RevelriE - Prompts and Submissions

1 year, 13 days ago
3 months, 20 days ago
16 20985 1

Entry 10
Published 11 months, 10 days ago

My little collection of RevelriE writing works! Includes all my monthly prompt and stardust grinding submissions~ Please note that RevelriE is a closed species, the world for it is here:

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Author's Notes

Introduction: The event is still continuing, but in the shadows, trouble is brewing... Who is wanting to ruin the summer festivities? And perhaps most importantly... why? 

Featured RevelriE ! - Will add links when available.
Prisma (, MC)
Ena (, minor)
Lian (, major)
Magpie (, minor)
Calliope (, minor)
Maho (, minor)
Claire (, mention)
Omen (, minor)
Nycti (, minor)
Hana (, mention)
Kaoru (, mention)
Bibliosmia (, minor)

iv. Joint Operation [ 3 ]

✦ New Entry Unlocked: Ena

Another monotonous day. I had attended the celebration yesterday, and it was… alright. Prisma really put in a lot of work, but I can’t understand why so many RevelriE enjoy this. It’s not the best waste of time. Under the request of Bibliosmia, I did help out a bit with the library activities, but it got boring pretty quickly, so I left and headed towards the activity stand. I liked the stand about old, mechanical objects that modern day RevelriE don’t use, despite the fact that the stand had little people. It was nice, chatting with Claire; she seemed to know a lot about that the works of olden days... Unfortunately, my presence has been requested to be at the library attending to the activities today, and I must go.

I must’ve fallen asleep outside or something, because I was sitting out on a bench next to the park instead of in my home. The sun had already risen, though not high. Oh well, even if I’m sleeping outside, I have to get to work. I checked the time; 7 in the morning. Good, most RevelriE should still be sleeping sound in their houses. Quickly checking the nearby stands for any wear and tear, I tried to prepare everything up again for the day. I don’t quite remember what was supposed to happen today, but I recall there was a sort of fashion show or something similar to the idol show that was hosted not too long ago. I don’t think I’ll be participating this time, though. A shame that I have to check up on everything else again, but Calliope agreed to help me by making sure that everything I checked yesterday is in working order. Especially the long lines for the stand Kaoru and Hana are volunteering in… We agreed to give them a break, so they could participate in the contest together. I just had to make sure the technology sector and the library were doing alright.

As the sun came up and many of the RevelriE assigned to stands came out, I walked to the library. It was pretty quiet, but it wouldn’t be soon. Fortunately, Lian would likely be asleep and not bother me for a while, but I’m not sure about Calliope, so I dialed his number. Nothing. Ugh, Calliope probably put it on silence, so he could sleep late. Well, looks like I will have to check everything again… I proceeded through the mazes of Lutz, towards the library. The crowds slowly filled the roads as time approached 9, when the festival generally starts to get up again. Soon, it was practically flooded with RevelriE, trying to get out earlier, so they could hopefully skip the lines. Unfortunately, everyone else decided to think the same thing, and it got busy really quickly. I turned on the flying gadget, and while the air traffic wasn’t as much as the ones on the ground (many RevelriE are incapable of flight nowadays, since there are many, many unstable ones), it was still somewhat dense, and I had to actually veer over and avoid some RevelriE. As I flew onward, the expansive library soon came in sight, and I managed to land in a not-so crowded spot. As I proceeded through the swaths of younger RevelriE, I finally managed to lay my eyes on the library. It’s been forever since I’ve been here. There was a small table set up, providing little brochures to anyone who were interested in participating in the activities.

“Ah, Prisma, you’re here.” I heard a voice say behind me. I quickly turned, surprised by the voice. “Oh, uhm, don’t worry… It’s just me, Nycti. The librarian, remember?”

“Nycti! Ah, I was just about to search for you. Is everything here orderly, or is it in complete disarray?” I asked, curiously. I wanted to check out some of the activities, as well as visit Bibliosmia and Ena, if Ena was there. For some reason, I’ve felt like I wanted to know more about the elusive Ena. It just attracts me somehow. But that’s off-topic.

“You can take one of our brochures about the locations.” He turned around to the little RevelriE. “Would you mind being a bit quieter? This is a still a library, despite the summer festival.” Nycti sighed. “Ah, young RevelriE are hard to calm down nowadays, especially with something like this going on. At least others don’t seem to mind it too much.” I thanked Nycti for the help, and picked up one of the brochures, heading for the first activity. The first one was a small reading challenge meant for little RevelriE that needed to learn a bit about basic mathematics and language. Nothing interesting that needed to be monitored here. The next activity wasn’t fascinating either, it some tables for crafts and artistic mediums. I did see Maho there, so I waved at them. 

“Ayy, it’s Prisma! What’s up? Are you here to paint? The paint is really good, not in the taste sense, but in the quality. See?” Maho turned to show me the painting they were working on. It was a painting of the festival yesterday. I must admit, Maho is much more skilled at this than I am. 

“That’s gorgeous. I like how much detail you put in the drawing. Maybe after you’re done, I can take it and put it on the wall somewhere in the government building… If you mind, of course. It’ll just be a memory anyone can see.” Maho nodded his head.

