Koi's Attempts at FFXIV Write 2023

9 months, 19 days ago
3 months, 26 days ago
30 10940

Chapter 20
Published 3 months, 26 days ago

Ported over from Archive of our Own since I wanted to add it to the respective characters. Original Version: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49790461

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Prompt #20: Hamper

Septonine took the last of the baguettes from the oven and placed the tray onto the side table.

"Do you think it'll all fit?"

Septonine asked, turning across to Hanako, Lumi and Mielikki. Hanako was halfway through piping a tray of cookies, whilst Lumi loomed over her shoulder constantly giving pointers that seemed to wind Hanako up. Mielikki spoke over their bickering to reply.

"Well it has to, doesn't it?" She said with a shrug, before stealing a cookie from Hanako's tray.

"Hey, what the fuck!" Hanako squeaked angrily, "This is bullying, you know!" She turned from the viera to the hyur, finally reaching her limit she yelled put the piping back down with a huff. "You want it done your way, you do it!"

The lethargic Hyur responded in a similar childish whine, "I can't carry something that heavy!"

"She's right, she can't." Mielikki added nonschalantly as she continued to eat the cookie, to which Hanako huffed in response, "Well then you do it for her!"

"I'm busy." Mielikki answered but gave no explanation, "Doing what?" Hanako pressed, "Nothing." Mia replied holding back a giggle to which the annoyed Au Ra berated her.

Lumi seemed to attempt to place the piping back onto some boxes and get it at the right angle, but she struggled to squeeze it all the way. She really did want to pipe the cookies herself but her wrists couldn't quite balance with the weight. Attempting it caused a sting followed by a numb pain. She hissed as she recoiled.

"I- I- I need a fucking piping gun." Lumi stuttered out in frustration, but her comment only caused Mielikki to tilt her head and Hanako to laugh.

"A piping gun?" Hanako and Mielikki asked in tandem, the former playfully punching the latter in response to their syncopation.

"Like a fucking- a fucking- piping turret. A piping- piping aiming device." She shook her head as she attempted to hold the bag again but recoiled in the same manner.

"A piping turret?" Septonine inquired this time, lifting her head from her balancing act of beverage glasses she was securing into the box.

"Y-Yeah. S-so I can like aim- aim it."