Gemmadite info

Gemmadite species


Content warning: This species info contains information about reproduction and reproductive anatomy of Gemmadites, but no images.


Gemmadites, Gemmismae, Undadites, Geludites and Ignisdites are closed species owned and founded by me, Yuko-san and, co-founded by MintyTomato. You are not allowed to make your own without permission from Yuko-san.


Millions and millions of years ago, when Ditee-ath was created in the big bang, the planet was home to only vegetation, water and microorganisms. One of these microorganism species ended up evolving into the Gemmadites. Their evolution slowly started when the microorganisms began to feed off of particles from various gemstones that they could find in mountains, forests and underground. As millennia passed by, the microorganisms grew larger and larger, and the gemstone particles that they consumed became part of them. After a few million years the microorganisms had evolved into an early version of the Gemmadite species and kept evolving until they fully evolved into the nowadays Gemmadites.


Click me to see references of all gemstones and rarities

Red: Almandine, red zircon, red spinel, red garnet, red agate, red jasper, red sardonyx, red aventurine, red howlite, bushman red cascade quartz, strawberry quartz.
Orange: Carnelian, sedona sunstone, peach aventurine, sunstone, orange agate, orange calcite, orange cat's eye, sunshine aura quartz, tangerine aura quartz, orange crackle quartz.
Yellow: Yellow cat's eye, yellow topaz, yellow spinel, yellow fluorite, yellow amblygonite, yellow crackle quartz, yellow aragonite, yellow agate, golden calcite, yellow jasper, champagne aura quartz, golden healer quartz.
Light green: Prehnite, green calcite, green aragonite, green tourmaline, green howlite, green fluorite.
Dark green: Green cat's eye, vesuvianite, green jasper, green muscovite, serpentine, green goldstone, nephrite, green obsidian, green agate, apple aura quartz, diopside, aventurine, green spinel, chinese chromium quartz.
Turquoise/light blue: Green amblygonite, andean opal, green crackle quartz, malachite, apatite, blue cat's eye, blue fluorite, teal crackle quartz, blue amblygonite, aquamarine beryl.
Blue: Druzy, kyanite, lolite, richterite, blue agate, blue aura quartz, blue halite, blue aventurine, blue crackle quartz, dumortierite, blue goldstone, blue spinel, sodalite, moonstone, angelite, blue calcite, blue aragonite, blue howlite.
Purple: Purple agate, purple howlite, purple aura quartz, purple cat's eye, purple fluorite, purple crackle quartz, purple jasper, lepidolite, amethyst.
Pink: Magenta aura quartz, pink cat's eye, pink agate, pink tourmaline, pink tugtupite, pink rhodochrosite, pink crackle quartz, pink howlite, pink calcite, pink halite, rose aura quartz, pink spinel, pink elestial quartz, pink aventurine, bustamite, pink muscovite, spirit quartz, pink carnelian.
Brown: Brown topaz, brown zircon, brown spinel, mahogany obsidian, goldstone, tiger's eye, bronzite, brown chalcedony, brown jasper, brown cat's eye, chiastolite, brown aragonite, septarian, smoky quartz, smoky amethyst
White/grey/colorless: Clear quartz, clear crackle quartz, white zircon, colorless beryl, colorless fluorite, milky quartz, white chalcedony, white aragonite, tourmalinated quartz, snow quartz, white howlite, merlinite, colorless calcite, white cat's eye.
Black: Black agate, obsidian, black tourmaline, black chalcedony, black cat's eye, black spinel, snowflake obsidian, specularite, bloodstone.
Multi: Titanium quartz, flame aura quartz, tanzine aura quartz, rainbow spirit quartz, angel aura quartz, rainbow quartz, rainbow fluorite, ametrine, ammolite (red to green), tourmaline, labradorite, hawk's eye, lepidocrocite, pentagonite.

