Koi's Attempts at FFXIV Write 2023

1 year, 21 days ago
6 months, 28 days ago
30 10940

Entry 10
Published 6 months, 28 days ago

Ported over from Archive of our Own since I wanted to add it to the respective characters. Original Version: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49790461

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Prompt #10: Extra Credit - Forest of Letters

[The handwriting is gentle, but as if someone was actively fighting the urge to write in curisve. The start of the letter contains a few false beginnings, and an increasingly frustrated set of scribbled marks but flows as the letter progresses.]

My dearest, there is an old saying that goes like 'If I had more time I would've wrote a shorter letter' and although for the most of things that is a very true sentiment, I find myself ruing the limits of language and the concept of written word. For I do not have the artistic hands of Hanako, or the complex brain of Runa and I cannot express this deep bursting feeling of emotions that swells and overwhelms me when I think of you. Alas, for the sake of the prose, (and so that Vana does not keep nagging me), I shall attempt to describe it.

The small geography of your scales line my mind, the complex weave of bumps and dips that comphrehend into a tiny mountain and valley path that makes of you. The brief oasis of smooth, gentle skin that lay between them. Your eyes glitter in my mind like the most precious of rubies but any appraiser worth their salt could never put a price on you. Your soft, flowing hair, disguised and framed in blonde coating but underneath hidden, a ruby sea in it's own right. You clad yourself in gold so commonly, but to me, you are worth more than any precious metal.

My dearest, I wish I could convey to you in a way in which your soul could comprehend, the sheer blaze that you ignite within my heart. You are the flint and steel to my passion, a key fuel source for my heart and mind. You drive me to better myself, and my work. Your interest, and the way the joy and excitment of discovery dances in your eyes and curls your cheeks into such a wonderful grin.

I wish for a thousand eterneties by your side. I wish a thousand more in your memory. My life is putty in your hands. My soul is forfeit to you, all and entirety.

I adore you.