C27-Mossy (Level 1 to Level 2)

100 Exp

Mossstar is pretty indifferent when it comes to water. He enjoys it sometimes, such as when he needs to cool off or clean, but he absolutely hates it when someone splashes it onto him randomly. He loves the rain though. The rain provides a constant, pitter patter sound that has a tendency to calm his nerves very easily. He can spend hours in the rain, just dancing around. It's pretty adorable, to everyone else at least. He finds it to be very refreshing after a long day, and always feels energized when a storm hits. As for swimming, he has the ability to, but he chooses not to most of the time. He enjoys it, but doesn't really see the need for it, especially since his territory is mostly made up of small streams that can't be swum. Occasionally he'll take a dip in the river that provides the boundary between his Tribe and the Tribe of Jagged Lightning, but those are usually when it's ridiculously hot.
