Koi's Attempts at FFXIV Write 2023

1 year, 21 days ago
6 months, 28 days ago
30 10940

Entry 22
Published 6 months, 28 days ago

Ported over from Archive of our Own since I wanted to add it to the respective characters. Original Version: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49790461

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Prompt #22: Fulsome

Click. Clack. Click.

Resonated the sound of heels on wood. Victoria stepped into the lounge-room, directing to her servants to fling wide the curtains and let the light in.

This manor had been stale for too long. She was sick of it, it reeked of her brother's vile, fulsome, sycophantic nature. He would bend so easily to father's want for wasting and winding his time alone with his spear. He would not gain the favor of Halone, he would barely gain the favor of a Brume whore on a quota, and he certainly would not gain control of the House. She would fight him to the death over it; in both the literal and figurative sense. Her life's work dedicated to proving herself past her female form. It infuriated her how much work she had to put in to make up for the fact she was born female, when the weaselly brat got a free ride into daddy's favor just for the balls he didn't even care to use. He should be married off to some young dame in the far-countries. Not her.

She had trained for this. Cut steel and flame for this. She'd have her rightful claim for this. Even if it meant committing fratricide in the preparation for it. He would not take her seat. He shan't. The minute he exercised a legitimate claim she'd cut him down by any means necessary. He was unfit and dimwitted, he would waste the house treasury, slander the house name, and overrun the premises with hookers and whores if he got the chance. So, he wouldn't get the chance.

Still, she couldn't help but seethe at his nature. His posture. The way he lounged across the chairs with his boots still muddy from hunting. The way he disrespected their father, the lord who sired them, with his constant laborious presence. He pranced through the manor like he owned it, ordered everyone around him like he was in command. She'd teach him a lesson in due time. He'd get what's coming for him.

He needed to know the bite of succession, the sting of defeat.

He needed to know his place.

Second place.