Red: Red topaz, red onyx, red aura quartz, red fluorite, red brecciated jasper, red chalcedony, vanadinite, bohemian garnet, red sphalerite, red sagentic quartz.
Orange: Orange tourmaline, orange obsidian, orange topaz, orange garnet, orange chalcedony, spessartine.
Yellow: Bumblebee jasper, golden beryl, yellow apatite, yellow garnet, yellow sphalerite, yellow chalcedony, yellow cacoxenite, yellow sagentic quartz, rutilated topaz.
Green: Dioptase, malacolla, jade, chrysoprase, green topaz, green chalcedony, green garnet, green sphalerite, green smithsonite, epidote, green andradite garnet.
Blue: Lapis lazuli, quantum quattro, blue sapphire, euclase, blue obsidian, blue chalcedony, blue smithsonite, blue variscite, dianite, aqua aura quartz, blue quartz, celestite.
Purple: Purple chalcedony, violet spinel, purple smithsonite, corundum, purple apatite, stichtite, kunzite, purple garnet.
Pink: Pink garnet, pink zircon, rubellite, erythrite, thulite, pink chalcedony, pink apatite, pink petalite, pink smithsonite, pink kunzite, rose quartz, pink fluorite, cherry quartz.
Brown: Brown garnet, beige garnet, brown fluorite, brown sphalerite, brown tourmaline, brown andradite garnet.
White/grey/colorless: Colorless spinel, white fluorite.
Black: Black fluorite, black garnet, black onyx.
Multi: Spodumene, ammolite (green to purple), chrysocolla, azurite, peacock ore, dragon's vein agate, ajoite, spectrolite, zoisite, sonora sunset, moss agate, andalusite, unakite, atlantasite.

Red: Rose red rhodochrosite, ruby, red zirconia, red variscite, red zincite, red opal, red jade, strawberry obsidian.
Orange: Orange kyanite, orange zirconia, triplite, orange opal, orange spinel, hessonite, orange jade, orange sapphire, fire quartz, creedite, peach selenite.
Yellow: Yellow kyanite, citrine, yellow diamond, yellow phenacite, yellow obsidian, yellow sapphire, yellow zincite, yellow zirconia, yellow jade, yellow opal, citrine spirit quartz.
Green: Green sapphire, uvarovite garnet, fuchsite, greenlandite, green zirconia, emerald, peridot, gaspeite, green opal, idocrase, green zincite, lemon chrysoprase.
Turquoise: Prasiolite, green kyanite, turquoise, amazonite, verdite, hiddenite, macedonian opal.
Blue: Veszelyite, plancheite, kornerupine, eilat stone, chlorophane, blue topaz, aquamarine zirconia, blue zircon, larimar, blue jasper, covellite, blue onyx, blue zirconia, hauynite, blue musgravite, blue tanzanite.
Purple: Musgravite, purple opal, purple tourmaline, purple sapphire, vera cruz amethyst, violet tanzanite, charoite, violet zirconia, yttrium, lavender quartz.
Pink: Pink beryl, pink tourmaline, pink sapphire, pink topaz, pink tanzanite, pink kyanite, pyroxmangite, star ruby, pink opal, eosphorite, pink zirconia, morganite, rose beryl, padparadscha sapphire, piemontite.
Brown: Brown diamond, brown zirconia, brown jade, amphibole quartz, bastnasite.
White/grey/colorless: Diamond, white sapphire, grey kyanite.
Black: Black diamond, black sapphire, black jade, galaxyite.
Multi: Purple labradorite, white opal, boulder opal, andamooka opal, fairy opal, fire opal, green-blue fire opal, fire agate, que sera, liddicoatite, pietersite, mookaite jasper, karkortokite, eudialyte, rhodonite, exotica jasper.

Red: Red diamond, red beryl, red tourmaline, bixbite.
Orange: Orange diamond, imperial topaz, clinohumite.
Yellow: Yellow tourmaline, lemon quartz, golden astrophyllite.
Green: Green sunstone, tashmarine, moldavite, sphene, green diamond, tsavorite, maw sit sit, green variscite, seraphinite, grandidierite, paraiba tourmaline.
Blue: Blue aragonite, blue diamond, hemimorphite, shattuckite, blue garnet, blue scapolite, jeremejevite, blue tiffany stone, blue sugilite, benitoite, alexandrite, lazulite.
Purple: Taaffeite, purple diamond, sugilite, purple scapolite, purple jade, purple tiffany stone, purpurite, hackmanite, auralite, star garnet.
Pink: Pezzottatite, umbalite, pink diamond, pink sugilite, danburite, poudretteite, cobalto calcite, rose zircon, pink tiffany stone.
Brown: Hilulite, catlinite, painite, champagne zirconia.
White/grey/colorless: White jade, star hollandite quartz, grey diamond, colorless zirconia.
Black: Black star diopside, black moonstone, black astrophyllite, serendibite.
Multi: Black opal, dragons breath opal, angel aura danburite, mystic topaz.


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★ Gemmadites have similar anatomy to humans, but have digitigrade legs, elf-like ears, reptile tails, fangs and their pupils can look different. Depending on their rarity, the ears, fangs and pupils will look different (Please look at the ref sheet).

