[TWWM] Those Connected by Fate

5 years, 3 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
45 50108 6

Chapter 18
Published 5 years, 1 month ago

TWWM - Origin Prompts for Sauvi, Kaito, Twyla and Viola!

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Author's Notes
prompt   10. First time outside their Boundary for SAUVI

Sauvi rushes back to town to find Kaito.


Base Score: 21 AP (Writing: 1074 words)
+50 AP (Origin Prompt)
+5 AP (Personal Work Bonus)
+20 AP (Esk Interaction Bonus: 10 AP * 2)
+8 AP (Storyteller Bonus: 8 AP * 1)
Total AP per submission: 104

Base Score: 10.5 GP (Writing: 1074 words)
+10 GP (Origin Prompt)
+6 GP (Storyteller Bonus: 6 GP * 1)
Total GP per submission: 26.5

Sauvi10 - Please...

Location: India

She ran, rays of sunlight bursting through the leaves and vines in clusters, creating a hypnotic flashing as she galloped clumsily through the rows. Her mind raced as she did, 

'I'll find him, he'll understand me, i know he will. He'll know how to fix this. Maybe i'm just dreaming! Of course! I must of fallen asleep in the vineyard and this is just a nightmare, maybe I...." her foot caught a vine and she tumbled, rolling a short distance.
'Ow...or...wait. That didn't hurt.' she looked down at her paws, unscathed. 'Its...'
she walked forward a ways, right through a clump of vines. They didn't flinch at her passing, she floated right through them. Dread coiled in the pit of her stomach, she ignored it. "Its just a dream. Its just a dream! I'll wake up when I find Kaito!"
She rushed forward again, finding her pace as she loped over the many hills and through the valleys. The vineyards growing brighter and greener as she approached town again.
"I'd gone quite far hadn't I?" she thought to herself, thinking back to the night before. It felt so very long ago now, as if a lifetime had past.
The vines parted as she made her way finally to the courtyards of the vintner's school. The tables she'd sat at were still there, as if nothing had happened. Painted white and lined up carefully, grapes and vines laid out atop them, prepared for the day of lessons.
"I must be late if class is about to start." she thought, looking at the shadows around her. The sun had risen a while ago, and the shadows were closing in on their sources. "If that though... it must be close to noon already..." she thought, puzzled. "Then why is no one here...for class?" worry filled her, "Had something happened?"

As she crept towards the courtyard, and out of the safty of the shadowed vines, she noticed something had changed. The rustle of the vines atop her back had ended. She turned and was suprised that not a single leaf or grape remained. "Is it..." she stammered, confused about what was happening. "Perhaps I'm changing back!! Yes!!" she exclaimed to herself before turning her attention back towards the search. 

She rushed forward again, past the rows of tables and up the stairway to the dorms.  The halls seemed hauntingly quiet. She rushed from room to room, no one was there. Worried, she rushed back down the stairs and out towards the road. There they were! All her classmates, they were clustered together in the street, talking to one another.
"Whats going on guys?" she thought as she ran up to them. As she approached though, it became apparent.

"I haven't seen her either..." one boy said.
"She was at supper, everything seemed fine!" a classmate chimed in.
"Someone said she received a telegram?"
"Yeah something about her Father i think." the students words jumbled together,
"Who brought it to her? What did it say?" as she began to piece it together,
"I don't know, everyone has been in and out looking for her."

Horror gripped the esk as she realized they were talking about her. She froze for a moment before rushing into their midst. "I'm right here!! Don't worry guys! I'm here!" she cried out.

"Wheres Kaito? Is she with him again?"
"I don't think so, he's searching for her right now with some of the others."

They continued talking, completely ignoring her.

"I'm here! Look!" she leapt up and down, her long tail clipping through their legs, a ghostly whip that passed them without a sound.

"We should find him and make sure he's okay, I know they've been attached at the hip lately."
"Agreed, I think he went to search over by the bakery, lets try there first." they said decidedly as they set out towards the bakery. 

Tears welled up in her eyes again as she realized they couldn't see her. "Guys please..." she whispered as they turned to leave. "No. I can't cry. I need to find Kaito. He'll see me! I know he will."
She bounded after the students, and past them, running as fast as her new legs could carry her. She looked through the bakery, and the surrounding streets, searching wildly and without direction.
"Kaito! Kaito help me!! Somethings happened! Please!!"
Scrambling with further desperation, she scoured nearly the entire town, running from street to street, feeling frantic and desperate. Bewildered by the fact she did not tire, or ache. Crying she ran, as she had the night before. Until finally, as she turned to check another street, she saw him. 

There, half way down the road, standing with a group of other students was her love. Her sweet Kaito. His face was creased with worry, his dark hair unbrushed, his eyes tired. She rushed to his side.
"Kaito I'm here! Its okay now! Look!"
He spoke with the others. "I just don't know... I'm afraid of the worst..." he said, shaking his head sullenly.
"Kaito please! Look at me!!" she pleaded, pulling at his pant leg with her claws.
He brushed at them absentmindedly, as if a breeze had blown them sideways.
"Kaito PLEASE!!!" she cried, tears streaming down her face.

"She seemed happy the day before, I just don't know. I don't think that she would of left on her own. I fear something ...terrible may have befallen her." his voice caught, he refused to cry in front of his classmates, but she could tell he was close. She, on the other hand, cried freely, sobbing and desperately trying to make her presence known. But to no avail, she was but a spirit, a creature of lost, and they seemed worlds away.
Kaito cleared his throat, and one of his classmates clapped him on the shoulder. "We'll find her, don't worry.
"I know, I know..." he said, nodding with determination.

She cried on the road, pulling desperately at his leg. He seemed so tall, so determined and hopeful. He brushed at his pant leg again, turning to continue his search. The students split up, heading down streets and into markets, questioning those they met. Kaito strode away from her, an aura of confidence and hope, mixed with worry and love. She lie there on the road, tiny, alone, invisible.

Invisible to all... even her dear Kaito.

tears never-ending, to quench, unsuccessfully, the pain she now felt.