RevelriE - Prompts and Submissions

1 year, 13 days ago
3 months, 20 days ago
16 20985 1

Entry 5
Published 1 year, 13 days ago

My little collection of RevelriE writing works! Includes all my monthly prompt and stardust grinding submissions~ Please note that RevelriE is a closed species, the world for it is here:

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This story is kind of cringy. Read only if you dare...

i. Chocolate Eye Cafe

It’s dawn in Lutz, and yet the excitement is all over in the air. The new establishment created by Lian and Calliope is opening today! Prisma is absolutely thrilled by this, she can’t wait to see what it’ll be like. Finally, something new in Lutz. She walks over to the entrance, where a red ribbon barricades everyone from entering. She can see the bustling of the many RevelriE inside the building, setting everything up. Then he comes out of the building. She looks up at him.

It’s Lian! He is eagerly watching the crowd around the new building. Clearing his throat, he motions for everyone to be quiet.

“Ahem… Hello, all the civilians of Lutz! Calliope and I are proud to announce our most bestest newest building in Lutz, the Chocolate Eye Cafe,” he started. Then she hears a loud thump coming from the top of the building. 

“... Lian, I thought we agreed to name it Frosty Ice!” Prisma can see that the voice came from Calliope now. Lian looks over at Calliope. “No way are we naming it Frosty Ice! That’s just wrong! It’s a cafe where we serve hot drinks like coffeeeee…!” Lian protested back. She didn’t want to interrupt, since it was very funny to watch, and it was one of those arguments. It continued on for a bit before someone else exited the building.

“Lian, Calliope, I would like for you to continue your arguing somewhere else, or I will feed you both to the sandsharks outside Lutz.” It was Magpie, or Mockingbird. Them again. At least a few minutes after that, Calliope left and Lian emerged victorious in naming the cafe Chocolate Eye (though Prisma would argue for another name).

As Lian cut the rope, Prisma literally barged into the building, only stopping to say a small hi to Lian. Magpie was inside again, trying to shout over everyone’s excitement with feeding them to sandsharks if they don’t get into a single file. She automatically obliged, and managed to actually snag the 1st spot in line. Then Lian came over as everything got into order. He looked at Prisma, and she just looked at him back, with a small sweat forming on her face. Lian then left to get something from behind the counter, and returned to Prisma with some gently folded clothes.

“Take this and go to the back room, change into it, and come back out as soon as you can, alright?” he told her. Well, Prisma is obviously going to do it (for Lian!) now. She rushed into the back, and found the room, closing its doors and changing into the clothes. A moment later, she emerged from the back room. Lian applauded. “Hahaha, that looks great on you!” Prisma could tell he was trying his best not to immediately collapse on the floor from laughing so hard. She did remark this outfit looked a bit… how do you say it? Absolutely ridiculous. After Lian finally stopped laughing, he turned to face the line. “Today, for the debut of the Chocolate Eye Cafe, Prisma and the rest of the crew will be serving you!” She sighed pensively. No use disobeying Lian, she supposes. Prisma walked behind the counter, trying her best not to stare down Lian. She supposes that’s what she’s doing for the day…

The crew quickly filled her in on the information and recipes of the numerous drinks and treats at the cafe, and in no time, Prisma was getting pretty good at it. Her drawings on the drinks weren’t that good, but it was easy to tell who was on it: Lian. Continuing through the day, she kept making the drinks and treats, and even though she was offered a break, she didn’t take it; Prisma actually rather enjoyed this job. At around 2, Lian came in again, and asked Prisma a question. 

“How do you enjoy being a barista for a day? I thought it would be fun for you,” he asked. She didn’t know how to quite answer that, so she just said what came first on her mind.

“It’s… a new experience, I suppose…” she mused. Another RevelriE came up, and she recognized him as Arathorn. Lian moved aside, before poking at Arathorn’s recent… ‘developments’ with Magpie. Prisma just looked at the two in confusion, before asking Arathorn what he would like.

“Just a small cup of black coffee.” She immediately went to the coffee machine to prepare the coffee. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that Arathorn was looking a bit flushed, but she paid it no mind. After giving the cup of steaming hot coffee to Arathorn, she was thanked and Arathorn left for a small table in the corner for two people. Prisma then realized that Magpie was actually sitting in that table, and then the two started to talk about things (not that Prisma paid any attention to it).

“You see that? It’s Arathorn’s bonding time with Magpie, haha!” The sound of Prisma somewhat surprised her, she hadn’t realized that Lian was still sitting there.

“I mean, I guess you could say that. What are they doing, though? I’ve never seen Arathorn with another RevelriE, let alone Magpie,” she responded back to Lian. “I thought he’ll fall for some other RevelriE.”

“But it doesn’t matter! As long as I get to tease them, that is!” Lian then went over there and Prisma saw some (playful) punching and kicking from the three.

Customer after customer, the day soon ended, and the night was approaching. The rest of the crew that worked in the cafe thanked her, and she was allowed to get out of that costume Lian made her wear. Of course, before that, Lian came in again and took a picture of her.
“Lian! Give me that camera and delete that picture!” she shouted at him. He obviously either ignored her or didn’t hear or whatnot, and continued running away whilst taking more. “Lian! C’mon!” she continued. Eventually, he did stop, and then showed Prisma the pictures. She saw that it was herself in some sort of maid costume, preparing to take it off. “Hey! Delete that now! Or I will tell Magpie to feed you to sandsharks!” 

“Uh-huh, not until I share this all to Lutz! Hahaha!” The two then proceeded to drop to the ground, laughing at the images of Prisma trying to run after Lian. The door then suddenly opened, and the two were looking straight at Magpie. 

“Oh, well, look at what I stumbled upon. Lian and Prisma doing things together… Aw, doesn’t that make you feel a bit… amorous?” Magpie said. Lian quickly got up and flailed his hands in front of them. 

“No, you got it wrong, Magpie! We weren’t doing anything weird!”
“But you’re the one who told her to wear that dumb maid costume, didn’t you?” 

“Uh, no, but I do have a few pictures of her in it…” Prisma heard that tone in his voice, and then proceeded to tackle him to the ground.
“Give me that camera and delete that photo! Magpie, if he doesn’t, would you mind feeding him to the sandsharks?” Magpie was just standing there, laughing at the two.
“I guess that’s what you deserve for always teasing me and Arathorn! Arathorn? You’re back there, aren’t you? We’re going to get Lian for all his teasing!” Arathorn came into the cafe, and then helped Magpie carry Lian. They were all kidding, though, it was just a playful thing they did from time to time. After the three eventually left, Prisma finally took off the maid costume and left the cafe. That was one day Prisma genuinely enjoyed.

And no, she said to herself, she does not stan Lian. Maybe.