★ They have a skeleton like humans, but their skeleton is weaker and prone to break more easily, however, their skeleton is protected by a layer of raw gemstone. The layer of protective gemstone is called "the gemstone skeleton". The gemstones are in their raw rough state, not the polished state. When a Gemmadite dies, the gemstone skeleton disappears.

★ They don't have any specific physical build. They can be muscular, buff, scrawny, slim, curvy, plump and overweight. These physical builds are not fixed to just one gender.

★ On average, male Gemmadites are 185 cm tall and female Gemmadites are 165 cm tall, however, that doesn't mean that they can't be taller or shorter than that.

★ Their skin color is like humans. It varies from light skin tones to dark skin tones, but they have markings on their bodies in a wavy pattern with a thick "outline".
The markings are on:
- Their hands, which stretches up to just under the elbow on their forearm.
- Their feet, which stretches up to just under their knees on their shins.
- Their shoulders.
- Their faces to the tip of their tails. The markings start on their cheekbones, then go up to their forehead and down their nose. Their entire top of the head has markings and it goes down their spine and to the tip of their tail.

★ The color of their markings depends on which type of gemstone their gemstone skeleton is made of. The "outline" (The thick line around the marking itself) is always a darker color than the color of the gemstone, and the marking itself is either lighter in color, or the exact color of the gemstone. If a Gemmadite has a gemstone with more than one color, or a gemstone with a pattern, the markings will have all of the colors/patterns of the gemstone.

★ The color of their hair and eyes resembles the color of their gemstone. If a Gemmadite has a gemstone with more than one color, for example an ametrine, the hair can be purple and the eyes can be orange. Their hair can even be ombre, which isn't limited to only gemstones with more than one color, but for a gemstone with just one color, for example purple fluorite, the ombre will go from dark purple to light purple.

★ Gemmadites are born with both female and male genitals, which is something they had from their microorganism time. One of the genitals is dominant to the other and will determine the gender of the Gemmadite, while the non-dominant genitals will be hidden inside of their body. Gemmadites can make the hidden genitals appear at their will. This means that it isn't only straight couples that can have biological offspring, but same sex couples can as well. While they are born as male or female it's common that some wish to identify as something else.

★ Gemmadite babies take after one of their parents regarding their gemstone skeleton and the lowest rarity will be dominant to the higher rarity. For example: If their parents have an amethyst and a citrine, their child will have the amethyst. It's possible for the child to take after a grandparent's gemstone, and in such cases it's also the lowest rarity gemstone they will get. However, taking after a grandparent is very rare. On extremely rare occasions, the child will take after the higher rarity parent (Please look at the mutations).


Click me to see mutations ref!

Double ears

The smaller set of ears has no function in the mutation. They don't have any ear canals, ear drums or any other ear anatomy that makes them function. The ears do have nerves, so they can feel pain. Scientists believe that this mutation occurs from an old trait the Gemmadite species had in their early evolution, long before some of the Gemmadites evolved into Undadites, Geludites and Ignisdites. Studies of the Gemmadite evolution shows that the smaller set of ears were used to pick up sounds the other set of ears couldn't and be warned about predators. The smaller set of ears slowly disappeared as the species evolved, grew bigger and developed better defense mechanisms to protect themselves.

Two gemstones of the same rarity

This mutation happens when the baby is developing in their parent's womb and the gemstone trait from both parents mix together instead of one becoming dominant. The gemstone skeleton will then have two gemstones instead of one, which means that the markings, hair and eyes will have the colors and patterns, if any, of both gemstones. This mutation only happens to Gems whose parents' gemstones are of the same rarity. For example: Two commons or two rare. The mutation can't cross over the rarities, since the lower rarity gemstones are dominant to the rarities above it. This means that a Gem with a legendary gemstone and a Gem with a rare gemstone won't have a child who has a mix of their gemstones.

Incomplete gemstone skeleton

This mutation indicates that the gemstone skeleton is incomplete and has holes where there are no gemstones, which means that the gemstone skeleton is weak and is not as strong as a normal gemstone skeleton. Gems with this mutation are more prone to break their bones. When the gemstone skeleton is incomplete, the markings are incomplete as well. There will be "holes" in the markings where it would usually be solid marking, and small spots of markings will appear where it usually won't.

