RevelriE - Prompts and Submissions

1 year, 13 days ago
3 months, 20 days ago
16 20985 1

Entry 7
Published 1 year, 1 day ago

My little collection of RevelriE writing works! Includes all my monthly prompt and stardust grinding submissions~ Please note that RevelriE is a closed species, the world for it is here:

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RevelriE featured in the story!

Prisma (, MC, self)
Lian (, starriewing, major)
Magpie (, starriewing, minor)
Arathorn (, lemondrops, minor)
Roslynn (, lemondrops, minor)
Amie (, adricheri, major)
Calliope (, kizzycosplayer, minor)

iii. The Idol Show of Lutz

The new idol show has arrived in Lutz, and every RevelriE is out… well, not every RevelriE, but a good amount of them have come! Most are not willing to participate, though are still willing to cheer on their friends. And of course, there will always be one friend who will urge you to do it. And do you know the name of that friend? It’s Lian! 

“Prisma… you have to go to the idol show! You’ll look amazing in those dresses, and you’ll become so famous and have so many fans~” said Lian. Day by day am I annoyed by Lian. It’s getting a bit annoying now, but I guess I’ll try doing it. It seemed pretty fun anyway. And the image of Lian fawning over me was beyond hilarious in my mind. So I agreed. Using the power of Lian, I managed to skip the entire line and get right into the reception room. Ah, Calliope’s the one who’s managing the event again. 

“Hey Lian, hey Prisma! How’s it going? You up for the idol show?” Calliope inquired. 

Lian spoke up for me, which I did appreciate. “Yes we are! Well not me, you wouldn’t want me to be in one of those things, but Prisma is! She’ll look so dazzling you should probably just give her the prize right now.” I was immediately flustered by the compliment, but I tried to not let it show through. After a few seconds of silence, I finally found the courage to speak.

“Yes, sure, I’ll… participate in the idol show. Do you need anything from me?” I didn’t really want to sign papers, but luckily Calliope just gave me a quick no.

“Here, this way, for our new idol, Prisma~ Lian, you don’t get to come, so go shoo off into the audience room. If you’re lucky, you might get a good seat. Admission is freeee!” Lian shortly left after that, and I was escorted into the change rooms. “We have many dresses and garments, as well as RevelriE who will help you with selection… Have fun!” Calliope quickly left to return to the reception. Wow. I guess I’m going to be here now. I turned to look at my surroundings; every ‘idol’ had another RevelriE helping them, but then I saw a little pink RevelriE in the corner. She looked sad, so I decided to approach her and ask what was going on.

“Uhm… Hello? Are you alright?” I nervously asked. I tried my best not to sound weird, but I suppose it was alright.

“Euh-? Oh, it’s just another RevelriE…” She got up excitedly. “Are you here to start your idol career? Because I got assigned here to help! But nobody has asked me for help at all…” I didn’t really know what was going on, but I guess this RevelriE was a helper.

“Ah, uh, yes? I need a bit of help. What’s your name?”
“Finally! Someone to help! I’m sorry, but I’m a bit too excited right now! I, Amie, am ready to lend my precious aid to you! So, what do you need help with?” Her voice was pretty loud, as some people just stared at her from the other side of the room before quickly looking away. But now I know that this RevelriE’s name is Amie! I’ll take note of that.

“I… uh, yeah, help. Could you help me pick an outfit for the idol show? I’m afraid I don’t uh, really know what to pick…” I think I sounded too nervous, but Amie didn’t seem to notice it.

“An outfit, you say? Well, of course I know what outfit you should wear! Follow me to the outfit room. There are so many dresses there…” I eagerly followed Amie, and I was astounded by the dresses and fancy garments. I really wasn’t expecting Calliope to hold such a big idol show. “Hm… Let me see! Your shards and affinity are so sparkly, and you have such a nice shade of pink and white! I know!” Amie rushed off to get a dress. I found a small chair nearby and waited, but it wasn’t long before she came back holding what could possibly be the most beautiful white dress I’ve ever seen. It was decorated with shining pearls of the colours white and pink, with a small gold lace around the edges.

