[TWWM] Those Connected by Fate

5 years, 3 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
45 50108 6

Chapter 33
Published 4 years, 10 months ago

TWWM - Origin Prompts for Sauvi, Kaito, Twyla and Viola!

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Author's Notes
12. Changing Their Path
Show us the turning point that led them to become Abnormal.
Why did they want to be transformed again?

this was the moment where Sauvi realized that if something didnt change within her, she would lose herself...or worse yet...lose the one she loves


Base Score: 18 AP (Writing: 903 words)
+50 AP (Origin Prompt)
+5 AP (Personal Work Bonus)
+20 AP (Esk Interaction Bonus: 10 AP * 2)
+8 AP (Storyteller Bonus: 8 AP * 1)
Total AP per submission: 101

Base Score: 9 GP (Writing: 903 words)
+10 GP (Origin Prompt)
+6 GP (Storyteller Bonus: 6 GP * 1)
Total GP per submission: 25

Sauvi12- A trembling sorrow

Location: India

The next few hours were the most painful that Sauvi had ever experienced. She felt so disconnected, so lost. It felt as if she was miles from her biome, the raking echoing hollowness that shook within her was terrifying. Kaito had been growing weaker every day, and after their talk, he had finally drifted off to sleep. She was grateful that he was able to get some rest. 

"I hope you dream of home..." she whispered, stroking the soft pale fur of his face gently. 

Silently, she slipped away from him, trying not to disturb his peaceful rest. For minutes that felt like hours she paced back and forth along their little sandy spring shore, fighting with the emotions that wrestled within her. 

"Why can't I just be happy? Why can't I make him return home? He needs to be closer to his home. What will happen if his strength fades away completely? If I hadn't been so dramatic last time we journied to his boundary He wouldn't of refused to return!" She paused, knowing that was a lie. She hadn't been dramatic at all...she literally stopped functioning...it felt dramatic though. She shook her head in frustration. "I'm so irritating. I'm so needy. Why am I like this."
Worried that her angry thoughts and pacing would wake him, she wandered into the woods a bit. 

"I've never really been happy since that day..." she thought sadly, remembering the day that she'd been transformed, grieving and alone, in the tangle of dead vines.
"There have been times that Kaito has made me happy... but I always have a sadness still... I can't hide from it. It..." she looked around, realizing that she'd been wandering aimlessly. "It...haunts me." she whispered to herself, realizing she was staring at the twisted mass of dark and dead vines once again. Her boundary was right beyond the edge... She didn't want to go there, even though her spirit led her back, every time. 

"Why? Why does it have to be like this?" she cried, a hollow scream that echoed within her own mind. I can't even speak for real any longer! Do i have a voice? What do I sound like when I 'speak' to Kaito? Do I sound like Cosette still? Am I entirely new? Are these memories mine or just a shadow, stolen from that girl..." 

She sat down heavily, clawing at the dirt. 

"I'm so unhappy. Kaito is hurting and its all my fault. I am in pain always... It is all my fault. Everything is my fault. I tried to run away from the truth and now I'm doomed to run from this pain forever..."

She collapsed, a purple and cream colored pile of fur. It began to rain.


Rain poured, moonlight cloudily hiding and reappearing, shadows drifting eerily across the landscape. It felt like a dream. She slipped into a twisted meditation state, dreaming or imagining. It felt dark and cold. She was drenched. Everything was sharp and icy. 

"You're hollow still" she told herself, or was it someone else? "You're hollow and even your dearest love can't fill that void."
"Thats not true!" she screamed at herself. "Kaito makes everything okay!"
"Does he? He is here for you now, sacrificing EVERYTHING to be with you, to make you WHOLE and give you his STRENGTH. HIS EVERYTHING. And what do you do? You skulk away to wallow in self pity and self loathing in the rain. In the dark. You are hollow."
"I'm not hollow!"
"You are. You are hollow and full of pain. You will LOSE HIM if you do not heal!"
"NO! I CAN'T LOSE HIM!" she screamed at herself, fear and anger twisting her own mind against her. 

The icy rain pelted her angrily.

Suddenly a burst of light and warmth shattered the tormented dream. It was Kaito's voice.
"Where are you Sauvi?" it he called out. She shook herself, trying to make sense of what was going on. 'Was I dreaming? or...'
She had a sick feeling, her self destructive emotions were taunting her... would she really lose Kaito?

"I'm coming!" she called out with her mind, reaching for him. He had awoken and she was gone. "Again, I'm only thinking of myself..."
Rushing, she scampered back through the trees, diving into the clearing with him. The rain came to a stop, and the clouds passed across the sky, leaving it crystal clear and full of stars. The light was cool and bare, but here in their little clearing, it felt warm somehow. 

"Sauvi I had a terrible dream."
"Me too Kaito!"
"It was terrible, I lost you, You were gone and in so much pain. Please don't be sad Sauvi. I am so sorry."
Tears filled her eyes. "Sorry for what? All you have done is only kindness!"
"I love you Sauvi. I am sorry that I've become so weak. I only wanted to be with you here, to help you because you carry so much sadness within you. But i've only made a new problem..."

"No, No, Hush my love, you've done nothing wrong. It is me who's caused the problems. I've been selfish and I cannot even understand why I hurt this way." she cried and curled up next to him on the sand.
"I am the one who should be sorry. I love you Kaito. Please hold on... we'll find a way to be strong together...