

An open species by Metalharpey



Their ancestors were known to live in prides (like lions), meaning several females and very few males. 

This is still their way of life most of the time in the wild. 

However when kept for farming purposes, most of the time there will only be hens and no roosters, or at the very least they're separated to avoid unwanted offspring and behaviour.

Roosters are often used as mounts for quick transport on land or trained to catch flying birds and bring them to their owner.



Males (roosters) weigh about 90kg / 200lb, with a shoulder height of 1.20m / 3'11. They have a wingspan of 3-4m / 9'10-13'4 with 2 finger claws at the hand joint. They can bend and grab like our own fingers would. 

Roosters can be ridden, both on land as well as flying mount. A saddle is recommended as their feathers are not suitable to hold on to. 


Females (hens) are about half the size and weight of roosters and cannot be ridden. They have 1 finger claw at the hand joint which consists of a singular bone (it can't bend). Every other day, they lay an egg about half the size of an ostrich. This is equal to 12 regular chicken eggs.


Roosters can have all sorts of bright colours. Hens are usually a bit more muted colours, pastels or on the dark end of the spectrum. 

They can have bright colored markings, however this can make them a target to predators and makes it harder to blend in with the rest of the pride. 


Grains (wheat, corn etc), berries, vegetables & mushrooms.

If this is not available (i.e. winter) they can also live on grass, moss, twigs and bark.

Food Chain Rank

They're neither prey nor predator. Chookens are herbivores and aren't interested in other creatures most of the time. 

As females can't fly they are sometimes targeted by predators such as Aviasaurs. However because theyre in a pride most of the time they're protected by numbers and roosters will defend their hens by all means.

Typical Personality

Hens are easy to deal with, they're quiet and tend to keep to themselves.

Males can sometimes be a little difficult. They're typically the ones spotting danger and will alert the pride whenever they feel like they should. When kept without hens they're easier to work with, and can even be trained. 


Tilting and shaking their heads for communication, flapping wings or hopping (it's a hen thing cuz they can't fly) when in distress.

It's very similar to actual chickens.

The only sounds they make are clucking quietly while grazing, and screeches when in distress.


Hens depend on the safety of numbers, as they have little defense skills. They can use their wing claw and front legs to scratch and make dust clouds. Most of the time they will try to run away (they're actually pretty fast on 4 legs).

Roosters use their wings to intimidate predators and create gusts of wind. When it comes to close combat, they will use their beak and front legs to damage the enemy with pecking and scratching. They can also pick up enemies (if not mounted) and drop them mid-air. This is a last resort as chookens don't like violence and try not to put themselves at risk.

Average Life Span

50 to 75 years, depending on the fact if they're wild and roaming free or kept for farming purposes (farmers often have ways to keep their animals safe). 


Chookens lay eggs. Whenever a rooster is involved and done nasty things with the hen, she will lay fertilised eggs. 

After several weeks of incubation, a chick will hatch from it. 

List of traits