


 • INDEX • 

1. Disclaimer

2. Basics

3. Anatomy

4. Diet & Nutrition

5. Lifespan & Reproduction

6. Disease & Death

7. Intelligence & Communication

8. Behavior

 9. Environment

10. Society & organisation 


1. Disclaimer

I am not responsible for any misunderstandings or consequences that may take place due to someone failing to read & obey this guide, thank you.


 2. Basics 

[Species name]


[Avg. Height]

Male:1.2 meters at the shoulder 

Female: 1 meter at the shoulder 

 [Avg.  Length]

Male:4.5 meters 

Female: 4 meters 

 [Avg. Weight]

Male:123-206 kg

Female:113-195 kg


3. Anatomy

~ { Base Image } ~





[Body Type]

[Skin Textures & Patterns]

Scaly and rough,Patterns can be anything


Mostly only greens,browns,yellows and oranges


Any colour really


Colors matching the body


Same as the nose


either black or grey


pinks or reds


No Paws here


same as the nose


 wings can be any colours and have patterns


4. Diet & Nutrition 

((What type of diet does your species follow?))

Strictly herbivores

 ((What specifically do they typically eat?))

Berries,nuts and leaves 

((How do they actively acquire their food?))

The graze foe grass and flu to tree tops to feed on nuts,berries and leaves

 ((How do they eat their food?)) 

 they strip leaves from trees using their beak,going and break nuts and berries with their teeth and rip bark from trees also using their beak


5. Lifespan & Reproduction

 ((How does your species reproduce?)) 

They lay eggs made from mub,rocks,leaves,bark,grass,etc

((How long does the incubation process normally take?)) 

 Around 5-6 months

 ((What does your species look/act like shortly after they are born?))

They are born blind and deaf and are helpless but after 1-2 days they gain the ability to hear and see

 ((What is the average lifespan of your species?))

 Around 60-82 years

((What is the rate at which they mature?))

The reach sexual maturity at the age of 15 years old

((Describe the changes that might occur as your species grows from a newborn into an adult))

Their spicks grow sharp edges,their crest becoms more colourful and larger,and their colours start to pop out more


 6. Disease & Death

((Are there any common diseases or illnesses that your species may be prone to catching?))

The most friquent disease they catch is common cold

 ((Describe how different diseases / illnesses effect them be it negative or positive))

 Any disease they catch won't be too fatel as they have very strong immune systems

 ((Does anything interesting or unique happen to the creatures body when it dies? Describe.))

Nothing out of the ordinary, their body just decompose 

((When they die, does your species host rituals in rememberance of those lost?))

No, they aren't very intelligent and aren't social

 (( How do they cope with the death of others?))

You will very rarely see this and it only happens when a mother loses a young


7. Intelligence & Communication

((Detail the intelligence of your species and how they might utilize their smarts)) 

They aren't smart

 ((How does your species communicate with each other?))

Body language,vocally and through smells


8. Behavior

 ((What is the general disposition of your species? How do they typically act?)) 

They are highly territorial and will attack without thinking twice 

((How does your species behave around their own?))

Being territorial,they are usually aggressive to one another especially if the two are the same gender

((Do they act differently toward strangers belonging to their species compared to those they are familiar with?)) 

 As mentioned earlier, they are highly territorial and will act aggressive even with one they are familiar with

 ((How does your species commonly interact with those they are familiar with?))

 As mentioned earlier, aggression is always there 


9. Environment

((Describe the environment surrounding your species))

 They are usually found in forests and swamps

 ((How does your species interact with their environment?))

They eat sand sometimes to gain some nutrition and are seen eating stones to help with digestion

 ((How does your species interact with other creatures who share the same land with them?))

 They are usuallynot very friendly and will attack in approach


10. Society & Organization

((Does your species live in large/small groups or do they prefer to be on their own?)) They are solitary creatures and prefer being being left alone

((Does your species prefer to establish roots for living or do they prefer to wander their territory, never sticking to one area for long?))

 They prefer wandering through their territory

 ((Do they possess a hierarchy system? Describe each role and the purpose they serve))

No they don't have a hierarchysystem


 Art © and Species ©

MADE BY @Frostceratosaurus