Double ability

By "default" all Gemmadites, Undadites, Geludites and Ignisdites each have an elemental ability "Earth, water, ice and fire), but some Gems may get a second ability. This mutation only happens to Gems who are a cross between two Gem species, for example, a Gemmadite and an Undadite. A Gem who's a cross between a Gemmadite and a Gemmismae can also get their Gemmismae parent's ability. (Please look at the Gemmismae info under "Abilities" for information about their different abilities).
(Note: If one parent is a Gemmismae, and their ability is unique, you need a trait upgrade to get that ability for this mutation.)

Black sclera and white iris

When the Gemmadite is in their parent's womb the sclera is died black, the iris goes white and no pupils develop, so optic nerves are in the iris instead. This happens if something severe happens to the pregnant parent. This mutation can also cause a few eye problems such as:
- Being born blind
- Lowered vision
- Sensitive to light

Colored sclera and white pupils

This mutation is the same as the "Black sclera and white iris", but instead of the sclera being died black, the sclera will be colored instead and can will take on the color of their gemstone. Just like the black sclera mutation, this mutation can cause the same eye problems such as:
- Being born blind
- Lowered vision
- Sensitive to light

No pupil, sclera will be gemstone color

This mutation is the same as the "Black sclera and white iris", but instead of the sclera being died black, it will be the color of their gemstone, and the iris and pupil won't develop. The eyes still have an optic nerve, but can face the same problems as the black sclera mutation:
- Being born blind
- Lowered vision
- Sensitive to light

One glowing eye

This mutation is caused from poisonous plants that a few Gemmadites ate in their organism days, but never ate enough of to develop into a Gemmismae. One eye can glow in the dark, but isn't visible during the day, or where there's light. However during the night and in darkness you can't avoid seeing it. The Gem can control the brightness of the glow. The glowing eye gives night vision on the eye and makes it easier to see in darkness.

Two glowing eyes

This mutation is really the same as the "One glowing eye" mutation, but it affects both eyes instead of just one.

Gemstone encrusted skin

This mutation happens when the Gem is in their parent's womb and small clusters of gemstones on the gemstone skeleton grow faster than the rest of the gemstone skeleton. These small clusters poke through the skin of the Gem, not the marking. They don't grow bigger than half a centimeter above the skin. However, if a Gem with this mutation decides to grow gemstones from their markings, the gemstones that poke through the skin will grow as well. This is extremely painful and will cause bleeding and ripping of the skin, since their skin isn't made for gemstone growth like their markings are. The gemstones that grow from the ones that are poking through the skin will fall off by themselves and go back to just poking through the skin.


The child will take after the higher rarity parent.

For example: If a common and a rare Gem have a child together, this mutation will give the child the same rarity as the rare parent.
This mutation cannot be obtained through a normal mutation add on! It can only be obtained through a rare special event!


★ Ever since their microorganism state, it's been common for Gemmadites to be in polyamory relationships, for example, two males and a female. However, they've never had more than four mates at a time. It doesn't mean that all relationships are polyamorous. Mates of just two are more common than polyamory.

★ Gemmadites don't call their life companion(s) for husband or wife. They refer to them as their mate(s).

★ When a Gemmadite finds their mate they feel an electric spark ignite inside of them called "The spark", which spreads through their body like a small jolt of electricity. When the spark happens, they feel a pull towards their mate that only they can feel and they know then and there, that they're each other's mate. The spark can happen to Gemmadites who have known one another for many years, but they can also feel the spark for someone they barely know, or just met, although that is rarer to happen. If two mates are meant to have a third or fourth mate, all of them will feel the spark when they meet. Some Gemmadites might feel the pull of the spark towards their mate before they come of age for the spark, however, the spark won't happen until they are of age.

★ Their loyalty to their mate(s) is unbreakable. They don't know the term "cheating on", as it's not something that would ever cross their minds to do. It's very common for Gemmadites to have been in relationships with other Gems before they find their mate.

★ Shortly after feeling the spark, the two, or more, enter a short period called "Bonding", which is a very private time for the Gems involved, as it's a time for them to seal the spark between them. The bonding period lasts 2 Ditee-ath days (Equivalent to 3,5 Earth days) and is usually a very sexually intimate time, however, it isn't always. It all depends on the Gems.

★ Once the bonding time is over, and the spark is sealed, the connection between their mates is something special. Being close to their mate when they're in pain, feeling down, or otherwise not feeling well, can help them feel better and relieve some of the pain. They will from time to time feel small sparks from touching their mate.