“Wow… Amie, I didn’t know… Thank you! This is so beautiful…” Oh, no. The image of Lian suddenly came back to my head and I started laughing before I quickly stopped myself. “Sorry… I’ll go put this on. But would you mind leading me to the change rooms? This place is so… big.” She seemed really happy about this, and I think I caught it too since it was so contagious, since I really felt happy. Amie showed me to the change rooms, and I quickly got into the dress. I then walked out, to which Amie gasped.

“Oh wow… This perfectly fits you! You look so pretty!”

“Well, thank you, Amie! You were the one who found this dress!” We were both really happy for a bit before an announcement came on.

“Attention all idols! The show is starting in 10 minutes! Please make sure you are done before that time. As well, on the screen in the main room, will be the list of the order of RevelriE who will go on stage! Good luck everyone!!” I could easily tell it was the voice of Calliope. He’s pretty much everywhere in Lutz, there is no escape from him. After the announcement, the place was bustling with activity. Everyone seemed to be trying to finish as soon as they could, or look at the order in which the idols are going. 

I went with Amie into another room, and I realized it’s the place where you put makeup on and style your hair. Don’t judge, but I don’t know what it’s called. She was excellent at this, speeding through while still making sure everything looked nice. My hair was done in no time, and then my skin, and when I looked into the mirror I was thinking that I looked amazing. I thanked Amie again, to which she replied.

“Don’t worry about it, pretty RevelriE, you could say it’s what I do.” We both left the room for the lobby, and I realized that I was placed last in the order. I was then reading up, and I was surprised to find Magpie’s name on it too. Who invited Magpie to the idol show? Only someone like Arathorn. Probably begged Magpie to go, so he could see them all pretty. That would’ve been funny. I did scan the room for Magpie though, but I didn’t see them, so I proceeded to go to the nearest chair to wait. When there was a bit more space, I managed to go over to the screen, which, alongside the list, was also a live view of what was happening in the audience room. Everyone looked gorgeous, and as the room slowly emptied, I finally saw Magpie in the corner.

They were dressed in a fancy suit, with gold and purple accents along the black to match Magpie. I must admit, seeing Magpie like this, that no wonder Arathorn would fall for this RevelriE. If they’re a RevelriE. I can’t really remember if they were or were not. Then Magpie went out, and in the very corner of the screen, I saw some green-blue pixels. Then, I got a call from Lian.

“Hello? Lian?” I asked, before I realized it was a video call. 

“Prisma, look at this!” The camera quickly switched to face Arathorn, who was blushing profusely at the sight of Magpie. “Look at Arathorn! I’m keeping this video, by the way, so please don’t tell any of the two.”  It was pretty funny, to see Arathorn like that. He lost his complete composure. The call then ended after Magpie left, and before long, I was called onto the stage. The lights were blaring, and my eyes hurt, but I continued on anyway.66234203_PF65VDF48QiTl8u.png?1686535569

I didn’t really know what to do, so I just continued walking through until I saw Lian. That horrendous image coming into mind, I immediately looked away, and quickly got off-stage. I think I just failed my idol career. After a few more announcements, everyone in the audience was allowed to participate in a vote for the prettiest RevelriE. I sat down nervously, unsure of what I was going to do. Being an idol must be so hard…

Time slowly ticked away, as I sat there just… waiting for the poll results. Then out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Amie again. She rushed over to me once she saw me.

“You were amazing out there!” she told me. “I bet… uh, what’s left of my stardust that you are going to win that poll.” I honestly doubted that, but I didn’t want to ruin her optimism. Ah, the intercom turned on.

“Thank you to everyone who voted in the poll! We’ll now start from third place… Well, third place goes to… Roslynn! Please give your round of applause.” I could hear the clapping through the walls, or maybe it was because the microphone was turned on. “Next up, for second place…” I really felt like I wasn’t going to win anything. “Second place goes to Magpie!” Oh? Magpie got second place? I think Arathorn got someone to hack the system. Or maybe it’s just Magpie being Magpie. 

