Koi's Attempts at FFXIV Write 2023

9 months, 19 days ago
3 months, 26 days ago
30 10940

Chapter 6
Published 9 months, 7 days ago

Ported over from Archive of our Own since I wanted to add it to the respective characters. Original Version: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49790461

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Prompt #6: Ring

Mielikki spun the small loop of metal in her hand anxiously as she pondered. Her head was brimming thoughts, going through every iteration of the coming moments. It was four words, but it indicated a promise. A bond. A pact. She had spoken to Izayoi about such matters before. Made attempts to feel out Izayoi's feelings on the matter, and any cultural landmines that may arise from two, very different backgrounds coming together in such a way. Izayoi had been receptive, joyful almost. As two scientists would, they hypothesized everything together, even their future. Mielikki however wasn't a scholar of love and bonding, she was much closer to an inept student. She found herself constantly bumbling and stumbling through the criteria. Mielikki had done her homework though, and she hoped that would be the saving grace here.

She had spoken to her mother about it, and researched the Sharlayan traditions of marriage. They were not unlike the Eternal Bonding Ceremony that most of Eorzea holds dear. Mielikki couldn't quite find any research for the far eastern side of things, and she didn't want to give too much away to her partner. She had been told that alot of this was based on the element of surprise. That the intrepid partner would kneel before their beloved and announce their love boldly and with a symbolic gift of a ring. Mielikki looked down at said ring. It was small, at least in her hands, and made of silver. Silver was a little bit of an odd choice, given her partner's perchance for golden-clad attire but Mielikki had a plan for it. Silver would be a piece of her amongst Izayoi's gold, and Mielikki would choose Gold to symbolize the opposite.

As the time ticked closer, Mielikki watched Izayoi descend the steps of the airship. She smiled widely as she always did, striding confidently towards her partner to give her a comforting welcome-back hug.

"My dearest, I hope the travel was well."

Mielikki said with a gentle nod, picking up Izayoi's bags for her to carry to the inn-room. As they walked towards the Gridanian inn-rooms, Mielikki listened intently to Izayoi's chatter but mostly focused on getting the room sorted. Izayoi's journey seemed to have gone well, which was a relief, and things were in good spirits. Mielikki's anxieties eased with the time she spent with Izayoi. Signing in the two of them and grabbing the keys, she guided Izayoi towards the room. Once there, and opened, Mielikki set the bags down. The room was standard, dark-brown wood walls and floor. Basic amenities. Double-bed. Mielikki was happy with it, she inquired towards Izayoi who seemed to agree in kind.

As night fell Mielikki felt her chance approaching, she asked about a walk. A gentle stroll under the stars was not uncommon for the two, and it would not raise suspicion. She checked her pocket stealthily, feeling within it the small loop of metal. Thank the twelve, it was still there. They strolled out for a while. The streets of Gridania were quieter at night, the tender sound of the waterwheels, light flickering fireflies dotted about, and the occasional simmer of the trees. It was idyllic, a perfect atmosphere for the moment. They approached the amphitheater, and Mielikki felt a swell of nervousness overcome her again. She pushed it down, it was going well. It would go well. It had to.

Mielikki realized she had been silent for too long, perhaps Izayoi had asked a question and Mielikki had not replied. Mia may have been too far in her head to listen at the time. She waited for a second, seeing if Izayoi would repeat, but she didn't. Mielikki assumed that she hadn't said anything. She took a deep breath. Courage. Take courage, Mia. They sat in the empty stands, and Mielikki looked up towards the stars. Above her, faintly, seemed to be Menphina, the Lover, the coincidences were almost poetic at this point.

"Izayoi, I have a question to ask you,"

Izayoi turned towards Mielikki, and she felt her stomach twist again. Push forward, Mia. She told herself. It'll be fine! You'll be fine! Mielikki looked into Izayoi's eyes, they glimmered like rubies in the moonlight. Her breath caught in her chest, and she found herself flustered. She fought hard to keep her composure, to assume the cool exterior she was common to have. Everything in her life lead to this moment. This great question. This, binding choice that would intertwine their lives, their families, and their fates together. A milestone, a moment, a memory.

Mielikki moved off the seat onto one knee, producing the silver ring from her pocket and presenting it towards Izayoi with both her hands.

"Will you marry me?"