★ Gemmadites can reject the spark if they, for whatever reason, don't want their fated mate, however, it's an incredibly painful process for all Gems involved. The rejection process lasts as long as the bonding time, and during those 2 days the Gems involved will feel an immense and unbearable pain in their entire bodies, their stomachs and chests the most, and feel feverish, nauseous and lethargic. It'll take up to a week for the Gems involved to get over the effects of rejecting the spark. The rejection has to be done pretty much straight away, since the spark begins to "seal" after an hour. Once the spark is sealed, it can't be undone. It takes just one of the Gems involved to reject the spark for the rejection process to start.

★ What is the spark? It has been the way for Gemmadites to find their mate, their life partner, ever since their time as tiny organisms. How it works, if it works through love, chance or spiritual forces, no one has been able to find out, as it's different from time to time, however, the spark is quite wise. As the Gemmadites evolved, the spark did too. It's able to tell a Gemmadite's sexual orientation and gender identity; a homosexual Gemmadite will only feel the spark towards another homosexual, and so on. The spark works differently on asexual Gems: An asexual Gemmadite who feels the spark, either towards another asexual or sexually attracted Gem, will still enter the bonding period, however, neither will feel the urge to be sexually intimate. When Gemmadites find their mates, they don't marry one another as humans do. Feeling the spark and going through the bonding period is their own intimate "wedding", so to say.

★ Gemmadites can't feel the spark and find their mate until they are at least 18 years old. It may happen as early as on their 18th birthday, but no earlier than that.

★ Gemmadites don't feel the spark towards relatives! As the spark is the species' way of finding their lifelong partner(s) to be with and potentially have offspring with, they can't feel the spark towards relatives. They also don't seek out relationships (before the spark) with relatives, neither romantic nor sexual!

★ The "prime time", so to say, that Gemmadites find their mate(s) are from when they are 18 to 50 years old. That doesn't mean that they can't find their mate(s) after they have turned 50, but it's before that, that it's more likely to happen.

★ Gemmadites can feel the spark towards other species as well, which is more uncommon, but it does happen. In situations like that, it's then up to the Gemmadite if they want to try and make the other fall in love with them or not. There is no set time for when the other should fall in love with them, but if they succeed at any time, the Gem will want the bonding period. The Gem may also at any point stop their advances if they can tell it won't lead to anything. If two, or more mates, feel the spark towards a none-Gem, it'll happen at the same time and all of them will have to work together to make the none-Gem fall for all of them, if they all agree to have another mate.

★ If a Gemmadite loses their mate(s) and becomes a widow/widower, the chance that they will find a new mate is close to zero, all depending on their age and if they "had the mates they were meant to have" so to say. At this point they can choose to be with another widow/widower, or someone who hasn't yet found their mate(s).

★ Gemmadites are pregnant for six Ditee-ath months, which is equivalent to nine months on earth.

★ Gemmadites are commonly pregnant with just one child at a time, however they can have twins and triplets as well, it's just a more rare occurrence. They can't be pregnant with more than three babies at a time. Gemmadites can have children with other species of similar anatomy to them (Please look at the crossbreeding section).

★ When it comes to childbirth, Gemmadites have a natural instinct about what to do during the process, both the Gem giving birth as well as their mate(s). This means that they like to give birth in the comfort of their own homes with just their mate(s) present. If a Gem has had a tough pregnancy, it's common for them to have a midwife and a doctor with them in case of complications.


★ They have the ability to manipulate and shape earthen minerals regardless of their state: Boulder, sand, dust, dirt, soil, etc. They can carve into solid minerals (mountains, boulders, rocks, etc.), lift heavy boulders, manipulate the ground to move around, move solid minerals (boulders, rocks, stones) without touching them and shape solid minerals (boulders, rocks, stone) at their will.

★ Their saliva has healing abilities, but it only speeds up the natural healing process of the body and lessens the pain of the wound slightly, which means that a wound can still scar. It won't be as if there wasn't a wound there in the first place. The strength of the healing depends on the rarity of the Gemmadite. Common and uncommon Gemmadites' salvia is only strong enough to speed up the healing process of scratches, shallow cuts, first- and second-degree burns. Rare and legendary Gemmadites' salvia can speed up the healing process of the same type of wounds as common and uncommon, but also deep flesh wounds and third-degree burns.

