


First sketch concept by metalharpey

Appearance: A Gourdeer appears as a deer with a gourd-like material on its chest. Their gourd-chest may be carved and can come in any number of naturally occurring colors. 

Diet: Decaying material such as wood, leaves, or carrion

Food Chain Rank: Detritivore

Typical Personality: Sneaky and shy

Body Language: Similar to deer

Social Life: Similar to deer

Language: When communicating with other Gourdeer, they may squeak, grunt, or bleat. When attempting to scare off predators, they may make a hollow rattling sound, or a rhythmic drum-like sound. 

Behaviors: Gourdeer are constantly on the move, almost always grazing as they go. They live in groups. 

Defenses: Antlers/horns(if applicable), stomping with hooves

Groups: usually in herds of up to 500, a group is called a Patch

Average Life Span: 80-90 years

Average Body Size: Varies based on the type

Reproduction: “Hatch” from gourds. When freshly laid, the gourd has no carvings and is identical to a real gourd. When ready to hatch, the gourd is dry, like an eggshell. 

Life History: When freshly hatched, a gourdeer will have no carvings on its chest gourd. When they reach maturity, they carve their own chests, and hollow out the inside. Adults often have a unique chest carving, but may have the same carving as another. An adult may also have an un-carved gourd, but they are uncommon. 

Types in order of most to least common

Deer (most common)
Sheep (most common)
Cattle (common)
Goat (common)


Pigs (uncommon)
Llamas (uncommon)
Camels (uncommon) 

Gazelle (rare)
Hippos (rare) 

Mouse Deer (rarest)
Giraffes/Okapi (rarest)


Species (see above)

Carving: face/jack-o-lantern (common), shape (uncommon), no carving/closed (uncommon), pattern (rare), no carving/open (rarest) 

Light Color: colorless/white (common), yellow (uncommon), red/orange/green/blue (rare), purple/other (rarest)