Koi's Attempts at FFXIV Write 2023

1 year, 20 days ago
6 months, 28 days ago
30 10940

Entry 8
Published 6 months, 28 days ago

Ported over from Archive of our Own since I wanted to add it to the respective characters. Original Version: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49790461

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Prompt #8: Shed

The Chocobo Shed

Come with me to the Chocobo Shed, where up ahead the red are bred, but to not dread, as they are fed, and do not bite, the farmer said.

Come with me to the Chocobo Farm, have not alarm, they are disarmed, they do not harm, they are calm, and from their pelt, we make the yarn.

Come with me to the Chocobo Races, there you'll find many places of chases, which are penned in pages of paces, and who give praises to faces of braces.

Come with me to the Chocobo Field, where in the beauty, you will yield, to the sight that lies unseen, concealed, the younger flock have been revealed, and rest with their mother, as their shield.

Come with me to the Chocobo Shed, where led up ahead, the red have fled, and in their stead rests in their bed, a loaf of budding gingerbread!