RevelriE - Prompts and Submissions

1 year, 12 days ago
3 months, 20 days ago
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Entry 15
Published 7 months, 11 days ago

My little collection of RevelriE writing works! Includes all my monthly prompt and stardust grinding submissions~ Please note that RevelriE is a closed species, the world for it is here:

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Some lore about what Edel does secretly at night, and just what the orphanage is like. See? Everything's perfectly fine, everyone's happy... 

Featured RevelriE - You can find their links in the Cast section.
- Edel [MC], Aervae [minor]
- Misc. RevelriE from orphanage

vii. And the Day Wanes

The brilliant sun is beginning to set, its warmth leaving the earth below me. A cool autumn breeze flows by, in its wake a trail of leaves. I walk through the cold and empty street, watching the crows fight over some food long left behind. It’s sometimes such a beautiful sight to see, despite how often I experience it. I stop at a door, the same old door I’m used to seeing every day. The wood a bit old, creaking as loud as a cricket, and yet it brings nothing but joy to my face every time I walk through it. I scan the room, carefully closing and locking the door again. The lights are turned on, and I see little RevelriE playing with the toys I had previously bought for them. They’re so content, so happy, and as I quietly stroll through to bring the heavy bag I had brought back with me, one of them notice me and made the familiar chirp song everyone at the orphanage knew; the song of happiness, the song that tells them Edel has arrived home. 

“Hello there, little ones,” I instinctively say as I crouched down to pet them. Many of the RevelriE are still in the feral form, with just a few progressing towards their more humanoid form. After some time passing by to check up on all of them, I headed toward the kitchen section, opening up the large bag and setting aside the various ingredients. I am, by no means, an expert chef, but I can serve up a good meal if needed. Chop the  vegetables, and clean the chicken. Skin the potatoes, and prepare the milk. Bring to a boil, and let simmer; bake some quick bread in the meantime. Spoon the soup, and cut the bread; clean the table and arrange the dishes. “Everyone, dinner is prepared.” The looks on their faces, the way it always lights up with happiness upon seeing the food in front of them. Like every day, we thank the gods who bestowed this upon us. I guess it was especially good today, as they all finished rather quickly. I smile; it takes me back centuries ago, where it would be the same for me. A gilded butterfly, ‘Gold’, would make me do the same as the ones I’m taking care of right now. Everything seems so peaceful, so happy, and yet, it’s just a beautiful lie woven from the depths of an ugly truth. The truth that so many, just like I, suffer day and night, whilst others live continuously in the happiness. After all the little RevelriE had left to wash themselves, I picked up and washed the dishes, the leftovers frozen in the refrigerator. I sigh, and pick up a newspaper from earlier today. ‘Woes from Experimentation Emerge.’ A RevelriE who shares the story of being experimented on by other RevelriE. ‘Lutz Mooncake Festival to End Soon.’ That’s interesting. I continue reading the fine print of each letter, remembering each word written. Prisma and Lian. Arathorn and Magpie. Ena and Roslynn. Hana and Kaoru. So many of them, living in such a beautiful lie. I put down the newspaper; it’s of no significance to me anymore. From the bathroom, I see the RevelriE come out again into the play area, where I take my whiteboard marker out to review with them what they had learned today. “Multiplication of numbers. What’s three times four?” They all shout twelve. It keeps going on for thirty more minutes, to which at the end, I give them all commendations about their work today and allow them to return to play. Soon, it is time for sleep, and I tuck them all into their own separate beds, and turn on the small speaker in the room, the soft, melodic and calming music filling the surrounding air, letting us relax after a long day. Maybe it might not feel like a long day to them, but it was for me. The lights are turned off, I made sure everyone had a small bit of food and water in case of a midnight snack incident, as well as a button to press for emergencies, and I close the door shut, leaving not but a drop of light streaming through. At least now, I can do things privately. I open up my room, locking it immediately after going in. The lights slowly turned on, dimly lighting my room. I open the small compartment next to my desk, taking out the small bottle. Fortunately for me, I suppose, the liquid inside is still potable, and so, I drank it. It burns, but I can’t care about that anymore. I turn on my computer, and connect to my private network. 

“Aervae.” My voice is cold and sharp, and the screen flickers for a bit, before a response comes in.

“Yes, Director?” 

“Fill me in on the most recent developments. I’ve already asked Ena to… let’s say, start a chain reaction.”