The Past

2 years, 7 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
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Chapter 6
Published 1 year, 3 months ago

This takes place several years before MK is born. Focuses on Fang returning to Megapolis to deal with a problem, as well as eventually facing her father after 10 years of silence between each other.

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Trickery and Tea

After the battle atop the mountain of Megapolis, Red Son and Fang  contemplate their relation to one another as cousins. Will it work out?  Or will they both end up burning one another out.

After Fang and Jun return after a week from escorting Moth to the   valley, the gang is preparing to move from the shrine to the island to   help with Fang getting herself moved back in.  (Seeing as she is still   injured and can't do a whole lot.)

However  upon finding her charger lost to her, she claims that she   may of left  it someplace else and runs out back to the den (her   hideout) as it being  the last place she can recall having ever used  it.

Unfortunately  her path is obstructed as a very feisty Red Son blocks   her path with a  gang of Bull Clones, and after kidnapping her, escort   her to the top of a  building where he forces her to tell him what she   meant in calling him her cousin.

Another heated exchange is had, her telling him the full truth, that   their father's at one point were sworn brothers, and she claims that as   enough of a reason for them to be allies instead of enemies. All the   while he grows evermore frustrated and upset in her having  messed with   his feelings for the longest time since the battle upon the  mountain.   Eventually the two come to a standoff, where Red Son accidentally  admits   his deepest regret in wishing he had a whole family himself,  their  goals  being one in the same in a way. She ask him what she can  do to  get him  to trust her, which he scoffs and shrugs off her  advance,  claiming that  trust is something only fools believe in. That  he only  believes in  loyalty, thanks to his stubborn upbringing.

In the end she  claims that trust is something earned through time   and chance, and gives  him her number in hopes that he'll contact her  if  he ever has need of  her or desires to grow their trust between  them,  before taking her leave.  As skeptical as he is of her offer, he  does  end up saving the number for  later.

And after a day or so of getting things set up, the gang back at the shrine moves out to the island.