Koi's Attempts at FFXIV Write 2023

1 year, 21 days ago
6 months, 28 days ago
30 10940

Entry 12
Published 6 months, 28 days ago

Ported over from Archive of our Own since I wanted to add it to the respective characters. Original Version: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49790461

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Prompt #12: Dowdy

Septonine paused her rampage to look back at the bed. Piled up high was a great fortress of discarded clothing, each one strenuously worn for a second before being deemed unfit for her uses.

She sighed, all the cloth-making skills in the world could not help her make a piece that actually looked good with other pieces. None of it had taste. She needed some inspiration and fast.

Septonine made her way downstairs into the library to look for a book; living on the premises of a free company was a boon in times like these. She scoured the shelves for the right book, picking up a few but deciding on an old Limsan cooking book.

She took a peek inside, the tablecloth lit a flame in her heart. If she could somehow source a tablecloth from somewhere she could probably make a nice draped skirt to help her.

She ran to Otto; who was in charge of the Free Company's stock and begged to use one of the tablecloths. He eventually relented, giving an older gingham fabric cloth to her.

After hours of cutting, sewing, and more cutting it was done, but it didn't feeeel done.

Septonine consulted her source again, opening the book to a random page she found, ah! Rolanberries! It could be cute to have rolanberry symbols on her pockets but... how?

She sat for a moment and thought before it came to her. There was some fabric paint in the workshop that she could use, and she could paint them on. (and probably embroider them nicely on later.)

Rushing off yet again, she did some test sketches, and a couple test paints on some fabric before deciding on her design. She pinned the pockets to the skirt and could barely contain her excitement!

It looked so cute, now to sew it, aaaand done!

Septonine was no longer a dowry girl, she considered herself to be stylish.