“Of course! I think that’ll be great, anyone can see what this year’s festival was like. Though, uh, give me some more time…”
“Take as long as you need. When you’re done, would you mind dropping it off at the building? If not, just tell Nycti to give it to Lian. Nycti’s smart, he’ll figure it out.” I left Maho to their devices; hearing the sounds of the paintbrush slowly making its mark on the paper is soothing. Maybe I should pick up art some day, but not now. Time waits for no one, and it passes fast. I quickly checked some of the other activities, such as a game room with a bunch of different board and virtual games, as well as one about observing the world around them (not that there is much to observe; sand is rather uninteresting, and we’d be better off without it). At the end, I reached the top of the library, where the final activity supposedly was. I walked up to it, and found only Bibliosmia there, reading a Codex of Law.

“Bibliosmia…? Hello?” My voice was really quiet, so I repeated it again.

“Hm? Oh, it’s just you, Prisma. I thought Ena had come, but I haven’t seen him at all today. He left his book here… I hope that he didn’t… leave…” From the tone of her voice, I can tell she cared about Ena, and yet I don’t even know who he is. Judging from what he looked like yesterday, I agreed to help Bibliosmia find him. She held the Codex gingerly and was about to set it aside, but I simply waved my hand.

“No, you stay here. You have activities to run in the library, and Lian and Calliope would scream their heads off at me if I let even a single error pass through my gaze. Don’t worry, I’ll find him.” I gave Bibliosmia a smile before heading towards the technology sector. This time, since the window was open and the top floor was quite high, I simply opened my wings to glide down instead. It felt refreshing to use my own useless wings for once. As I glided down towards the festival lanes in the technology sector, I suddenly felt a sharp wind fly right past me. I turn to look to who it is, but I can’t see anyone in sight. Was I just imagining things? I could feel the wind under my wings, though. When I finally landed onto the ground, I headed towards the lane, only to find such mostly destroyed. Did something happen while I was gone? I quickly ran through what remains of the lane. To think, just a few days ago, so many RevelriE were watching this, excited about the opening of the summer event, and on the second day, it is destroyed.

“Is there…? Anyone? Omen? Hana? Is anyone here?” The rubble echoes my voice, but I hear no one else. I am simply speaking to myself. Was the one responsible for this, the one who zipped past me? Ena went missing today as well. Just what is happening in Lutz? A second after I thought that, I heard wing beats behind me. I turned around as soon as I can, scared that I may be next. It’s just Lian.
“Prisma… What happened here? Where… where is everyone?” I don’t know what to say. If anything, he’ll say I was responsible, with my Cr█s██l█u██… I won’t- I won’t lie. I just want- What am I supposed to do in this situation? 

“I… I– Lian… this wasn’t me…” I can’t bear to see the destruction of my hard work. During the construction of this zone, I was the one monitoring it. I oversaw this place. And now? It’s all gone. Gone because… because of… Someone. I’ll make them pay. I will make them play the price. First, the disappearance of Ena, and now this… I shall make them pay… “Lian. Please, trust me on this, if you’ve never trusted me my whole time here. Whoever did this must pay.” Tears were falling out of my eyes now. I mustn’t cry, but I do. “What… what am I supposed to do now…? I can’t fix it…” I can’t tell what Lian is doing anymore, but I hear a small voice in the rubble.

“If someone is there, would you mind helping? I’m literally stuck under here, and I can’t get out.” I can hear the rubble being lifted, and the footsteps of a RevelriE. “Sheesh, they did a number on this. And the security cameras are broken too. Now I can’t check who did it.” The voice, I recognize. Omen. I try my best to stop crying, but I feel the arms of others go around me.

“Don’t cry. We’ll fix this, and we’ll find the one responsible.” Ah, Lian again. Unmoving, resolute, able to make it out of any situation. No wonder he’s survived this long, in a world unfit for RevelriE. I can hear his heart thumping in unison with my own. “Alright.” Beeping on the phone, then the ring. “Magpie. Magpie, I want you to find the one responsible for the destruction of the technology lane.” No response. “Ugh, Magpie isn’t responding at all. Hey! I was talking to a phone, not Magpie?” The phone let out the usual “you have reached” to Lian, while he grumbled in frustration. “Omen… Omen, is it? Do you mind helping us?” At this point, I came back to my senses, and I got up. I hadn’t realized Lian was hugging me until I tried to walk back, feeling his arm around my chest. “Sorry for that. Are you alright? I know, this place is a big wreck, and we don’t have any idea about who did it.” 

“Ugh, if the two of you are going to continue like that, I’ll seriously consider not helping you. Since first, I have to recover the technology I had put up here. Finding whoever did it comes second.” They walked off, frustrated. “There’s the flying one. Phew, it’s still intact. Not the x-ray one! That was a piece of art. I could’ve found out the entire ruins with it. Guess I have to remake it.” At that point, I couldn’t hear them anymore, but I did hear another set of wings behind me.

“What… what happened here…? Who did this?!” It’s Calliope. Of course, he’ll be mad, same as me. It’s not easy to let go of something you worked so hard on. 

“Alright, we first must search for clues. Is Magpie online yet?” I asked. Lian replied with a no. “So, we start by looking around. And I think that the feather over there will help.”