The Past

2 years, 7 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
10 5723

Chapter 7
Published 1 year, 3 months ago

This takes place several years before MK is born. Focuses on Fang returning to Megapolis to deal with a problem, as well as eventually facing her father after 10 years of silence between each other.

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Upon moving back to Flower Fruit Mountain, Fang finds herself right   back where she started. It being just her and her father. Not that  there  was anything wrong with that, it was nice to have some down time  after  nearly breaking every bone in her body throughout the last few  weeks.  Her only problem now was the fact she had too much down time...

Between   Yu Lai's training and MKing's family time, Fang held a desire to find   some 'me time' for herself. And after having seen an ad on tv during a   binge night with her dad, of some fancy new video game that had just   released, she decided to give it a shot. It looked pretty cool, a   strategic shoot-em up space game with some arpg elements sprinkled   throughout. And while she didn't have the latest console, she saw  online  that there was a bundle deal going on where she could get her  hands on  both. And decided right then and there to go and get it.

What she hadn't expected however was the line. The thing looked like   it went around a whole city block! It was a good thing she was an early   riser otherwise she probably would've just given up right then an  there  at having to start at the very back. Instead she managed to  secure a  spot not too far from the front.

Red Son,  being the  oddity that he is, shows up, and after causing a scene with  some of the  fellow gamers in line, ends up using Fang as his  placeholder after she  recognizes him. The two are still at odds with  one another, but after a  little chit chat, Red notices the game she's  playing on her phone and in  turn offers his own advice in place of her  playing style. She of course  denies it, but in turn shows her player to  him and the stats she boost,  claiming she's had her fair share of  hours in game to know what she's  doing. Only for them both to find out  that they apparently had ties  before they'd even met irl.

As he  recognizes her username,  BananaGoddess96 and she recognizes his,  xXFlameboi420Xx they both come  to realize that they've been playing  with one another online for quite  sometime now.

After a little  bit of awkwardness, both eventually  concede to the boredom of the line,  and begin a vicious 1v1 against each  other to pass the time. Where  both actually come to enjoy themselves as  the hours go by until they  finally end up near the front.

Fang  manages to purchase what she  came for, but upon Red prompting the  cashier for his version of the  game, he is LIVID to find out that  they're suddenly sold out. To keep  the store from being burnt to the  ground, Fang offers up her copy.  Claiming she can just get some older  games for it later.

Red Son  in all his frazzled glory exclaims as  to why she keeps making him owe  her favors. To which she replies in  that she simply does it because  it's just the normal thing to do. And  after bonking his head on a pole  and claiming that being enough to  scatter his thoughts, he makes an  excuse of a concussion before briskly  taking his leave.