. Its foolish of me to try to hide it from you. I just..."
It felt so awkward and painful to be the one who needed help. A tear ran down his snout now.
"I just...I promised to care for you, and never leave your side. And now..." he turned away, staring at the water. "I feel so empty...so weak."
"I know, We could just try to return to..."
"I don't want that. I don't want to be tied to that place forever. I'm happy here with you."
"I know, but its not often, we could just return there every few months, so you aren't hurting so bad."
"The hurt is always there." he regretted saying it even as it escaped his mind. "No i mean!"
"Always?" tears welled up in her eyes, flowing freely now.
"You've been hurting like this every day haven't you? And you hid it from me because you didn't want me to have to go that far again. Haven't you?"
He hung his head low.
"Haven't you?"
"Yes...I'm so sorry my love...I just wanted..."
"You wanted to protect me, but you need protected too. You need my help and I need yours, and thats nothing to be ashamed of."
"But I didn't want you to hurt too."
"Its okay if I hurt my love," she said, crouching down to meet his gaze. "Kaito... We can do it if we're together. You have to trust me, Don't hide it from me please."
He was crying too, his tears slipping down his soft face and landing in the little pool.
"I'm so sorry Sauvi. I've done this to myself and now I'm too weak to leave."
"Its alright, we'll figure it out. Together. Right?"
He lifted his head and stared into her dark eyes. "Yes. I promise."