🐜 Ferrulma 🪲

A semi-open species by Dragonstorm (juniper) and Wiiiiiiillpower (comet)


Diet & Nutrition

Carnivorous, they eat smaller insects and even young eli-ilus and tamurry. Like a praying mantis, they will silently stalk their prey and then catch and bite it, using venom to euthanize it. They have strong mandibles, and their fangs are also used to manipulate their food. 

Lifespan & Reproduction

They lay eggs, up to 300 at a time. They carry their eggs for up to 3 months at a time, but may lay them sooner or later depending on environmental conditions. Young look exactly like the adults, albeit with different colorations. They can live for up to 3 years, and some have been reported to be up to 5 years old in extreme cases. They mature extremely quickly, and are able to reproduce at about 5 months of age, when they gain their adult colorations. Their final egg clutch is the smallest, and their first is the largest. When a female is pregnant, her venom will become 3x as potent, allowing her to more easily catch prey and defend herself from predation. 

Disease & Death

They will commonly catch diseases that affect other insects, due to their consumption of weaker individuals. Females commonly die after their last clutch of eggs, once the eggs hatch they consume the body, giving them a greater chance at survival than other clutches. 

Intelligence & Communication

They are one of the most intelligent insect species on Drakone, and are even capable of formulating plans. When they encounter another, they communicate via body language. 


They are hostile to almost everything. If it is smaller than them, it is prey. If it is larger than them, it is trying to eat it. This aggression extends to intra-species interactions, and they often eat each other. 

Society & Organization

They are solitary creatures, and only meet when fighting, eating, or mating. They do establish small territories, but often abandon these in search of better areas. They mark their territories with a barrier of thin webbing. 


Eyes: 2 (common), 4 (uncommon), 6 (rare), 8 (super rare)

Antennae: thin (common), end tuft (uncommon), fuzzy/moth (rare), double of any type (super rare) 

Fuzz: little short fuzz (common), no fuzz (uncommon), covered in short fuzz (rare), medium-length fuzz (super rare)

Legs: 2 front and 8 back (common), 2 front and 6 back (uncommon), 4 front and 6 back (rare), 4 front and 8 back (super rare)

Wings: small and unuseable (common), large and unuseable (uncommon), small and useable (rare), large and useable (super rare)