Ditathee (Language)



When the five main species of Ditee-ath (Gemmadites, Gemmismae, Undadites, Geludites and Ignisdites) started to roam the planet after their development, they created a language that became the main spoken language, so all five species could understand each other. The language was named "Ditathee". Ditathee was the main, and only, language spoken among the five species for hundreds and thousands of years, but they began to use other languages when they began to travel to other worlds and encountered other species. They learned the language of other species in order to communicate with them, and when they returned to Ditee-ath they passed on the language to their family and friends. Around the 19th century (equivalent to the 19th century on earth) Ditathee was no longer the only spoken language on Ditee-ath. It was still the first language that the five species learned, but many families spoke languages from other worlds as well, so the five species became multi-lingual, hence why they can communicate with so many different species. However, even though they can speak a certain language doesn’t mean that they can read and write in that language.


Click me to see ref of the alphabet and pronunciation

★ Ditathee sounds like a very gibberish and drunken version of English. The structure of the language, like grammar, is like English, however the placement of the vowels are different, and some double consonants are pronounced differently.

- In words with more than one vowel, the vowel is moved one spot to the right. If the letter is "Y" it will become an "A". For example: "Romance" becomes "Rumenci".
- In words with just one vowel, the vowel will be replaced with the second next vowel in the alphabet. For example: "Me" becomes "Mo".

A little grammar:
- The Ditathee alphabet does not have any uppercase or lowercase letters. The symbols are written as is.
- Double L (For example: Hello) is pronounced as a soft "R".
- Double P (For example: Happy) is pronounced as a "B"
- When writing Ditathee with English letters, all names (nouns) are written with the first letter as uppercase. So names on Gems, people, cities, schools and so on, are written with the first letter as uppercase.
- "I" (as in "myself") is pronounced as "Eem", even though when written in English letters, the "I" is a "U".
- Even though the symbols have their individual pronunciations, a word is not pronounced as the symbols sound. For example, in English the letter "A" has various ways to be pronounced depending on the word. It is the same way with Ditathee.

The vowels in alphabetic order
A, E, I, O, U, Y

This language is a bit hard, but really funny to write and say out loud! I had a lot of fun making the language, and I hope that you will like it.

Thus lengyegi us i but hird, bat riella fynna ty wroti ind sea uyt luyd! U hid i lyt yf fan mekong tho lengyegi, ind U hupi thit auy wull loki ut.


Click me to see ref of the numbers and pronunciation

The Ditathee numbers, and way of counting, is pretty straight forward. The numbers are written as symbols and look different, more simple, compared to the alphabet. 0-9 is easy, both pronouncing them and writing them. When you can 0-9 by memory, the rest of the numbers should come pretty easy as well, as the way they are pronounced are very logical. You have the number 10, which is "Tahn" in Ditathee. 11 is "Tahn uri", which is a combination of ten and one. It is the same with the other numbers up to nineteen. You put "Tahn" (ten) first, and then the other number behind it.

When you get to 20 and up, it is very straightforward. 20 is "Kvu tahn", which is the same as saying "Two ten" in English. If you want to say "25" in Ditathee it would be "Kvu tahn fevi", which is the same as saying "Two ten five" in English. It continues like that when you continue to count. 53 is "Fevi tahn dre", and 89 is "Aith tahn nahm". It is the exact same system when you come to the hundreds, thousands, ten thousands and millions. 200 is "Kvu honreh", 10.100 is "Tahnsad honreh", 150.555 is "Honreh fevi sad fevi honreh fevi tahn".