Click me to see examples of gemstone covered markings
★ Gemmadites can create gemstones out of the markings, however, it's the raw state of the gemstone and they can't create whatever gemstone they wish. They are limited to the gemstone their gemstone skeleton is made of. To make their gemstones grow they need to have consumed a part of the mineral that their gemstone skeleton is made of. For example: An amethyst Gemmadite needs to have consumed silicon in order to make the amethysts grow out of their markings. It takes about 24 hours for the gemstones to fully emerge from the markings in different sizes. The rough gemstones are 'harvested' either by waiting and letting them fall off of the Gemmadite's markings, which is the safest and most painless method, since the Gemmadite won't feel pain at all, or break the gemstones off of the Gemmadite, which is an extremely painful procedure, as it's the same as breaking their bones. To repair a broken gemstone skeleton, they have to eat just a tiny bit of the mineral their gemstone skeleton is made of.

★ The skin in the markings are "made" for gemstone growth and are a few layers thinner. This allows the gemstones from the gemstone skeleton to come through easily and painlessly. The rest of their skin is not made for gemstone growth and is protected by a membrane underneath their skin that stops the gemstones from growing out through that skin.

★ In self defense situations they can force parts of the gemstone skeleton to come out through their markings and work as weapons, due to the sharp edges of the rough gemstones. They can control which of their markings the gemstones come out of, but they can't break off the gemstones to wield them as a weapons, since that's extremely painful, so they have to swing their limbs in order to use the gemstones as weapon. It's possible for gemstones to break off while they defend themselves, if they hit them against something hard. The method to repair the broken off pieces is the same as repairing the gemstone skeleton if the gemstones were broken off after a gemstone production.

★ Gemmadites' fangs contain a paralyzing venom that can paralyze up to half an hour. They decide themselves if they want to inject the venom into whoever they bite. Their fangs are level with their other teeth, but can extend them when they feel threatened and want to inject their venom.

★ They have the ability to travel through gemstones and crystals on their own planet, but also to other planets since gemstones and crystals are a natural occurring phenomenon pretty much everywhere. They use gemstones for traveling when they are going across a region, a continent, and to other planets. They can travel through all types of gemstones and crystals, but if they travel through an amethyst they will also come out through an amethyst on the other end, since it's the same type of gemstone. That means that they can't travel through an amethyst and come out through a diamond. When they travel through gemstones and crystals they are faced with different "paths" that will take them to different places. The paths are not marked with words, but they have maps that show which paths lead to where on their own planet, as well as to other planets. The maps used to be paper maps, but nowadays they are digital.
They can't travel through crystals and gemstones they produce themselves; only naturally occurring crystals and gemstones, and it has to be big enough for them to go through.


★ They make a purr-like sound when they enjoy something, like, a massage, having their hair played with, being cuddled, and what else that may make them feel content.

★ They do kiss their mate(s) to show affection, but giving their mate(s) a soft lick on their cheek with just the tip of their tongue is also a way of kissing and showing affection. Another way to show affection to their mate(s) is to wrap their tail with theirs.

★ They grow out a piece of their gemstone to make into a piece of jewelry to give to their mate(s). The gemstone can be turned into a necklace, bracelet, ring, earrings or ankle bracelet.

★ Gemmadites have a slightly longer lifespan than humans, but not by too much. The oldest recorded Gemmadite was 160 years old.

★ Gemmadites are omnivores and are usually not picky eaters. They eat meat, fruits, vegetables, herbs, seafood, etc.

★ Gemmadites are fast runners.

★ Their tails have more strength than their arms. They can crush stones and rocks of various sizes, and lift them as easy as nothing with their tails.

★ Gemmadites have better hearing than humans, due to their longer elf-like ears, which allow them to pick up sounds from far away more clearly.

★ They wipe their "feet" before walking inside their homes or other Gems' homes.

Click me to see examples of Gems' homes.
★ Gemmadites live inside caves that are either carved by nature, or that they created themselves. The inside of the caves are built up pretty much like houses on earth with a kitchen, living room, bathroom and bedrooms. Wealthy families usually have more rooms, such as multiple guest rooms, bathrooms, a dining room etc. There are typically no doors to the kitchen, living room or hallways, but there are doors to the bedrooms and the bathroom. The doors and their furniture are made of wood, but things like fridges, freezers, stoves, ovens, pots, pans and cooking utensils are typically made of metal. It's possible for Gemmadites to live in other worlds, but they tend to live in caves if possible, since that's what they are used to, however, that doesn't mean that they can't live in a house.

★ Gemmadites are smart and very curious creatures. They like to learn more about their own world, other worlds, other species and basically anything they will find interesting. They discovered early on in their evolution how to use deep underground crystals as their source of energy for various things.