Flora and Fauna

Commonly found flora and fauna

Firecap: spicy mushroom - Cultivated and extremely hot, think ghost chili pepper
Sweetcap: sweet mushroom - Tastes like candy
Balmleaf: fern-like plant - Has a waxy substance that coats the leaves, can be used to help alleviate pain from rashes or burns
Briskbloom: blooming plant - The petals of the flowers from this plant have a sweet taste with cooling properties; often these petals are used to make a refreshing tea
Tuft lichen: fibrous lichen - Slightly durable, soft lichen; an adequate material for harvesting fibers
Cloudshroom: fibrous mushroom - Soft, yet very durable and an excellent material for harvesting fibers; can be combined with the fibers of the tuft lichen to create extra durable fabric

Uncommonly found flora and fauna

Glowshroom: bioluminescent mushroom - Glows in a variety of colors, loses glow when it dies (found in deeper, more toxic parts of the island- maybe poisonous to outsiders?)
Truffle: delicious mushroom - Grows underground, cannot be cultivated and is difficult to find without the help of specific critters
Velvet skullcap: poisonous mushroom - Smells delicious and is very similar in appearance to edible mushrooms, fatal if ingested
Poison antler coral: poisonous fungi - Stings to the touch, with pain lasting for several hours and is fatal if ingested; grows near the coasts

Rare, scarcely found flora and fauna

Seafoam fruit: fizzing fruit - Only a few, small fruits grow from the seafoam bush at a time and they take quite some time to grow. This fruit reacts to saliva, causing it to fizz or bubble like a carbonated drink. These fruits are especially helpful for extremely stomach-ill toskals.
Rootgems: fungi delicacy - Found deep underground, formed on roots far below the soil of shroom trees. Tough outer shell, but the middle is nice and soft. Can be eaten raw or cooked. Especially popular at ceremonies or very important events.
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