RevelriE - Prompts and Submissions

1 year, 13 days ago
3 months, 20 days ago
16 20985 1

Entry 6
Published 1 year, 11 days ago

My little collection of RevelriE writing works! Includes all my monthly prompt and stardust grinding submissions~ Please note that RevelriE is a closed species, the world for it is here:

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RevelriE featured in the story are below !!
Thought I'll give you a short, lighthearted read.

Prisma (, MC, self)
Lian (, starriewing),
Magpie/Mockingbird (, starriewing)
Arathorn (, lemondrops)
Omen (, lemondrops)

ii. Seeker of Ruins

The sun is shining brightly into Prisma’s eyes, and the wind is really about to blow Prisma off the ground. She’s going to literally float with those wings catching the breeze. But that doesn’t matter, as she wanders towards the central government building the four of them agreed upon. It wasn’t long before she did reach the building; the building that just stood out like a sore thumb in the middle of Lutz. There weren’t any security around, so Prisma just walked right through the doors. The lights were off, and then, poof! Someone had chosen to spook her, but it was hardly a spook, as Prisma just came off unfazed by it. Lian and Magpie appeared, both in somewhat disbelief that it barely did anything.

“Prisma! We were… uh, waiting for you! Where did Arathorn go?” Lian inquired. Prisma simply shrugged, signifying she didn’t know. “Oh! Since he’s not here yet, let’s go spook him! C’mon Magpie, we have to do it this time! It’ll be the best prank ever. Just wait until you see Arathorn’s face! That’d be so great-”  The lights flickered for a bit. Then it turned off completely. Lian didn’t look too amused, but Magpie was now just turning the lights on and off. “Magpie-”

“Lian, come on… Let me just-” They were flicking the lights in a way that it made a small sound resembling the very famous music video on the web, Always Going to Give You Up™. While Lian was getting a bit angry at Magpie and the two were jokingly arguing again, Prisma took the chance to hide behind a small wall thing (Prisma isn’t sure what it is, and neither do I) and wait for Arathorn to show up. She was going to give them the jump scare of his life (hopefully). Then the lights really turned off. Magpie kept trying to flick it on and off, but it didn’t work. Suddenly, the voice intercom started to speak.

“Attention to all members of this facility, you are all under arrest.” Lian and Magpie suddenly turned their head to the security cameras, and then Lian rushed to get to the control center. Prisma decided to not follow and stay with Magpie, waiting for their supposed arrest. The door then opened, slowly but then forcefully, and Arathorn came in with another RevelriE Prisma hadn’t seen before.

“Did you like the prank? I had Omen here hack into the computer systems of the building; it was easy as pie. Now, where did Lian go?” Arathorn said, in a half-serious tone. Magpie then quickly told Arathorn that Lian went to the control center, and so the four of them (Arathorn, Magpie, Omen, and Prisma) prepared to prank Lian when he came down again. Luckily, it was only a few minutes, and as he went down, he noticed that Magpie or Prisma weren’t there.

“Hey, where did you all go? Did you get arrested??” he asked the seemingly empty space. The intercom then started up again, and apparently it knew of Magpie’s flicking of lights earlier, so it proceeded to play Always Going to Give You Up. “Is this a joke? Magpie?? Prisma?? Are you two there??” he asked again. The lights then finally turned on, and all four of them jumped at Lian, shouting Boo! into his face. “Agh!” Lian fell back, but despite that, he was laughing. “Don’t scare me like that!” Magpie looked pretty satisfied, but then Prisma broke Lian’s monologue.

“Are we going to the ruins or not? It’s practically midday, and we are still here in a government building playing tricks with lights!” she said in a very serious tone. Arathorn, Lian, and Magpie nodded, while the other purple RevelriE (Omen, was it?) didn’t nod.

“Actually, I’m going to do my work. I just came here on Arathorn’s request. So, I will take my leave, and you will never hear from me again (they’re lying).” Omen then proceeded to leave and pretty much disappeared. 

“Oh, that’s always Omen,” Arathorn said, “never any fun.” After that, the four of them headed towards the ruins, Arathorn and Lian flying up ahead, teasing each other relentlessly, while Prisma and Magpie opted for some technological transport instead (Prisma’s wings are deformed and can’t fly properly, Magpie doesn’t have wings?). After a few minutes of talking between the two up ahead and the silence from the two behind, they all finally reached the ruins. Lian came down rather quickly and ran straight in.

“Last one in the ruins is the seeker! And, it’s not me!!” You could barely see him by the time he said his last word, and disappeared inside. Arathorn seemed to get the message, and ran right into the ruins too, giving a slight nod to Magpie, who jumped into the nearest ruin to hide as fast as they could. All that was left was Prisma, who was getting trouble getting off the technology thing they were riding. 

“It’s always me, isn’t it? Lian always makes me do it, from the café and whatnot,” she grumbled. But after a few minutes head start, she finally got off of it and ran in the direction Lian did. Prisma then quickly calculated how hard it would be to find the three. Lian kind of just sticks out with the blue, and so does Arathorn, but it’s green, then Magpie will be the most difficult of them all. Since it was probably easier to find Lian and Arathorn, she just kept running in the direction Lian went. Then, an unexpected visitor showed up.

It was Omen again. 

“You again?” they said. Prisma simply nodded, a bit out of breath from running for a while. “I must’ve forgotten you were going to the ruins. Do you need anything or are we good to go?” An idea then formed like a bubble popping in her mind. She could definitely use the help.

