

An Open Species by Dragonstorm

Skivets Info


Skivets  are relatives of small fur covered dragons. They have adapted bodies  similar to different kinds of civets as well as being very skittish  (skittish, civets )


Humans believe Skivets are a sign of illness due to them carrying diseases they can’t cure yet.

They are Omnivores

Food Chain Rank: pretty low

Normal Diet: bugs and fruit


They live in trees forming tree colonies and are easily scared

Normal Personality: skittish 

Body language: like cats the puff up their fur when threatened and hiss

Actions around young: very protective usually 

Social?: only with other Skivets

Language?: they communicate in squeaks, hisses, and clacking sounds they make in the back of their throats.

Hunting: they climb trees and jump form a branch onto prey on the ground or dig them up with there snouts 

Although the hunting technique can carry depending on the village and habitat

While sleeping: they sleep huddled together in groups or pairs

While threatened: they hiss and extend their retractable claws

While happy: the make a high pitched grumble sound

Adaptions/Defenses: wings, a rare trait, don’t permit them to fly. Only to glide safely to the ground. 

Groups: (what is a large group called? (ie: Pack, flock, school, herd)

A village


Common body colors: 

Sandy yellows, browns, and brownish greens.

Common ear looks much darker then the rest of the body

Amount of legs/wings:

4 legs

Teeth: very long fangs

Claws: long and retractable. Hollow

Extra membranes: they can have many different accessories and extra stuff. You can take creative liberty with that

Eyes: reptilian like in looks and behaviour 

Tail(s): tails help with balance on branches

Markings: commonly found with spots

Nostrils: dog like and covered with tiny hard scales to protect from scratches when digging up prey

Life span: 50 years 

Habitat: different habitats mean different features. There are currently 

Six habitats and variations of skivets each with their respective traits

Avian (sky and tall tall areas)

Aqua (swamps and rivers)

Normal (forests)

Desert (dunes and deserts)

Polar (snowy areas)

Cave(underground tunnels and cave systems)

Favoured prey: spiders

Predators: anything bigger than them that’s carnivorous 

Common sicknesses: infections 

Adult skivet height: 50-80 cm

Adult skivet length: 90-196 cm long (including tail which is like ⅓) and 23-31 kg

Adult skivet weight: 49-121 lb

Baby skivet height: 46 cm

Baby skivet length: 23-25 cm long (including tail which is like ⅓) and 3.5-4.5 kg 

Baby skivet weight: 7.9 – 9.9  lbs

More info on baby skivets:  they’re born with small, more fragile horns that’s firm up and grow longer as they get older

Baby Skivet // Lines by Comet

Skivet Variations

Skivets come in all sorts, however they do have some trait requirements;

  • All Skivets must have their respective type of skull.
  • Their horns are separate from the skull, however the mask itself can also have horns. 
  • As  for the nose, you can choose to make it visible like a Canine’s, or  leave it closed with a little spike curve like Dragons have. 

If you need ideas for your Skivet OC, check out the randomizer!
Or if you just want a random variation type, try the wheel!

Forest Skivet

Desert Skivet

Polar Skivet

Avian Skivet

Aqua Skivet

Cave Skivet