Koi's Attempts at FFXIV Write 2023

1 year, 20 days ago
6 months, 28 days ago
30 10940

Entry 28
Published 6 months, 28 days ago

Ported over from Archive of our Own since I wanted to add it to the respective characters. Original Version: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49790461

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Prompt #28: Blunt

Mielikki sat at the grinder, shaving down layer by layer. She hadn't been adventuring for so long, and blade had become dull and blunt. She cursed the stars. It was going to take a great deal of work to get it sharp again, and she was running out of time before her adventuring party was set to depart. She had to find a solution, and fast. Mielikki tried different solutions, but nothing seemed to work the way she wanted it to. She sighed, "Fine." she said to herself. "I'll just use one from the armory."