“And for the grand finale… the winner of this idol show… It’s Prisma! Congratulations to the winners! Would the winners please make your way towards the stage.” I… I wasn’t expecting that at all. Maybe Lian asked someone to hack the system? But I think it’s too late to turn around anyway. I forgot where I was supposed to go, so I found Roslynn and just followed her out of the stuffy room. I guess Amie now doesn’t have to give up all her stardust, haha. After Roslynn noticed I was just following her, she decided to strike a conversation.

“Congratulations, Prisma! You do look absolutely gorgeous. Wow, I didn’t even notice that that sort of dress existed here! Lutz is amazing. But congratulations!!” I tried my best to smile at her.

“I uh… yes, thank you so much…! Lutz is pretty great.” As you could probably tell, I didn’t know what to do at all, so I just tried to go with the flow. We both walked out of the room, and soon, I saw Magpie was right behind us. You could say we’re all on good terms with each other, but at that moment I didn’t really feel like saying anything to either of them. So then we walked onto the stage, and I could feel the tremors of all the clapping down at the audience. I saw Lian again, then saw Arathorn. Lian seemed really happy, while Arathorn looked like the last thing he wanted was for Magpie to notice him in the crowd (but he was just sticking out like a sore thumb, blue-green contrasting the pink and red everywhere. Yeah, Magpie is going to see him). We each took our places on the stage, Roslynn on my left, Magpie on my right, and I was in the middle. There wasn’t any podium, so Magpie just towered over me.

“Congratulations to all the winners! And don’t forget to give your cheer to all the other idols too! Oh, and here’s your prizes. Don’t forget it!” I saw Calliope gliding from the announcement table… place… with three bags of chips in hand. He gave each of us a bag, and I suddenly wondered if that was it. I won. A bag of chips. And the idol show. And got a bag of chips. At least Lian is going to be happy. We got escorted off the stage, but I could still feel the looks of a thousand eyes on me. That felt really creepy, but knowing that one or two of them could’ve Lian’s (I think it’s two? You can’t look in two directions at once, can you??) made me laugh inside. Everyone was then allowed to wear their outfits into the main lobby before changing out, so I went to see Lian. Luckily, Lian was a VIP, so we both got into one of those fancy VIP rooms. I saw Arathorn with Magpie while I walked in. I hope those two are fine.

“Great job out there, Prisma. You look amazing.” This is reminding of cheesy romance novels. I hope this is not one of them. We both talked for a while, and we shared that bag of chips I got; to be honest, they didn’t taste horrible, but they weren’t that good either (barbecue is not my thing). It went on for a bit before someone knocked on the door.
“Hello? It’s me, Calliope! Is Lian in here?” Lian got up and opened the door. “Oh, Prisma is in here too! Great. Now, the undisclosed prize of winning the idol show was that the winners would get to keep their outfit. So, Prisma, you get to keep your dress. And I need to go… Bye!” Calliope took less than one minute to finish. After that interruption by Calliope, we just continued. From Arathorn and Magpie to chickens on the roof, we talked about … anything. I admit it was fun. An hour soon past, so I got up. It’s 5 pm right now. I quickly apologized to Lian for my sudden departure, and left for the change rooms. I just needed my other clothes. When I got there, I didn’t see Amie, so I assume she just left. I really wanted to say thank you again to her. Then, as I walked out, Lian surprised me. 

“Lian! Don’t do that!” 

“Why not? Too scared? But anyway, since I basically run this place, there’s something I must show you. Follow me!” Knowing I probably have no choice, I followed Lian. We went through a few doors before finally arriving in … surprise, yet another room. It was bigger though, a lot bigger, and it was a dance floor. I didn’t notice that before. He clicked something and then the lights turned on. A bit too flashy for me. I guess it was an invitation to dance, but before that he opened up his phone. “Hello?? Yes, this is Lian, please go to room 202. Thank you.” Lian quickly hung up.

A second later (or was it two?), I saw Magpie and Arathorn come in. I really didn’t expect Lian to just invite the two over. That would’ve been embarrassing, but he walked over to the two and started teasing them. Eventually that stopped, and I don’t want to say this. I don’t know how I should feel about it but… We started to dance.