RevelriE - Prompts and Submissions

1 year, 13 days ago
3 months, 20 days ago
16 20985 1

Entry 16
Published 3 months, 20 days ago

My little collection of RevelriE writing works! Includes all my monthly prompt and stardust grinding submissions~ Please note that RevelriE is a closed species, the world for it is here:

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Characters Featured
Prisma (MC), Lian, Arathorn, Amie, Magpie, Roslynn, Hope, Kaoru, Hana

viii. My Valentine

The night before had been an exciting one. So many RevelriE had come over to the cafe to help her! Well, not necessarily help her specifically; everyone had a reason to be there, but it still counts, even a little bit, right? Among them were Arathorn, Amie, Roslynn and Hope, and even Kaoru and Hana came by as well to aid her, though it was just a quick visit. 

Flour and sugar flew everywhere, as strange, supposedly magical, words were chanted from each of the corners of the room. Candles and salt, as well as ketchup, were also laid on the ground, and some 10 minutes later, a ‘god of love’ appeared, filling the room with its magic love powers so that their magic cookies and biscuits would grant everyone the love they wanted. At least, that’s what Amie said. Maybe it was a bad idea to pretend ketchup was blood, then summon a ‘god’ using it. It was mostly Amie and Roslynn who had done the actual baking; Hope and I helped mostly with the ingredients and magical rituals and chants, whilst Arathorn was looking increasingly annoyed with the amount of dishes he had to wash. There was surely at least a good sixty in the sink; a stack even piled up as high as the rack that was above it. Later, Kaoru and Hana dropped by to check up on our progress. The moment they stepped in the cafe, I can swear on my wings their jaw dropped at the mess. I don’t think it’s normal to have salt, candles, and ketchup on the ground whilst a mysterious chant was being sung, all while someone was doing the largest pile of dishes to ever exist. It went very successfully, despite the mess! A few batches of some of the best cookies I’ve ever seen were created, and we all took our share of them. We even asked everyone what they were using it for; I’m glad that Arathorn is becoming more open with his feelings. As for myself, that’s why I’m here right now, as the doors of the Lutz government building opened for me.

Which floor was it again? The elevator door closed, impatient for my response. It didn’t help that there were over 15 of those floors, and there were no labels in sight. Actually, knowing him, he’ll take the highest floor for himself. 

“Oh, Lutz, it is I, the ruler of the world! Now bow before me-” The sound of laughing, coughing as it hurt his lungs, had filled the air when he had first said it. It was quite funny when he said it randomly, completely off topic, whilst we were playing around in the ruins. The elevator dings, once, twice, then once more. Ding, ding ding! The door opened, and I stepped out. The sleek, white walls were familiar, and well, I guess my prediction was correct. On the first door that appeared, was written a name, the name of the supposed ‘ruler of the world.’ 

The name was Lian.

I knocked once, then twice, awaiting a response, before quickly checking the batch of cookies I had made yesterday. All still moist and soft, with a hint of the small crunchiness hidden inside the center. And there were also some luxurious chocolates, since, according to Amie, also represented affection. Or something like that, all I knew was that it was a reasonable thing to give to others on this special day. 

I wonder if Arathorn gave Magpie his portion…?

There was a noise from beyond the door, but quickly I recognized the slow, tired voice that rang from inside. “Magpie… Go away…”

“Lian, it’s not Magpie, I promise! Could you please let me in?”

“That sounds… like a very… Magpie thing to say…”
“Do you mind letting me in for just a moment? It’s not Magpie, it’s Prisma! I won’t bother you too much…”
“Huh? Alright.” The door was quickly unlocked, and Lian opened it. Suddenly, I feel some beads of sweat fall from my face. The entire situation made me nervous; what would Lian say? I take a deep breath. Presenting the bag I was holding, I blinked a few times.

“Lian, this is for you.”