“Uhm, Omen, would you mind helping me a tiny bit?” she inquired slowly. Omen looked a bit like they seriously wished they could get out of the situation, but finally gave a sigh and said yes. “Would you, uhm, mind helping me search for Lian, Arathorn, and Magpie? These ruins are so vast, and I might never see the light of day again if I get stuck in here, haha…” She tried her best not to make a nervous laugh, but her words were a bit like a stutter, as she didn’t quite know what Omen really is like. 

“Fine, whatever. Here, I came down here to develop a new kind of technology that lets you see through the earth like an X-ray. Probably will help you, but who knows? You test it for me, and when you get back up, go to this spot in Lutz (apparently it was an alleyway in the technological area of Lutz) and leave it on the x mark. Don’t drop it, it’s fragile,” Omen said. “You’d better test it and see if it works, or this will be a huge waste of my time. Hm? Now what are you waiting for? Go!” Prisma left in a hurry, as she heard Omen whisper under their breath that RevelriE here are so inefficient. Maybe one day Prisma could show them that she was, at the very least, not that inefficient. She saw the little gadget was already turned on for her, which was actually very convenient considering there were about a few hundred buttons on that machine. The little screen it ported gave a live 3D view of the ruins, detecting everything that can be seen when an X-ray shines through them. Prisma quickly managed to locate some moving bones, and guessing that it was probably Lian, she headed straight for it.

It really didn’t take that long, as soon she was right behind the corner where Lian was supposedly hiding. He looked more like he was trying to do something silly in the corner, though. Prisma slowly crept up on him, first gently patting him on the shoulder before yelling “found you!”. Lian jumped, as he didn’t realize Prisma was there.

“W-woah, you scared me right there, Prisma…” He slowly turned around to actually make sure it wasn’t some sort of ghost of the First King or whatever other nonsense. “Haha… I guess you found me… I’ll go back up to the surface now, I guess.” Prisma carefully held the device so that Lian couldn’t see Prisma was ‘cheating,’ and he slowly made his way back up. One down, two more to go. Going back a few corridors and corners, she spotted a moving skeleton with another one, and headed towards it. This time, it was actually both Magpie and Arathorn, and as she slid the gadget in her (fake, nonexistent, but pretend it is real) pocket, she crept up and decided to listen to the two for a bit. It was always funny seeing the two converse with each other. 

“Magpie, could you stop asking and talking about this? I know, I’ll ask for your help in the future. I just had my reasons to keep it away from you…” Arathorn’s voice sounded a bit… desperate, so Prisma decided to ‘save’ Arathorn from whatever Magpie was telling him. 

“Boo! Found both of you!” she yelled into the air. Just like Lian, the two jumped, having not realized that Prisma was there. 

“Ah, Prisma, don’t scare me like that! Just like, you know, point and say something like a normal RevelriE…” Magpie said. Arathorn looked mildly relieved, knowing that they can’t talk about that in front of others. The three both walked out, and found Lian just lying on the sand.

“Prisma, what took you so long to find them?? I’m becoming a burnt RevelriE. See? My skin is burning, I’m going to become a delicious egg,” said Lian, barely looking up. Magpie decided to just, you know, say something funny at him. 

“If you do become a delicious egg, then I would definitely take part in consuming you. Always need to know if rumours are true or not, hehe.” The tone of Magpie’s voice clearly states that they are definitely willing to consume a fried Lian. But after a bit of discussion over eating Lian, the four finally left back to Lutz. On the way back, though, they all got some ice cream (courtesy of Prisma, generating sparkly rocks are cool). Lian got 3 scoops of lemon and tangerine, said to taste like ‘sunshine,’ Arathorn some cool mint and a hint of green tea, and Magpie just got a simple dark chocolate. Prisma enjoyed a small pineapple flavoured one. It was… acceptable, not too sweet, had a bit of that tangy pineapple flavour, and that was pretty much it. Lian devoured his, claiming it really ‘tasted like sunbeams from the sun.’ After they finished the ice cream and returned to Lutz, they all went back to where they lived, and said their goodbyes. Except Prisma had some unfinished business.

She had remembered the deal she made. She walked over to the technology area, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible, before heading down the alley Omen had marked for her. Carefully, she took out the device and set it on the x-mark. In a few seconds, Omen came down from who knows where.

“Well? Did the gadget work out for you? I’ve been brainstorming about possible ways I could improve it, such as making a better GUI system, removing unnecessary buttons, as well as…” They kept going on and on for what seemed like minutes, before Prisma finally cut in. 

“Yes, the gadget worked like it should. I actually managed to see quite far with it; consider sending a few over to the government, so they can continue the exploration of the ruins. It’s not too complicated to understand, so remove at least a 50 of those buttons, and we’ll see how it goes. Thank you for letting me test it out, though! It was really efficient and detected those three very easily,” Prisma said at length. After Omen thanked her for testing out the gadgets and made her sign a form to test more out for them, she finally left that alleyway and went home.

It was already really dark, and the only thing Prisma had for both lunch and dinner was ice cream, so that wasn’t superb. She cooked up a quick dinner, ate it, and headed to bed. Another day grew in front of her, another day to have fun and enjoy having friends such as Lian, Arathorn, Magpie, and maybe even Omen.

Good night.