🐿️ Teromini 🦋

(flying rodents)

Just like normal rodents, these have advanced cognitive abilities.
They can learn quickly and remember complex pathways to things such as food.
They also have a spatial memory (remembering where food and danger is located) which they rely on rather than smell or hearing.
They’re also capable of adjusting to weather types (extreme heat & cold). 

All Teromini are herbivorous, feeding exclusively on plant material such as seeds, nuts, stems, leaves, flowers and roots.
When these are not available or hard to find, they can also feed on herbs, moss and other vegetation (hide your veggies!). 

During winter, they will hibernate. Before going into hibernation they will gain up to 50% extra of their weight, making it often harder to fly.
During these times you’ll more often see them running and climbing than flying. This is also a more dangerous period for them, as predators find them easy prey. 

Teromini often live in big families. They can mate all spring and summer. Pregnancy takes 20-31 days and they can get pregnant again only a few days later.
There can be multiple fathers to a single litter. One litter consists of 3 to 12 pups.

Teromini often bulk up on food right after hibernating. This makes it easier getting through pregnancy and caring for their pups.  
All males provide food for the females in the family, whether or not they have mated.
It’s rare to see couples stick together, as they prefer to be in a group. 

Pups are blind and hairless.
They grow a coat of fur within 2 weeks and begin to open their eyes. They have no wings! These grow after they survive their first hibernation.
Pups drink mother’s milk. This can be from any female who has given birth.
They often look like their parents, but in rare cases they can form different traits. 

However, mutations only carry over once per litter and sometimes not even then. 


Type of rodent

They can weigh up to 1kg. Anything beyond that and they will be unable to fly!
All of the Teromini rodents can mate with each other and provide offspring. 

Common: Gerbil, mice, chipmunk, rat, squirrel, lemming, hamster

Uncommon: Chinchilla, guinea pig/cavia, rabbit, pika, flying squirrel

Rare: Naked mole rat, jerboa, gopher, prairie dog

Mutation: Beaver, musk rat, hare, nutria/coypu, capybara, porcupine, mara, paca

Note: Mutations are unable to fly because they weigh too much.


Common: Neutral colors, browns, cream, tan, piebald

Uncommon: Black, white, subtle reds, pinks, albino

Rare: Blues, greens, purples

Mutation: Neon, bright or saturated colors, glow in the dark

Type of Wings

Teromini wings are extremely fragile and should never be touched bare handed, as they can rip easily.
The only exception being trained medics and other Teromini who know what they’re doing!

Common: Single bug wings, butterfly, moth

Uncommon: Double bug wings, dragonfly

Rare: Triple bug wings

Mutation: Hard cover (beetle)

Wings and eyes can have any kind of color.
Just keep in mind that bright colors are more likely to attract predators!


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a mouse Teromini with Moth wings, a bunny (mutation) Teromini with butterfly wings & a gerbil Teromini with triple bug wings (rare)