

Mage characters

Click this folder to view all of Anathema's currently active Mage characters. Mages are characters touched by magic, capable of commanding supernatural forces, leveling up their abilities, and are at risk of being corrupted into monsters.

Non-Mage characters

Click this folder to view all of Anathema's currently active Non-mage characters. Non-mages are the residents of Ivras who are not capable of commanding magic. Non-mages make up most of Ivras's population.


View the profile templates needed to create a new character. Templates are different for Mages and Non-mages, so select your template carefully!


View Anathema's NPC leaders and figures. These characters can be either Mages or Non-Mages, and are not controlled by any player or staff member.

Past characters

View Anathema characters whose stories have concluded. These are characters who have died in the game, have been Corrupted into monsters, or were simply retired by their players.

Player Galleries

View artwork, roleplay, and literature created by Anathema members. "Scenes from Ivras" is a nonspecific, general Anathema gallery, but individual galleries also exist for every one of Anathema's events and Great Hunts.

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